Aug 032015

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how despicable InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

Fox News finds new ways to blame unarmed black men for their own deaths by cop.

FoxFandBAll these videotapes of unarmed black men being executed by cops are really starting to grate on Fox Newsians. On Friday’s stellar discussion on “The Five,” Eric Bolling and Kimberly Guilfoyle had to struggle to find a way to blame the black guy again. They were forced to grudgingly admit that Samuel DuBose should not have been shot and killed by Cincinnati cop Ray Tensing.

“It’s tough because look, first of all it’s a tragedy,” Bolling ventured. “There’s another instance where someone had a missing front license plate and ends up dead.”

But still, Bolling really feels, “everyone is rushing this,” even the prosecutor. “I’m not defending this at all, but people have to realize you can’t resist arrest.”

So, actually he is defending it.

“This guy is taking off,” he continued. “I don’t think that cop was fearing for his life, so I think he’ll probably be found guilty, but stop resisting.”

Yes, unarmed black people, stop making cops shoot you.

Guilfoyle agreed that the people who put themselves in danger are to blame, rather than the ones doing the shooting.

“Time and time again, it always comes down to someone getting hurt, getting killed, by bad decisions by a cop,” Bolling said. “But those decisions wouldn’t have been made if the perp didn’t run away. Can you imagine what society would be like if everyone thought, if I just run away that cop can’t chase me? We’d be a lawless society.”

So, thank goodness, the Fox Newsians were able to preserve their world view of innocent cops forced to make bad decisions by unruly black people. It’s getting harder and harder…

Inserted from <Alternet>

You can always count on the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, to goose-step behind Republican Racism.  Those folks just love to hate!  This is only the first of six despicable Republican moments from last week alone.  Click through for the other five.

Aug 032015

It appears that the worst of the heat wave is ending for now, with 86° forecast today followed by three days in the low 80°s.  Of course it will take a couple days for this building to shed the accumulated heat.  This week I have a lot of cleaning and organizing to do.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Either the site has technical issues, or there;s something wrong with my system, because all my attempts to go there have loaded a blank page.  To try it yourself, click here.  Please let us know if you get through.

Short Takes:

From YouTube: Racist Commercials [suitable for Republican racism]


These ads come from the British film Confederate States of America, but accurately reflect the state of racial equity we could expect if Republicans are successful in achieving their goal of establishing a permanent Republican Reich.

From NY Times: Despite the repeated horror of mass shootings in churches, movie theaters and schoolrooms, the Republican candidates running for president are remarkably quiet about how they would deal with this most pressing public health challenge.

“We define gun control real simple — that’s hitting what you aim at,” Senator Ted Cruz of Texas told a political gathering in New Hampshire earlier this year, typifying the level of pandering by the Republican field to the gun lobby.

In contrast, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination, is taking up the gun control issue once more, 15 years after the defeat of Al Gore left her party leaders swearing off the subject as a losing cause. “We have to take on the gun lobby,” Mrs. Clinton told a New Hampshire crowd last month. “This is a controversial issue. I am well aware of that. But I think it is the height of irresponsibility not to talk about it.”

Tell that to the Republican candidates staunchly opposed to gun safety laws, like limits on ammunition used in the rapid-fire, battlefield-type weapons favored by mass shooters and a ban on unregistered weapon sales by dealers at gun shows. Mass shootings involving three or more murder victims have been on the rise in recent years, according to federal data, while gun production has more than doubled since 2008.

Republicans won’t admit it, but they really want the mass shootings to continue. They generate lots of fear, and keep NRA money flowing into the their campaign chests in return for their support of Ammosexual criminal gun rights.

From Alternet: As an unprecedented shift in public opinion brought about the legalization of gay marriage, a vigorous counter-current has been intensifying under the banner of “religious freedom”—an incredibly slippery term.

Perhaps the most radical definition of such freedom comes out of the relatively obscure tradition of Christian Reconstructionism, the subject of a new book by religious studies scholar Julie Ingersoll, Building God’s Kingdom: Inside the World of Christian Reconstructionism.  As Ingersoll explains, Reconstructionists basically reject the entire framework of secular political thought in which individual rights have meaning, so “freedom” as most Americans understand the term is not the issue at all. Indeed, they argue that such “freedom” is actually slavery—slavery to sin, that is.

Reconstructionists aim to establish a theocracy, though most would no doubt bristle at that description. They do not want to “take over the government” so much as they want to dismantle it. But the end result would be a social order based on biblical law—including all those Old Testament goodies like stoning gay people to death, while at the same time justifying “biblical slavery.”  These extreme views are accurate, Ingersoll explained, but at the same time quite misleading in suggesting that Reconstructionism is a fringe movement with little influence on the culture.

I agree with the author. The rabid Republican base goose steps almost entirely behind Reconstructionist Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians (the exact opposite of authentic Christians).



Cousin Pole Cat knows just how to spray them!

Aug 022015

In July, Politics Plus increased in activity from June.

