Aug 112015

I’m in a huge rush to get my articles written and posted in time to take a nap before going to prison to do volunteer work.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:24 (average 4:38).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Josten Bundy found himself before Judge Randall Rogers in an east Texas courtroom to face a misdemeanor charge stemming from a fight he got into with the ex-boyfriend of his girlfriend, Elizabeth Jaynes. With Elizabeth by his side, the judge asked Bundy if "she was worth it" and then put him on probation with bizarre stipulations:

“I said, well to be honest, sir, I was raised with four sisters and if any man was talking to a woman like that,” recalled Bundy,  “I’d probably do the same thing.”

Judge Rogers asked Bundy if he was married to Jaynes and then said, “You know, as a part of my probation, you’re going to have to marry her…within 30 days.”

That’s right. Judge Rogers forced the young couple to get married, which they did. Bundy was fearful the jail sentence would cost him his job and the couple had previously talked about getting married… the future. Judge Randall also forced Bundy to get counseling and write Bible verses.

Rogers should be defrocked and disbarred for 1st Amendment violations against Bundy and 8th Amendment violations against Janes.

From Alternet: Informed readers are well aware that US police have the dubious reputation of killing lots of civilians, compared to other countries. The War on Drugs provides much of the basis for this abomination…

…The Free Thought Project constantly reports on senseless, unjustified murders carried out by police, in the attempt to bring accountability to law enforcement run amok. Here are 10 of the most outrageous excuses police have used for killing unarmed people during the last year.

“He was walking with a purpose.” Officer Vanessa Miller killed Ryan Bollinger, 28, after witnessing him “dancing in the street” during a traffic stop. After a low-speed chase, Bollinger exited the vehicle and was “walking with a purpose” toward Miller, who then shot him from inside the car through the rolled-up window.

I’ve shared just one and ten examples of excuses made by police after they murdered innocent victims. Click through for the other nine.

From Democrats Unite: If I wrote that “Bernie Sanders admits to being a socialist,” nobody reading it would need an explanation of the word “admits.” “Socialist” is as dirty a word in US politics as “racist” or “bigot.” And for lots of voters, it’s probably even more of a deal-breaker. When a Republican really wants to insult President Obama, for example, he or she calls him a socialist.

The thing is — as the video below makes clear — America is already a socialist country, but just quietly, and only for the rich and for corporations. So the insult “socialist” only seems to really apply to things we ask the government to do for the rest of us.


In a word, Amen.



This is humor.  It is NOT s suggestion to do violence against Republicans.


Bernie in Portland

 Posted by at 1:06 pm  Politics
Aug 102015

Last night Bernie Sanders filled the arena, where the Portland Trail Blazers play basketball, and his rally was piped to thousands more, outside the venue.  I received an offer to buy tickets a couple weeks ago, and I was tempted, but from the place where one gets off the MAX train to the best seats is over a mile, and the cheap seats are much further.  So I had to pass.  But I stayed up late last night to watch the video, and I trust you will want to watch it too.

0810BerniePortlandVermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ insurgent campaign for president received a big boost Sunday when as many as 28,000 showed up for a high-decibel rally at the Moda Center.

The crowd packed the basketball arena – with a capacity of up to 19,000 — as thousands more couldn’t get inside and listened in on loudspeakers. A Moda Center official, Michael Lewellen, estimated the crowd at the free event totaled 28,000.

"Portland, you have done it better than anyone else," Sanders said as he opened a speech that lasted a full hour.

Sanders, who has been attracting the biggest crowds of any of presidential candidates this year with his slashing attacks on big corporations and the wealthy, vowed to push for a full range of cradle-to-grave benefits.

The senator received waves of thunderous applause as he vowed to fight for universal health benefits, paid family leave, paid sick leave, free public college tuition, a $15 minimum wage, expanded Social Security benefits and a major public works program to rebuild crumbling infrastructure… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Oregonian>

Bernie should not have been surprised that Oregon leads the way.  We usually do.  Here’s the complete video.  I searched high and low for a transcript, but was unable to find one.  I’m sorry.  Here’s the video.

Are you as impressed as I am?

Aug 102015

The good news is that I enjoyed the first glimmer of the Holy Ellipsoid Orb.  Viking fans should feel blessed.  The bad news is that a surprise heat wave has hit with temperatures in the 90°s for at least today and tomorrow.  Of course it has come just in time to coincide with  my voluntee3r day in prison.  While discretion might trump valor sufficiently for me to take the day off, my friend has her cancer surgery a week from tomorrow, so this is probably my last chance to work with my guys, until my three day volunteer trip late next month.  Discretion be dammed.  I’m going.  I’m also running late due to prep work for that, and  I got a late start too.  Thanks Lona.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:54 (average 5:46).  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Tempers flared in the aftermath of Thursday night’s Republican debate, as rival candidates accused the billionaire Donald Trump of failing to back up his misogynist slurs with concrete and workable anti-woman proposals.

