Oct 132015

Well today was turkey day!  I say "was" because I have already consumed a wonderfully moist turkey dinner with all the trimmings and a piece of pumpkin pie.  I am satiated!  I can still smell that turkey! So now to finish up with that smell firmly planted in my mind. 

Puzzle — Today’s took me 4:40 (average 5:51). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Short Takes

Upworthy — Kids try to tell us things all the time that they don't know how to describe.

They don't have the words to say it. Or they're embarrassed, or terrified, like the child in this video. (And while the stat at the end of the video is specifically about India, I've included a look at other countries and here at home below.)

It pays to be very aware of what is going on with kids.  Listen to what theysay, and don't say.

Alternet — Why is Ryan likely to take the bait and become the next speaker? As he wrote in 2012, grousing about compromise after compromise that he had to vote for, “Taken together, these experiences taught me valuable lessons about how the House and Senate operate, and I came away with an even deeper appreciation for the role of congressional leadership. Who holds the top post really matters because the decisions they make at the outset determine the votes that ever member has to take and how much good we can achieve for the country and our fellow citizens.”

What follows are six examples of the “good we can achieve” if Ryan becomes speaker.

Read the entire Alternet article to get a flavour of Ryan's “good we can achieve”.  I don't think that there will much of any good coming out Washington with a severely conservative Congress. November 2015 is the time to make some changes at the state and local levels.  2016 is the time to make big changes in the Congress for a more balanced Congress, a progressive Congress. 

Huffington Post — Iran's parliament passed a bill on Tuesday supporting a nuclear deal with world powers, signaling a victory for the government over conservative opponents of the agreement and clearing the way for it to be implemented.

Athena Image

Many lawmakers strongly opposed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that President Hassan Rouhani's government reached with world powers on July 14, and Tuesday's vote removes an obstacle to putting the agreement into practice.

The article goes on to state that if sanctions are not removed as per the agreement, Iran will resume its nuclear activities.  With saber rattling by Sunni Saudi Arabia towards Shite Iran and Russia, there is more chance of a bigger war in the Middle East.  All parties must stick to the deal.  Spend some time reading The Historic Deal that Will Prevent Iran from Acquiring a Nuclear Weapon .

My Universe — 


Oct 122015

If you forgot and tried to go to most banks today, you were quickly reminded it’s Columbus Day.  No doubt it brought back grade school memories of singing:


In fourteen hundred ninety-two,

Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

He had three ships and left from Spain.

He sailed through sunshine, wind and rain.

On those lyrics all Americans can agree.  After that, the story in song – and in deed – quickly diverges from facts to some pretty amazing myth.

Congress set aside the second Monday of October as a federal holiday honoring Columbus since 1934.  But Native Americans are slowly winning more recognition to transform it to Indigenous Peoples Day.

Back in 1990, South Dakota voted to rename Columbus Day to Native American Day.  And a number of cities, let by Berkeley, California since 1992, have succeeded in renaming it Indigenous Peoples Day.  That list now also includes Seattle, Minneapolis, Albuquerque, Lawrence KS, Portland OR, Olympia WA, St. Paul and a few others.



Clearly this is a controversial issue with those wanting to honor Columbus and those wanting to recognize the history of Native Americans having valid points.  I would hope that there’s enough Solomon-like wisdom among us that we can reach a fair compromise recognizing both cultures’ contributions.

So what are your thoughts?

This one has an even-handed look at the historical background of Columbus Day:


And for more background reading and resources used for this short post:


http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2015/10/12/3711539/indigenous-peoples-day/ [MAP GRAPHIC – for a larger view]




Oct 122015


In Canada, Thanksgiving dates back to 1578 and the exploration of the Northwest Passage by Martin Frobisher.  Canada was untouched by Columbus but many non Canadian people associate Thanksgiving with the US Columbus Day.  Rather our first contact with Europeans came in the 12th century with the arrival of the Norse explorer Leif Erikson of Iceland, and later Greenland.  From Wikipedia  Thanksgiving in Canada  

"Years later, French settlers, having crossed the ocean and arrived in Canada with explorer Samuel de Champlain, in 1604 onwards also held huge feasts of thanks. They even formed the Order of Good Cheer and gladly shared their food with their First Nations neighbours."

The Canadian Thanksgiving "… corresponds to the English and continental European Harvest festival, with churches decorated with cornucopias, pumpkins, corn, wheat sheaves, and other harvest bounty, … drawn from biblical stories relating to the Jewish harvest festival of Sukkot."

