Nov 252015

While Jon's rapier wit here was wielded quite awhile ago, it makes points still of concern and appropo to today's reporting besides still making us laugh…so I bring it to you to help set the tone for giving thanks (if you are in the US and celebrating this week).




  11 Responses to “Jon Stewart HAMMERS Fox News for attacking food stamp recipients”

  1. Jon Stewart, fantastic, awesome, wonderful…..lucky to see him live at daughter's college parents weekend 

  2. My good friends the Furies, particularly Megaera*, thank you for bringing renewed attention to the way RWNJs can happily spend literally trillions on corporations while grudging anyone who is poor a nutritious meal.  And everyone appreciates how Jon can take ugly and make it funny.

    (*No, I wasn't going to use this one, I have a different one in mind.)

  3. It's good watching Jon. Poor folks struggle every month feeding their family, meanwhile Faux says they are living the good life. I bet none of the panel has even talked to, or visited a needy family, extended a hand in contributing food, blankets or treated them to dinner. Talk the talk, but don't do the walk, imho.

    Thanks, JL for post.

  4. Thanks for posting Jon Stewart on Food Stamp Receivers vs Tax Loopholes for Corporations. It's still as pertinent and as funny as it was in 2014. Faux News is still saying what they did in 2014: food stamp receivers that use loopholes should ror in hell, corporations that use loopholes should get more tax exemptions. And the Republican base still believes it. And that's not so funny.

  5. Thanks Judi.  I edited your post to embed the video.

  6. I love the old Daily Show clips when Jon got their goats! They just couldn't let it lay, so if course, Jon could do MORE skits on them! Loved it and always will miss Jon Stewart! 

    I heard that Jon was moving to HBO for a show! I GOTTA see that! UNcensored Jon Stewart so you don't have to watch it on the web to get ALL his feelings! AMAZING! AND FANTASTIC!

  7. I miss Jon Stewart soooooo much.  I'm trying to give Trevor Noah a chance, but he just doesn't have the edge that Jon has.  He does have a very sweet 'did I say that?' smile.

    I don't begrudge a person on food stamps having lobster occaisionally but know that they will be lucky to have Top Ramen for the rest of the month.

  8. Having been a Social worker who worked in both the Food Stamp Program and later Unemployment Insurance, I find almost anything Fox news says to by hyperbole, as Jon says.  Ninety nine percent of the folks I worked with did not want to be on either program, but due to circumstances beyond their control at the time, had no choice.  If any of these hotrods on faux news had ever been without or needed help they would not hesitate to ask for assistance, yet the begrudge a parent being able to feed his or her child.  My mom always says there will be a special place in hell for those people, and I think she is right.

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