Bill Maher–New Rules–8/14

 Posted by at 1:04 pm  Politics
Aug 152015


It’s been too long since I’ve been able to share some fresh humor from Bill Maher.  While I do not agree with the way he proselytizes for evangelical atheism, lumping peaceful authentic believers  of all faiths together with political extremists who hijack religion as an excuse for their hatred and violence, as Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians do, everything else he has to offers outweighs his evangelical atheist religion. (Not all atheists make their opinions a religion, as he does.)

Bill Maher isn't ready to fork over a million dollars for Hillary Clinton's campaign, but would like to give her some advice on how to revive it. During this Friday's New Rules segment on HBO's Real Time, Maher told his audience that as much as he likes Bernie Sanders, he doesn't believe he's going to end up being the Democratic nominee, and expressed his concern over some of Clinton's recent poll numbers.

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>


I think Hillary would prefer to have the cash.  I do think she is likely to be the next President, unless she does not implode as a result of some scandal yet undefined.  It’s way to early to start using it’s now, but Bill coined a perfect phrase to use to pick on her, after and if she’s elected: “The Wicked Witch of the West Wing.”  LMAO!!

Aug 152015

The weekend has arrived. add with it, 80°s weather.  I plan to spend as much of the day mapping as I can.  I’m still quite tired from staying up for religious services, as noted below.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:10 (average 5:27).  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Religious Ecstasy:


Seattle’s special teams played such outstanding football that the made the score much closer than the game actually was.

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: The Tree of 40 Fruit is a living, breathing tasty work of art. And you can see it come to life in this short video by National Geographic:


Dang! If I had a couple trees like that, maybe I could give up puzzles!!  Smile with tongue out

From Daily Kos: From First Look:

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said today that the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein was a “pretty good deal.”

Bush was speaking at an event sponsored by Americans for Peace, Prosperity and Security (APPS), a group formed and backed by a number of people associated with major defense contractors.

Bush Bag Alert!!

Shouldn’t that group be renamed "Americans for Conquest, Greed and Imperialism"? Strike three fits right in with that crowd!

From NY Times: This is an alarming new direction in modern campaigning that arose along with the nation’s growing income disparity and is empowered by shadowy new methods of raising unlimited, untraceable money from the richest donors.

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s formal campaign celebrates large-scale support from small-dollar donors, but her affiliated super PAC reported that most of its $15 million came from nine donors giving $1 million each. Some of the money, as is the case in rival campaigns, is untraceable because of another cynical innovation — “social welfare” nonprofit groups. Fueled by the Supreme Court’s reckless Citizens United decision in 2010, which ended limits on campaign spending by corporations and unions, spending by exempt organizations that do not have to disclose donors increased 60-fold to more than $300 million in the 2012 presidential cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. An even bigger infusion is expected in 2016.

Mrs. Clinton has, to her credit, promised to make campaign reform one of her main priorities if she wins the White House and to stop “the endless flow of secret, unaccountable money.” This is a crucial but increasingly tall order, as she and all the other candidates find their dependency on the richest Americans deepening with the election cycle.

And Mrs. Clinton is not, by any means, the biggest offender in the campaign grabfest. The Times’s survey showed that Republicans have been the main beneficiaries of the new platinum circle of givers.

Jeb Bush has made an art of super PAC politicking, raising $103 million from a small group of super givers free to circumvent the formal campaign’s far lower limits; 26 are in for more than $1 million each. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has raised the most cash from the fewest donors: Just three families donated most of his $37 million in super PAC money. Of $16 million reported by the super PAC for Senator Marco Rubio, $12.5 million was from four donors, including a Florida billionaire and longtime political patron.

Although I support Bernie, I do not blame Hillary for her $15 million in billionaire bucks. SCROTUS set the rules, and unless she takes advantage, she has little chance to win, if nominated. I do expect that she will follow through on her promise. On the other hand, I expect Strike three to win the Republican nomination, because he is the most "bought and paid for" candidate in history.



