Nov 012015

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how nutty InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

No one can top Donald Trump’s comically clueless statement this week that he knows hardship because his dad only gave him a small loan of a million dollars. And he had to pay it back! With interest! Still, the right wing is honing its comic skills and perfecting it’s lift-off from any semblance of reality whatsoever.

3. Ben Carson’s his fool-proof plan to deal with sea level rise.


Ben Carson is kind of a Republican superhero. He separates conjoined twins, lies through his teeth about his relationship with the shady nutritional supplements company Mannatech, and solves the problem of the drastic seal level rise that is coming our way all in a single bound, and while he is seemingly half awake. See? Superhero!

The GOP presidential frontrunner, who unlike his peers is a man of science, never lets that extensive medical education stand in the fantasy world he lives in. He has previously gone on record questioning the Big Bang, evolution and gravity, and compared women who get abortions to slave-owners. This week, he unveiled his plan to deal with the watery effect of climate change.

The good doctor tweeted:

“It is important to remember that amateurs built the Ark and it was the professionals that built the Titanic.”

Yeupp, arks. Arks are the solution to the coming flood. It’s right there in the Bible. Don’t worry. God will show you how to build them. Just as god has shown us the best tax system, tithing.

No wonder Dr. Carson seems so relaxed all the time. He knows we’re in good hands.

Click through for the other four examples.  A 20 kilo fruitcake has less fruit in it than theses Republicans!


  13 Responses to “5 Comically Crazy Right-Wing Moments this Week”

  1. 1. Sarah Palinsane: Name says it all.

    2.Cruz:  Early Catholic Church.

    3. Carson: Flat brain dead.

    4. Huckabee: Heal thy brain.

    5. Jonah Goldberg: Oreo supporter for Carson.

    • Ben is a classic Oreo – but if Jonah is, he is a vanilla one.

      • lol. Guess I said it wrong. That's what happens while I was waiting for my morning cup of coffee. I should have said, "5. Jonah Goldberg: Oreo Carson supporter." A vanilla Oreo… What's that? lol. 

  2. 1. Poor Ted Cruz, what else can he do but thank her when Sarah Palin put another few catchy sound bites together ("the cornerstone of our democracy", " they deserved to be spanked") that always trigger an applause from the rabid base, but make no sense at all? He just got what he deserved, her attention and her trying to latch on to him. Good luck with that, Ted.

    2. See comment on yesterday's Open Thread

    3. More and more people take notice that Carson "is seemingly half awake" most of the time, and I've already suggested that he might be dipping in his own medical cookie-jar a bit too often, so his latest tweet about the Ark is no surprise at all. The only thing that really is of interest to me is the moment they find out that something is physically and mentally wrong with this man and what then what it is that ails him: some type of dementia or substance abuse.

    4. Might Dr. Carson be sharing his cookie-jar with Huckabee? His suggestion for healthcare is so spaced out it's gone far beyond asteroid Stupid right onto planet Insane.

    5. I think Chutzpah is the word to use when a Jewish guy from the Upper West Side of Manhattan (from Wikipedia) thinks himself an authority on black authenticity. 

    • WRT your #5:

      Yeah, but who among us has NOT sought the advice of a pasty-white, right-wing Rethuglican like Jonah Goldberg on matters of Black culture?


  3. Built an Ark to battle climate change?  Really, Ben?  Really?!?

    Paraphrasing from some comedian I think, but I just don’t get the total lack of intellectual curiosity among the Talibangelical christianists.

    They have NO problem believing that some 600 y/o man, with the help of 3 sons all over 100 y/o, could quickly build an ark to hold ALL the animals of the world that just happened to be roaming around nearby.

    (Don’t know about you, but I have some difficulty envisioning polar bears out in the Sinai desert.)

    And then they just waited around for their kind, loving, merciful god to kill everyone else in the world with a YUUUGGGEEE flood.

    No problem swallowing that story.  But climate change?  They just can’t buy that one.

    Is it even possible to fix THAT kind of willful ignorance?

  4. Excellent commentary. lol. 

    • Whoops. In the wrong place. The coment of mine refers to Nameless' comment above in # 3.  

  5. I'm not sure that any of these rise to the level of insanity as opposed to plan damn' stupidity.  With, of course, bigotry.

    Ben Carson's comment about the Ark has nothing to do with the ark actually.  It's just an anti-intellectual way of saying "Amateurs do things better then professionals do."  He could just as easily have brought up Heinrich Schliemann and Troy except that there isn't a terse, canned sentence about it.  Yes, occasionally throughout history there have been situations where amateurs accomplished what professionals did not.  It doesn't mean that all professionals are always wrong.  Far from it.  If one looks closely at the stories one will usually find something that casts doubt on the details anyway.  The character of Sherlock Holnes was based on an amateur accomplishing what professionals could not, but with his studies and attention to detail he WAS a professional in everything but name (and a regular salary). 

  6. 1.  Maybe if Cruz is the nominee  he will pick Failin' Palin as his running mate. YES!

    2.  I deny that Cruz is a human being/

    3.  Yes! An ark is what we need. I really think he should be drug-tested.

    4.  Why hasn't he prayed for the cures?

    5.  He is relevant for what reason?

  7. Gag me with a spoon please–it's so much safer!

  8. Wow, Lynn, this had all the crazies in it.   I have really enjoyed Trump's whining about the "loan" of one million dollars he got from his father, poor guy.  When I left school my dad was still working a brutal job as a coal miner, trying to support his family, and educate the other three kids.  I had a scholarship and loans, and worked to get through school, but my dad helped as much as he could.   Poor Donald, having to repay the loan.

    Cruz and Palin are a perfect combination.  Remember the movie,  Dumb and Dumber?

    Carson is proof that being educated does not mean you have any intelligence.

    Huckabee:  I hope his prayers work, I really do, but I will spend more time hoping that research pays off and these diseases are cured.

    Jonah Goldberg has brilliant illusions, doesn't he?

  9. The Republican candidates: Batshit crazy and doorstop stupid. Forget the cookie references; they're all crackers.

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