I know that my own church has large displays of harvest bounty. We support others with a "modern bounty" . . .  food donations that go to our local food bank.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Oct 122015

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here  in Canada.  I visited my mother and fed her a turkey dinner with all the trimmings today . . . although for her, it is all mashed as she can't chew well.  I usually sit between my mother and another resident alternating feeding.  It helps the staff to have another set of hands and eyes.  By the time I went home, I was exhausted.  So here I sit finishing the tail end of the Open Thread having just swallowed the last of my dinner.  I am thankful for many things but I am especially thankful for TC and everything that he has taught me; for the friendships of Nameless, JL and Joanne; and for all of you that keep me going.  Thank you.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 2:50 (average 4:23). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Upworthy — In recent years, we're seeing more and more artists explore new mediums that reduce their environmental impact, like salt, ice, and even trash. It's leading to some incredible work.  

Joanna's medium of choice?  Fallen leaves.

Having majored in fine arts in high school and been accepted to study fine arts at university, I feel I know a thing or two. Joanna's work is exceptional.  Read more at Upworthy.

Mother Jones — Perhaps realizing that Cruz does need to grab some early-state mojo, his campaign has decided to focus more on Iowa. Starting next week, Cruz will blast through the state with 20 campaign stops in seven days.

Is that enough? Robinson suggests that if Cruz wants his rivals to implode, he might have to start explicitly attacking candidates in his brackets, such as Carson, who has a strong presence in Iowa and major support among the evangelical voters whom Cruz needs. Instead, Cruz is acting like a front-runner, setting up a "firewall" and avoiding direct clashes with his primary rivals.

"What signs are there that these [other candidates] are just going to be a flash in the pan and Ted Cruz is going to pick up the crumbs?" asks Robinson. "I don't see any evidence of that."

So, how's it going for you, Cruz?  My prediction: Cruz won't last because his non plan is a bust.  Read more at Mother Jones.

Think Progress — USHCC President Javier Palomarez challenged the Ohio governor on the fact that women in his state working full time are getting paid roughly 78 percent of what men make — according to figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau. For Latina women across the U.S., the gap is even greater: just 54 percent of what men made in 2014.

Palomarez pointed out that Kasich has daughters of his own, and asked how he explains this disparity to them.

“Well, a lot of it is based on experience,” Kasich replied. “A lot of different factors go into it. It’s all tied up in skills. Do you not have the skills to be able to compete?”

Kasich really knows how to step in it . . . and right up to his neck!  This is the same Republican candidate vying for the nomination to run for POTUS. This is also the same man that on 09/10/2015 said to a New Hampshire audience member that he would "get over" cuts to Social Security payments as a result of his reform plan.  A most despicable little man. Read the rest at Think Progress.

My Universe — Mornings can be a bitch. Especially Mondays.

Oct 112015

Okay, so it’ll be a tad more than 2,000 words – I just renewed my “Poetic License”.

The graphics are from the weekend edition of a well-researched article in “The New York Times” titled “The Families Funding the 2016 Presidential Election”.

They are overwhelmingly white, rich, older and male, in a nation that is being remade by the young, by women, and by black and brown voters. Across a sprawling country, they reside in an archipelago of wealth….

Now they are deploying their vast wealth in the political arena, providing almost half of all the seed money raised to support Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. Just 158 families, along with companies they own or control, contributed $176 million in the first phase of the campaign….

But regardless of [the] industry, the families investing the most in presidential politics overwhelmingly lean right, contributing tens of millions of dollars to support Republican candidates who have pledged to pare regulations; cut taxes on income, capital gains and inheritances; and shrink entitlement programs.

The online article opens with a compelling, dramatic graphic that as you scroll down automatically zooms into the tippy top of the pile.  Not sure how they did it, because it’s not a GIF or flash, but I was immediately impressed!

And to enjoy the full impact, you really should view it online from the link above.  The entire article is well-worth the read, but here is their "Cliffs Notes" version as a 2,000 word essay.

Oh, and … Thanks, Citizens United!



Oct 112015

Yep, it's Saturday night and time for Right Wing Follies brought to you by the Republican Party of the US and their right wing associates. 

Guano Girl!  She's baaack!!

3. Climatologist and biblical scholar Michelle Bachmann has a theory about floods.

Where there is horrifically bad weather in America, there will always be some kook proclaiming it is God’s wrath for America’s sinful ways. Same sex marriage, blah blah, abortion, yah de yah de yah.

This week the storm in question was the flooding in South Carolina, and the kook in question was Michelle Bachmann. Turns out that the severe flooding in South Carolina and parts of North Carolina, yep, God’s wrath, people. What’s God pissed off about now? U.S. policy on Israel. “US turns back on Israel, disasters following,” Bachmann tweeted, employing some headscratching grammar. She helpfully included dramatic flood pictures from South Carolina, so her followers would know which biblical flood she was referring to.