Aug 142015

I remember Fidel Castro’s goodwill tour to the US, and at the time, I had just read The Ugly American by Eugene Burdick and William J. Lederer.  So I knew what to look for.  I was not surprised when US corporations refused to give up practices that exploited Cuban workers, and Castro nationalized their assets.  The US now has friendly relations with almost all nations who committed crimes against US citizens.  However, the US has embargoed Cuba for over fifty years, because the alleged crimes were committed against US corporations.  It hasn’t worked.  It’s time to end the embargo.  Of course, Republicans disagree, and Marco “Deport Them All” Rubio (R-FL) has lies to fit the occasion,

0814CubaJust before the American flag will rise for the first time in more than 50 years at the newly reopened U.S. embassy in Havana, Cuba on Friday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) blasted the current administration for expanding trade and travel with the former cold war nemesis.

“In the eyes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the Cuban people are suffering because not enough American tourists visit the country,” the Cuban-American presidential hopeful said in a speech in New York City, “when the truth is the Cuban people are suffering because they live in a tyrannical dictatorship.”

Rubio also asserted, in an attack on the Castro government, that “the Cuban people have a standard of living well below that of virtually every other nation in the hemisphere.” Yet the U.N.’s Human Development Index ranks Cuba above all of its Caribbean neighbors, above Mexico, above all of Central America and above much of South America.

Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate than the U.S. and about an equal life expectancy. The country also has the lowest HIV rate in the Americas, according to the United Nations, and just this summer became the first country in the world to eliminate the transmission of HIV and syphilis from mothers to children…

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Let’s not forget that Cuba offers free, comprehensive medical care to all it’s citicens, something Rubio and his Republican cronies would deny US citizens.

Kudos to Obama and Kerry for ending this travesty, and let Rubio and his Republican cronies gag on the mierda they are trying to feed us!

Aug 142015

At long last we have a cool day.  It might even rain, whatever rain is.  I was obviously still exhausted yesterday, because I had forgotten my helper friend was coming over to do heavy cleaning.  On the down side, I worked my butt off for most of the afternoon.  On the up side, the dreaded task is past, and I didn’t have to do it!!  Not that’s a “Wooo Hooo!” event.  For another “Wooo Hooo!” event, I have to admit I was wrong about the Ellipsoid Orb.  In preseason Wee1 1, there were only six services last night.  The holy Orb blessed the Packers, Lions, Ravens, Bears, Foreskins, and Chargers, but not the Patriots, Jets, Saints, Dolphins, Browns, and Cowboys.  The rest of the services are tonight and my Broncos service with the evil Seachickens is televised.  After yesterday, I’m still quite pooped.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:43 (average 5:15).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is gaining legions of new admirers by shamelessly pandering to voters who want to hear the truth, critics of the Vermont senator say.

According to those critics, Sanders has cynically targeted so-called “truth-based voters” to build support for his Presidential bid.

“People come to Sanders’s rallies expecting to hear the truth, and he serves it up to them on a silver platter,” the political strategist Harland Dorrinson said. “It’s a very calculated gimmick.”

But while Sanders’s practice of relentlessly telling the truth might play well in states that are rich in truth-based voters, like the early primary states of Iowa and New Hampshire, critics say that his campaign could stall in states where the truth has historically been less important, like Florida.

“At some point in this campaign, voters are going to get truth fatigue,” Dorrinson said. “Right now, the novelty of a politician who doesn’t constantly spew lies is grabbing headlines. But after months of Bernie Sanders telling the truth, voters are going to start wondering, Is that all he’s got?”

Dang! It’s a good thing Andy tipped us off! Otherwise Bernie might have gotten away with all that damn truthfulness!!

From The Daily Mail: California will be hit by the biggest El Niño on record this winter, according to the latest forecast.

Dubbed the ‘Godzilla El Niño’ or ‘Bruce Lee El Niño’, the weather event looks set to bring more rain and tropical cyclones to the Pacific Southwest since records began in 1950.

But analysts warn it still won’t be enough to atone for four years of record-breaking droughts.