Florida governor Jeb Bush and Wisconsin governor Scott Walker led the charge, as both of them asserted that Trump’s sexist rhetoric paled in comparison with their own strong records of opposition to women’s rights.

Andy is spot on again. Any Republican who would win the Presidency would put all of Hairball’s misogyny into practice, and then some.

From NY Times: A day of peaceful protest commemorating the killing of Michael Brown, an unarmed black 18-year-old, by a white police officer one year ago ended in gunfire late Sunday as multiple shots rang out on West Florissant Avenue, the commercial district hit by rioting last summer.

A St. Louis County police officer was involved in the shooting, which occurred at about 11:15 p.m., after coming under heavy gunfire, the department said in a post on Twitter. Another department post said, “At least 2 unmarked cars took shots.”

First, I condemn this attack on police officers in the strongest possible terms. That said, I’m not at all surprised that it happened.

From Think Progress: After Jake Tapper, host of CNN’s State of the Union, asked Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina about Netflix’s announcement that it will offer a year of unlimited paid family leave, the former Hewlett Packard CEO said she opposes any requirement that employers offer their workers paid leave.

“I don’t think it’s the role of government to dictate to the private sector how to manage their businesses, especially when it’s pretty clear that the private sector, like Netflix…is doing the right thing because they know it helps them attract the right talent,” she said. “I’m not saying I oppose paid maternity leave. What I’m saying is I oppose the federal government mandating paid maternity leave to every company out there. [emphasis added]

First, Netflix does not offer family leave to employees in it’s DVD division. Second, the family leave (up to 12 months) Netflix offers other employees is NOT paid. Having exposed Carly’s Republican lie, let me point out that she stands in the forefront of the Republican War on Women.



Aug 092015

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how hilariously unhinged InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

Rick Santorum also brings his crazy to the kiddie version of the GOP debate.

0809KiddieDebateBeing consigned to the junior GOP debate did not stop Rick Santorum from flying his flake flag high and proud this week. Santorum rewarded the early shift of GOP Debate Drinking Game participants by offering a triple whammy.

With an assist from debate moderator Bill Hemmer, Santorum was able to mash together abortion, same-sex marriage and slavery, and then compare himself to Abraham Lincoln. That takes some high-flying feats of delusional mental acrobatics. But Santorum proved utterly up to the task.

Hemmer reminded the candidate that abortion and now same-sex marriage are settled law thanks to Supreme Court decisions—those unfortunate byproducts of the Constitution so many conservatives profess to love. Santorum said he begs to differ.

“It is not [settled law] any more than the Dred Scott [decision backing slavery] was settled law to Abraham Lincoln,” Santorum insisted. “This a rogue Supreme Court decision.”

And where does that Supreme Court get off ruling on the constitutionality of a law? (Which is what, of course, the Supreme Court does.)

“We passed a bill and we said, Supreme Court, you’re wrong!" Santorum said, using the appropriate syntax for the kiddie table. "We’re a co-equal branch of the government, we have every right to stand up and say what is constitutional.’”

Take that, Supreme Court.

Inserted from <Alternet>

We may be hearing the last from the Fubar of Froth, because his entire paid campaign staff has quit and gone searching for work.  This is only the fifth of five hilariously unhinged Republican moments from last week alone.  Click through for the other four.

Aug 092015

I’m feeling pretty tired, because yesterday’s 85° weather was very humid, and I felt too sticky to sleep.  I know what I’ll be doing this evening.  The long darkness has finally come to an end, and it’s a high holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb:  the Festival of First Glimmer.  The Steelers will be worshiping with the Vikings in the Hall of Fame Service.  Even though most of the seasoned players will be riding the pines, the holy light of the blessed orb will finally shine forth in its wondrous blessing.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3;44 (average 7:12).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Based on his performance in Thursday night’s debate, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has emerged as a leading candidate to manage an Enterprise Rent-a-Car branch, Enterprise has confirmed.

Tracy Klugian, a human-resources director for the rental-car giant, said that he did not know what to expect before the debate, but after watching Walker in action he felt confident that the Wisconsinite had “what it takes to succeed at Enterprise.”

“He didn’t get too many moments in the spotlight, but, just from what I saw, I would feel comfortable putting him behind one of our rental counters,” he said.

He indicated that the company would be contacting Walker in the days ahead to discuss a possible future with Enterprise.