How exactly the US is turning its back on Israel is not explained. Of course, this is not the first time Bachmann has pointed out that President Obama’s foreign policy is hastening the End Times. They are nigh, people! Time to take that crash course in arc building. 

I have a theory about a flood . . . specifically the flood of nonsense that eminates from Guano Girl!  It seems that if she is denied an audience for any length of time, she comes right off the rails! . . . even more than usual!

Read about the other four Right Wing Moments this Week in Alternet and don't forget the popcorn.

Oct 112015

It has been raining all day long.  I could hear the steady beat against the rain spout beside the den window.  The furbabes are surrounding my feet. Could life get any better?

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:20 (average 7:09). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Short Takes

Upworthy h/t JL — "It makes their day, and it makes mine to see them smilin' and happy!" he said.

I like his style!  My kind of teacher.

Raw Story — Then Noah asked a question that Maddow found nearly impossible to answer.

“If you had to vote for one of the Republican candidates, if someone held a gun to your head because Ben Carson said (to) point it that way, who would you vote for if you had to vote for one of the main 12?” Noah asked.

Read the rest of this short article and view the video at Raw Story. Unfortunately, I couldn't watch the video because it is not on The Comedy Network (Canada's version of Comedy Central) yet, and Comedy Central is not available in Canada.

Daily Kosh/t Pat B — After a Houston-area mother complained about how his son's ninth-grade Word Geography textbook defined African American slaves as migrants and workers, I was curious to see what my son’s seventh-grade Texas History textbook would say about slavery and immigration. So I looked at the online edition (the history teacher refused to let my son bring home the textbook) of the Texas History textbook published by McGraw-Hill, the same publisher of the now infamous high school World Geography book. And McGraw-Hill did not disappoint me!

Read the rest of this article at Daily Kos.  The saying "History is written by the victors" as attributed to Winston Churchill, seems apt here.  The text misinforms readers and gives short shrift to the history of African Americans, something totally unacceptable.

My Universe — Sitting down to a great mousey dinner!

Oct 102015

I am sitting here checking out some news to cover, and I can hear the rain outside.  It is very relaxing to hear as I prepare tomorrow's only article.  It is the remnants of Hurricane Oho, the tail end, as Oho has headed up to Alaska. Earlier, while driving about, I had listened to news of the House Speaker's race, followed closely by the news of Oho.  I started laughing because I thought they had announced the hurricane's name as Hurricane A##hole. I do have some hearing deficits, but still . . . Maybe it is Washington that has Hurricane A##hole . . .  right in the Republican conference room.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:04 (average 5:04). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Short Takes

Alternet  Why won't the media acknowledge and report the truth rather than made-up issues is the burning question on Paul Krugman's mind in his column Friday. He was spurred by Representative Kevin McCarthy, no longer in the running for Speaker of the House, who guilelessly boasted that Benghazi was all about hurting Hillary Clinton politically, which most sentient beings knew.

IMO, the media should be reporting the facts, reporting the news, NOT being the news.  For example, Fox News aka Faux Noise, or for me just plain Faux, is a prime example of so called media being the news rather than reporting the news.  At best, the work of O'Reilly, Hannity and the multitude of other on air personalities, is opinion, not news.  They are the Republican/TeaParty propaganda wing.

Common Dreams — In what privacy advocates are hailing as a landmark victory, California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed into law a sweeping tech privacy bill which will require police in the state to obtain warrants for access to telecommunications data, including emails, text messages, GPS coordinates, and other digital information.


"This is a major win for privacy and for Californians. With so much of our information existing online, it's important that our communications are protected from government access to the strongest degree possible," said G.S. Hans, policy counsel and director for the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT).

Now, if more states, indeed more countries, take similar steps, would we still have the feeling of 'big brother is watching'?  That a person's communication in electronic form is treated differently than that on paper is absolutely ridiculous.

Alternet — Socialism is not about “free stuff,” but cracking down on these corporations that exploit their workers and then rely on the government to make sure they don’t starve. It is not about being lazy and slacking off, but about demanding a fair share and getting paid decently for one’s labor — it is yet another right wing fallacy that people get paid what they’re worth, and that only lazy people are poor. Socialism is about working people, not slackers. It is about fighting capitalist realities like the fact that the top 25 hedge fund managers in America make more money than all of the 157,800 kindergarten teachers combined. Are investors who produce no value really worth that much more than teachers?

I couldn't agree more with the author.  Being a Canuck, I am accustomed to a more socialist view of what life should be.  Mahatma Gandhi said “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”  I would alter that slightly to be “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its people and animals are treated.”

My Universeh/t Sarah D

dont know about you but im ready for the weekend
