Nov 042015

Well, many locales in the US had elections yesterday so I will be cruising the trades to see what happened.  One thing I did hear last night was that Kentucky elected Tea Partier Matt Bevin as governor.  What is in the water there???  McTurtle, Paul, Davis and now Bevin?  OMG!!!  On the other hand, Justin Trudeau was sworn in as the new Prime Minister of Canada this morning with a full cabinet.  But more on that later.  There's lots more going on so I best get at it.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 4:23 (average 6:10). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Short Takes

Huffington Post — House Republicans are pushing to give private debt collectors the right to target all unpaid tax bills, handing a traditional IRS responsibility over to an industry with a long record of consumer abuse.

I was aghast when I read this piece.  With approximately 79% of those owing taxes being low income taxpayers with no resources for taxes, perhaps the IRS should be going after the 21% who are not low income, including corporations and those that utilise off-shore havens.  Of course, that might necessitate some new policies and laws. . . . when pigs fly!

Mother Jones — Carson has repeatedly—including last year on Fox News—cited Skousen, who died in 2006, as the key to understanding what has happened in the United States over the past half-century. The most recent edition of Skousen's book trumpets Carson's endorsement on the front cover: "The Naked Communist lays out the whole progressive plan. It is unbelievable how fast it has been achieved." In 2007, the conservative National Review called Skousen an "all-around nutjob."


Click through for the rest of the article.  The video is 21 minutes but Carson's speech is about 14 minutes long. Although this speech was given in 2014, it is as valid today as it was then.  There is no doubt about it, Carson is a right wing nut job!

From the files of "You've Got to be Kidding!" — On Monday, the Texas Supreme Court will hear arguments over whether Christian parents of homeschooled children have to follow basic educational standards or if they're allowed to keep their kids blissfully free of knowledge as they wait to be whisked off to heaven.

I might say "Only in Texas" but it seems Texas is not the only state that does not supervise home schooling.  Read the rest.  Bravo to the oldest child that tried to enroll in school herself.

The New Yorker — In an improbable development that few saw coming, on Tuesday night Senator Rand Paul lost his title as the most embarrassing thing about Kentucky.

I extend my condolences to you Edie, you and the 400,000 plus Kentuckians who will likely lose their health insurance.

My Universe — OK Nameless, you're not the only one who leaves the toilet lid up and whose cat drinks from the toilet!


  17 Responses to “Squatch’s Open Thread 04/11/2015”

  1. 7:29 (average 8:37 when I did it)  Yes, that was really the 48 piece classic.  Really.

    HuffPo – What more is there to be said about privatization after you have said it ALWAYS costs more and delivers less than letting the Government do its damn' job?  (Actually, I would love to see private debt collectors going after the 21%.  Bully vs. Bully.  Pass the popcorn)

    MoJo – Oh, hey, cheer up.  It's quite possible, maybe even probable, that Carson isn't really running, that his whole campaign is merely a direct mail scam.

    AlterNet – In a sane country with sane judges, this would spell the beginning of the end for homeschooling, period.  The state's interest in education is that the state needs educated citizens in order to function at all, and that oublic interest clearly overrides any private interest.  That is not to say that parents should have no say on education.  All voters should have a say on education, and that includes parents.  But the overriding public interest should always be paramount.

    New Yorker – Agree, Edie, I am so sorry for this tragedy.  You probably don't want a preview of healthcare, but if you do, here is one –
    You have my prayers.

    Universe – Poor Simon!  We cat people really love our cats, or we wouldn't put up with that.

    • Thanks, Joanne, but I am one of the lucky ones who won't be much affected by this.  that said, Bevins has all ready announced he is going to revise teacher and state employee retirement packages. That will affect me if he gets it passed.  I feel sorry for the thousands who will lose the only insurance they have ever had thanks to this nut job and the nuttier folks who elected him.

  2. HuffPo: The poor are poor, and will get poorer in debt, the Repugs do and say what's good for them.

    MJ: Yes, get out and Vote, GO, Bernie Sanders!!!

    AlterNet: I don't know of any homes schooled students here, personally. It will be interesting to see how Texas Supreme Court rules. Kudos to their daughter who tried to enroll herself.

    New Yorker: Scary indeed. So sorry, Edie!

    Cartoon: This happens at my house. I blame the dog, never the cat.

    Enjoy your evening, y'all, thanks!!

    • Thanks, Pat.  The Democrats still outnumber the Republicans in our House of Rep. so they will have some say in what he does.  Hopefully.