“Just to be clear, no promises will be made,” he said. “Best-case scenario, Scott works hard and becomes the manager of one of our branches. For starters, we’d like to train him to be an assistant manager and see how he does with that.”

Andy missed the boat on this one. The Fartfuhrer of Fitzwalkerstan is not even qualified to be an outhouse attendant.

From Alternet: An online group dedicated to police officers posted a wildly offensive “memorial” to slain Ferguson, Missouri teenager Michael Brown on the social medium Facebook. After an outcry, it now appears the tasteless post has been removed.

The Free Thought Project reported that the Facebook group Police Officers [GOP Pigs delinked] posted the offensive image in advance of the 1-year anniversary of Brown’s slaying at the hands of police officer Darren Wilson.


There is only one word sufficiently vile to describe this racist behavior: Republican.

From Blue Oregon: Tonight, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) comes to Portland to campaign for President. The rally will be held at the Rose Garden Arena Moda Center. Doors open at 6, but show up early if you want to get in.

Last night, 12,000 people filled a basketball arena in Seattle — with another 3000 outside. That was his biggest crowd yet — and Portland could be even bigger, with an arena capacity of 17,000 to 19,000 (depending on stage setup.)

I wish I could go, but there is far too much walking for me to be able to handle it. 🙁




Jon Will Be Missed!

 Posted by at 12:15 pm  Plus, Politics
Aug 082015


I did not want Jon Stewart’s tenure on the Daily Show to pass without posting a tribute to mark the occasion.  I have two video clips.

The First is an interview with Rachel Maddow.

The second is his final show, in case you missed it, or you would like to view it again.  I do hope that it does not disappear from YouTube.

It disappeared.  You can see it here.

Jon will be missed!

Aug 082015


Although Lona has been visiting from Care2 for well over a year, she started commenting here only recently, so this is her very first Big Mouth Award.  She brings us a unique perspective, as she divides her home between The Netherlands and Queensland, Australia.  Nevertheless, she displays a knowledge of American politics that should put most Americans to shame and a level of wisdom that is a rare find anywhere.  She enjoys sending me naps, when I am tired, and those naps are so high in quality that she frequently causes me to oversleep. 😉

Please join me in piling on the hugs and kudos.  Also, please send warm thoughts her way, as she just arrived in Australia, and climate change is freezing her tail with unseasonably cold weather.  I have no doubt that more awards are coming her way, and am thankful for her participation here.

Aug 082015

I’m still recovering from the barf bath I had to take, while covering the Criminal Clowns.  The forecast has already changed for the next few days.  While 80°s weather is not a heat wave, it’s not the more comfortable 70°s weather I was expecting.  I want to catch up on rest this weekend, because Tuesday is a volunteer day in prison.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:01 (average 5:48).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From J Street (Iran Deal Facts): Media Coverage

Opponents are pouring millions into television and print ads attacking the agreement. Right-wing media have blasted the deal with extreme vitriol, doing everything they can to drown out the facts. But J Street is leading the fight to make sure that the voices of responsible journalists, leaders, and experts that support the deal are being heard loud and clear.


J Street is the organization for American Jews that represents their real interests and not the interests of the Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian war mongers that control AIPAC. They have two more excellent video clips on the page. Click Through.

From The New Yorker: The billionaire Donald Trump shocked the American people Thursday night by proving to be considerably more heinous than they had previously thought, an instant poll taken after the debate shows.

According to the poll, viewers who went into tonight’s debate thinking that Trump was one of the most horrible people that they had ever seen were still totally unprepared for the depths of awfulness he displayed during the televised contest.

When presented with the descriptors “loathsome,” “appalling,” and “monstrous,” viewers who witnessed Trump’s interaction with Fox News’s Megyn Kelly said that none of those words did justice to how odious Trump was.

OK, Andy, if you say so. But isn’t saying that Hairball is more heinous than previously thought a lot like saying that the Pope is more Catholic than previously thought?

From Daily Kos: John Kasich sure has a convenient memory. Asked about how he’d respond to Hillary Clinton’s presumptive attacks, Kasich mentioned his father was a mailman (drink!), then digressed to talking about balanced budgets:

I was the chairman of the budget committee and the lead architect the last time it happened in Washington, and when we did it, we had great economic growth, we cut taxes, and we had a big surplus.

Oh yeah, mofo? You know what else led to that balanced budget in the late 1990s? Bill Clinton’s tax hikes in 1993, which Republicans absolutely howled would destroy this country. Of course they were wrong, and they helped usher in an unprecedented era of growth and prosperity.

John "KKK" Kasich doesn’t like the kind of prosperity that benefits the 99%, and for him to try to take credit for Clinton’s budget surplus is an absurd Republican lie.


