Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how ridiculous InsaniTEA can become. I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.
Prominent Trump supporter in Oklahoma has wildly offensive Facebook page.
Unless you are from Oklahoma or are closely reading Donald Trump’s campaign literature in that state, you have probably never heard of Carol Hefner. But let us tell you, you are really missing out. The lady is a charmer! Described as a campaign coordinator and a co-chair of Trump’s state campaign, Hefner just loves posting ignorant, vile things about Muslims, blacks and transgender people. Just the sort of person who will make America great again.
Among her “great” ideas, per Talking Points Memo, are the notions that Muslims have infiltrated the Obama administration; that Clinton aide Huma Abedin has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood through her brother; and that Muslims and blacks were responsible for slavery. She is especially offended at the wearing of burquas, loves to point out that blacks owned slaves, calls transgender people mentally ill, and has posted messages suggesting Muslims go back “to the hell they came from.”
Come to think of it, that is pretty close to Trump’s position on immigrants. He recently suggested that Syrian refugees should go back and fight for their country, something we’re sure never occurred to them… [emphasis added]
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Due to Hefner’s important positions in Hairball’s campaign, he has to know her views and agree with them. He is so popular with Republican voters, because those hateful positions typify the Republican Party overall. This is just the 5th of five ridiculous Republican moments from last week alone. Click trough for the other four.
9 Responses to “This Week’s Most Ridiculous Republican Moments”
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Definitely a candidate for the title "Ridiculous"—now to go empty the barf bag. Thanks TC
Cross-posted to Care2 at:
1. I can resolve this. They are both too kind to Reagan, who was becoming progressively dumber while in office, yet never quite reached the point his idolaters claim (and probably believe) formed their philosophies.
2. True, I am not the first to say this, not is this the first time I have said it, but there is no such thing as a scholarship to West Point. So I can tell you he never got one without even moving from my chair. But I do think it might be a good idea to look into his medical credentials. What state is he licensed in? A FOIA request might not even be necessary. There are some states where you can look up anyone with (or claiming) any kind of a license on the interwwebs, and find out if the license exists, and if so, its status, and any complaints.
3. If Kasich thinks he knows of anyone, anywhere, any time, who died from an overdose of marijuana, he is nuttier than a fruitcake. Also, it's not only alcohol on which we send the message that it's OK, It's also nicotine. Oh, yeah, and aspirin. Don't get a headache or a fever, kids, your life could be ruined.
4. That really is an absurd statement, on so many levels, isn't it? Besides being so obvious that it is a "religious test," prohibited by the Constitution, that AlterNet didn't even bother to mention it.
5. So is she any relation to that dame in Minnesota? Or is it just a spiritual sisterhood? (Gene, we know thaere are some wonderful people in Coon Rapids; she does not reflect on you.) I might just mention that the extreme dark circles under her eyes (they are not puffy, just dark, if the picture is accurate) are often a tell tale symptom of debilitating allergies, and also that such allergies can lead to extreme mood swings. I am not suggesting that allergy treatment could make her sane, but it might just help her refrain from committing batteries on no provocation.
I might just add that AlterNet has so much to do to feature the crazies who are major players, they sometimes miss the extremely amusing little stuff, like this pin-up calendar. It was also featured in Daily Kos.
Geez!!! Oklahomans embarrass the hell out of me!!! I wish I lived in a BLUE state! If I could move, I would! Anywhere but Oklahoma!!
My blood pressure goes too high when I click thru for the rest of the stupid "tricks" that the immeasurably stupid Repukkklicans do every week!!
I'm ao sorry!! Hugs!!
This pair makes Beavis and Butthead look intelligent! Yes, I know, but my youngest used to love them, when he lived in another universe.
This chick should go far in a Trump administration!
another loony related to Bachmann or Palin?
Glad you all survived the article.