Here is our latest summary:


Data from July 2015:

Reported period

Month Jul 2015





First visit

01 Jul 2015 – 00:00





Last visit

31 Jul 2015 – 23:59






Unique visitors

Number of visits




Viewed traffic *




(3.13 visits/visitor)


(2.93 Pages/Visit)


(7.68 Hits/Visit)

3.17 GB

(108.58 KB/Visit)

Not viewed traffic *






5.84 GB

Data from July 2014:

Reported period

Month Jul 2014





First visit

01 Jul 2014 – 00:00





Last visit

31 Jul 2014 – 23:57






Unique visitors

Number of visits




Viewed traffic *




(2.76 visits/visitor)


(2.72 Pages/Visit)


(8.11 Hits/Visit)

3.44 GB

(109.1 KB/Visit)

Not viewed traffic *






5.85 GB

This July was a slight decline from last year.

Here is our latest demographic data from Quantcast:


They miss a ton of raw data, but among those they can identify they are a valuable source of information.  We are still mostly older, well educated, poor and middle class, and politically active Democrats. 

Here is our latest ClustrMap:


ClustrMap misses a lot of, because many visits can’t be easily traced to a location.  It shows only the visits from March 3 to July 18, when it was last updated. 

Here are our top five articles:

Jane Smiley: Capitalist Pigs 1/17/2010 3,570
GOP Reps Just Love to Hate 7/10/2015 426
Happy Independence Day! 7/4/2015 222
Last Week’s Republican Lunacies 7/12/2015 188
Knowing is NOT Caring 7/11/2015 181

The count represents only the people who followed an external link to that specific article.  I’m quite pleased that four from July made the cut, because we usually get more visitors on older articles.

Here are our top non-blog/news referrers:

Care2 2,100
Google 1,324
Stumbleupon 214

All are up slightly.

Here are our top  blog/news referrers:

I have usually included fifteen here, but these eight are the only ones with two or more referrals.  This is the one stat that disappoints me most, because it means that we are no longer a go-to site for bloggers.  However, it seems we’re becoming a go-to site for activists, which is also good.

I apologize that we have no top commentators list this time.  I was so exhausted from going to my foot surgery in 103° weather that I fell asleep before copying the names, and when I awakened, the list had reset.  Mea culpa.

As the resident Big Mouth, I don’t count.  Those who leave their URLs in their comment headers, also get “linkey-love” here.  People who submit articles to Care2 can use their submitted news link from there. 

We have 220,619 links on other websites.

As of Midnight on August 1, we have 5,666 articles and 66,700 comments.

Kudos to SoINeedAName for posting the 66,000th comment.

I recommend using your own avatar. Go to Gravatar.  Sign up using the email address you use to post comments here and upload the image you want to use as your avatar.  Whenever you comment under that email address here or on any WordPress blog (several others too), that image will become your avatar.

We’re still slower than I’d like to be, and  I can only hope that improves.  The Clown Car is full and overflowing with presidential hopefuls, all of whom, without exception, will destroy this nation, if elected.  Whether you support Bernie or Hillary, I ask, once again, that you refrain from attacking the other and base your arguments on the good things about your choice.  However, it’s open season (politically) on the Republican candidates.  They and the Republican Bubble Machine will be repeating so many lies so often that we’ll be hard pressed to keep repeating  the truths.  I’ll do my best to assist you, by exposing the lies and presenting the truths clearly.  The first Faux Noise Cavalcade of Criminal Clowns is on August 6.  Stock up on barf bags.  You’re going to need them!

Thank you for all that you do, here and elsewhere.  You are the reason this site exists.

Aug 022015

Yesterday it reached 97°.  Today will be almost as hot.  We may have a couple of temperate days Wednesday and Thursday.  I’m staying heat hunkered.  I would love to have a nice rain storm, but this Republican-climate summer appears locked in.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:06 (average 4:51).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Just a few short weeks ago, the Kochs and the Republican party were in what one Republican operative said was an "all-out war" over who would control the party going forward. The Kochs have been systematically putting a ground force in place across the nation to build their own extremely sophisticated database, one that they would allow Republican candidates to use (excepting Trump). This alarmed the RNC because all that valuable information was not being held by them. That and the whole thing about how "it’s very dangerous and wrong to allow a group of very strong, well-financed individuals who have no accountability to anyone to have control over who gets access to the data when, why and how," in the words of Katie Walsh, the RNC’s chief of staff.

But now it looks like the RNC has given up the fight.

Since then, the rhetoric has ratcheted down. Last week, i360 [the Koch data arm] and Data Trust [the RNC group] signed a deal to share data for the 2016 cycle.

"I do think there’s a value to making sure we’re all working together to ensure that we’re doing things efficiently and effectively. We appreciate everything the Kochs are doing, and it’s a huge help," Walsh told The Washington Post. "But at the end of the day, our focus is making sure that the voter file and the field staff are ready for the nominee to come in." […]

The RMC wanted to BE those “very strong, well financed individuals who have no accountability to anyone”, but now it’s official. The entire Republican Party is sucking nevermind.