  3. Normal TEAbuggery for Republicans.

    A smarter kitty would have left a turd outside of the shower.

  4. 5:00  I was moving too slow.

  5. Interesting that Carson would refer to that book at the Nixon library, given King Richard's credentials as a Commie Hunter.  Of coure the strategy of infiltrating the culture with politically driven people, is ONCE AGAIN IN GOPIG HISTORY, just what they have been doing for years. G.W.bush put numerous people into politically senitive positions brfoe he left office, for example.

    Carson is soooooooooooo #####**** stupid and deluded!

  6. Houston got rid of their LGBTQ discrimination ordinance, too.  In Jefferson County, all the Koch-bought school board members bit the dust and their opponents voted in (so no more rewrite AP history).  I think KY had low voter turnout around 32%, sadly

    I read somewhere that more debt collection calls were to people that didn't really owe than who did…

    BC doesn't belong here in AD.

    CA home schooling transformed when requirements that it be supervised by a qualified teacher became law.

  7. First, let me tell all of you that I have had to take extra blood pressure medicine today, to survive yesterday's debacle.  Conway was ahead six percent when the polls opened.  Low voter turnout is one problem, the other is the millions of dollars the Republicans threw Bevins in the last month all condemning Conway for the loss of coalmining jobs, thanks to his pal Obama.  That sealed it, I am sure.  The last Republican governor we had bankrupted the state, and half his administration is in jail now.  Lynn, I don't think it is the water, it is the coal dust in the air that is making everyone crazy.

    Huffington Post:  As usual, the Republicans are protecting their donors.  The private debt collectors give much money to them.  The poor are always subjected to the harshest penalties.  Our new governor, MATT BEVINS,  has had tax delinquencies thirty times on his businesses.  Look where he is now, the new governor of Kentucky.

    Mother Jones:  I don't even have to watch the video to know he is a nut job.

    From the files of:  Texans don't kid about anything.  I cannot fathom a government that would allow children to get no education, but that is what this amounts to, and I don't favor home schooling except in very limited situations, such as a child who is too ill to attend.  very few parents have enough training themselves to be able to teach what their children need to know.  Also, too many education departments are lax on verifying that the correct info is being taught.

    The New Yorker:  As usual, Andy has it right again.  No one saw this coming.

    Poor Simon!  So far none of mine have flushed the toilet.




  8. Thanks for being so busy for us, Lynn. I'm ver late, almost a day late because of the time difference, so I promise to read it all, but I can't comment on all.

    In general: Liberals may be disappointed with the overall outcome of the elections, but surely they're not surprised? Nothing much has changed since 2014, has it. Yes the Clown's car of candidates puts even the Republican's to shame, but their tactics haven't changed a bit and their voters are still the same and they tend to turn up more at elections too. Of course the American voting system is rotten to the core, but unless Democrats stop focusing on the presidential elections and start addressing all their voters and make it worthwhile to come to vote, the GOP will take more and lead the country into chaos. There have been a few close calls, so that's very encouraging, but to win Congress back and congresses in states, a lot more effort is needed.

    Huffington Post: If liberals don't get their act together soon, people will see only more of these direct attacks on the poor and downtrodden.

    You've got to be kidding: Very aptly named. My mouth is still hanging open from this. Please tell me it is only a handfull states that allow this.

    Tne New Yorker: Andy took me by surprise on this one, but that's because I just couldn't imagine anything worse and more embarrassing than Rand Paul. But there you have it: Tea Party Governor: Matt Bevin. I don't know the first thing about him but I'm sure I will very soon and right here. One could argue that Kentucky got what it wanted, but I doubt Edie and a lot of her friends won't agree.

    My Universe: Can't have enough Simon's Cat.


    The text of the TransPacific Partnership was released this morning. We have 60 days to read it.

  10. Some background facts to keep in mind whenever Ben Carson is mentioned:

    Grew up in public housing

    Fed with food stamps

    Kept healthy with Medicaid

    Educated in public schools

    Got eyeglasses from state agency

    Benefited from affirmative action to enter college

    Used federal loans and Pell grants in undergrad school

    Benefited from affirmative action to enter medical school

    Med school paid for with grant from USPHS (US Public Health Services)

    So basically Carson's been supported with government welfare a good deal of his life … damn Welfare Queen!

  11. Thanks everyone!!

    I have a possible sinus infection and headache . . . close to doing a face plant.  Goodnight!

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