From NY Times: Ken Paxton, the Republican attorney general of Texas and a former state legislator, has been indicted by a grand jury on charges of securities fraud and of failing to register with the state securities board, officials said.

The grand jury in the northern Dallas suburb of McKinney handed up a three-count indictment against Mr. Paxton on Tuesday, the officials said. The indictment is to be unsealed on Monday, when Mr. Paxton is expected to turn himself in to the authorities at the Collin County Jail.

The charges — two counts of first-degree securities fraud and one count of third-degree failure to register — are tied to Mr. Paxton’s work soliciting clients and investors for two companies while he was a member of the Texas House of Representatives, before he was elected attorney general in November.

What could be more natural for Republicans than to put one of their fellow criminals in charge of prosecuting lawbreakers.

From The Hill: President Obama is looking to cement his legacy on climate change.

His administration will finalize sweeping new regulations on power plants on Monday, which is sure to spark a fight with Republicans in Congress.

In a video released early Sunday, Obama called the plan "the biggest, most important step we’ve ever taken to combat climate change."


Kudos to Obama. Because this will hit the Koch Brothers right in the wallet, expect the entire Republican Party to become so frantic that a WA-A-A-A-A-Ambulance will be needed.




Poll Results–8/1/2015

 Posted by at 9:47 am  Blog News, Politics
Aug 012015

Here are the results of our “Republicns Blocking Peace” poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect thinking or will of the national majority.


Our Polling Host no longer allows us to copy and paste your comments made when taking the poll.  To read them, click here.

I voted no.  Although I strongly suspect that Congress will pass a bill to block the deal, Obama will veto it.  Republicans will not have enough votes to override the veto.

The new poll is up.  Please vote.

Editing error corrected.

Aug 012015

I won’t be too verbose. because I’ve been up since 4:00 this morning, making the graphs and collecting the data for tomorrow’s Monthly Report.  I also made a rice, eggs, veggies, and chili concoction for two or three dinners.  After I get my articles up, it’s nap time.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:27 (4:32 Average).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Media Matters: Republican insiders are complaining that the right-wing media "is shaping the party’s agenda in ways that are impeding Republicans’ ability to govern and to win presidential elections," according to a new Harvard report.

New York Times reporter Jackie Calmes, a Joan Shorenstein fellow at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, spent nearly four months researching how the conservative media is increasingly influencing the Republican Party. She found "unanimity among establishment Republicans — many of them conservatives by the definition of anyone but purists — that rightwing media has become a big problem for the party, and their readiness to talk about it, was something of a surprise to this reporter of three decades’ experience in Washington."

Since its founding in 2004, Media Matters has documented the increasingly extreme rhetoric and policy positions of conservative media. But party Republicans are now complaining that conservative commentators, many of whom are lining their pockets with big salaries, are making it difficult for Republicans to govern and win national elections.

Dave Schnittger, a longtime former top aide to House Republican leaders, told Calmes that conservative media are loudest in opposing actions "that leaders have to get done as part of governing," such as meeting basic fiscal deadlines.

Another top Republican aide, who asked for anonymity, complained of the conservative media: "There’s no money, ratings or clicks in everyone going along to get along." Calmes added, "Asked whether he could offer examples of legislative outcomes affected by conservative media, this Republican all but snapped, ‘Sure. All of ’em.’ Does he worry more broadly then about the small-d democratic process? ‘Yeah, absolutely. Because the loudest voices drown out the sensible ones and there’s no real space to have serious discussions.’"

While what they say is essentially true, the article misses the real point. The biggest reason that the Republican Bubble Machine is so harmful to establishment Republicans is that by saying what the rabid base, recruited by those same establishment Republicans, wants to hear, they are making it more difficult for those establishment Republicans to mislead voters about their true intentions.

From Daily Kos: In one simple quote, Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B. sums up the hypocrisy of some in the ‘pro-life’ movement:

"I do not believe that just because you’re opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don’t? Because you don’t want any tax money to go there. That’s not pro-life. That’s pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is."

This quote applies well to many Republican lawmakers and anti-choice extremists who continue to introduce/pass misogynist laws restricting a woman’s reproductive rights.

While I may disagree with the Sister’s views on a woman’s right to choose, I have to respect her belief. No respect is warranted for the beliefs of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians, who preach that the right to life ends at birth, because they would impose their will on people who do not share their beliefs.

From YouTube: Hillary Clinton: ‘Racial disparities go against everything I believe in’

During a speech at the National Urban League conference, Hillary Clinton talks about racial inequality in America, saying unfortunately, race determines who gets ahead in America and who gets left behind. She says this occurs because of discrimination that is still ongoing.


You decide for yourselves, but I found her speech brilliant. I particularly like her political savvy in choosing Strike Three as the occupant of the Clown Car important enough to call out for his lies.