In fact, the dry and cracked land will be hard-pushed to withstand the three-month storm, meaning there will likely be an onslaught of mudslides and floods.

Here’s some related video.

Here in Oregon this is likely to mean a winter much warmer and dryer than normal, with inte3nse storms, when and if we do have them.  It will be followed by severe summer drought. We’ll have it bad enough, but it looks like our neighbors to the south are about to get Californicated.

From Media Matters: A RedState post claimed that Hillary Clinton proves "even a homely woman can sleep her way into power." RedState’s editor-in-chief Erick Erickson recently disinvited Donald Trump from the RedState Gathering event for Trump’s sexist attacks on Fox’s Megyn Kelly.

The attack on Clinton comes in a RedState post [GOP Hate Site delinked] from one of its front page contributors, who goes by "streiff," who wrote:

If Hillary Clinton possesses any unique selling propostion [sic] beyond proving even a homely woman can sleep her way into power, it is her tenure as Barack Obama’s secretary of state. That seems to be a slender enough reed when polls show the electorate could give a flying rat’s patootie about experience and favor a change agent above all.

The post is featured at the top of the RedState home page.

As long as misogynist hatred is directed at a Democrat and not at a blonde, notorious for décolletage, from the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, Republican hypocrites just love it.



Aug 132015

Most of the time, when we talk about NJ, my birthplace, we’re talking about one of the most corrupt politicians in the country.  I’m speaking of Chris Cristy, aka PIGnocchio, of course.  Fortunately, PIGnocchio isn’t all NY has to offer.  Cory Booker appears to be a rare and endangered species in US politics: an authentic Christian.

0813CoreyEvery day we see and hear lawmakers and people of ‘faith’ using the word of God to hurt others. These hypocrites spew hatred and pass laws against women, blacks, Muslims, LGBT, Hispanics, the mentally ill, the disadvantaged, and the homeless. Yet, if we look at religions, we find most originate in love. Over time, the positive messages of those religions have been twisted and interpreted to fit the selfish and extremist agendas of those who use religion to hate, bully, abuse, and kill others.

In his quote, self-proclaimed Christian and Democrat Cory Booker sums up religious extremists and hypocrisy in a way that’s hard for anyone to deny.

Don’t speak to me about your religion; first show it to me in how you treat other people.Don’t tell me how much you love your God; show me in how much you love all His children.

Don’t preach to me your passion for your faith; teach me through your compassion for your neighbors.

In the end, I’m not as interested in what you have to tell or sell as in how you choose to live and give.

Cory Anthony Booker is a U.S. Junior Senator from New Jersey. He attended Stanford University, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in political science and a Master of Arts in sociology. Later, Booker earned a Rhodes Scholarship to attend the University of Oxford. Upon returning home, he received his Juris Doctorate from Yale Law School.

The Senator from New Jersey is a pro-choice, pro-LGBT advocate who actively supports education, saving the environment, voting rights, and the disadvantaged. Now a vegan, Booker is also an animal rights advocate. You can follow Booker via Cory Booker on Facebook and/or @Cory Booker on Twitter…. [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Democrats Unite>

Compared to Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians (the polar opposite of authentic Christians), his love shines brightly.  Their faith is defined through the vehemence of their hate, the corruption of their greed, and the dishonesty of their dealings.  Booker is certainly a refreshing change!

Aug 132015

I’m still well short of recovering from my volunteer day, so today’s articles come with limited research.  In other words, there may well be better stories that I have not even heard about yet.  Today is a minor Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  It’s preseason Week 1.  I’m amazed that the Broncos service will not be televised, because they are playing the damn Seachickens. If I had a nickel for every Broncos game I’ve missed, because the networks think Portland a a suburb of Seattle, I could be a progressive version of the Koch Brothers, except that I would not own politicians I supported.  I’m sure very few starters will get much playing time, so there’s little need for fantasy players to pay too much attention to their players’ performance yet.  May the blessed Orb shine its holy light on your team, unless it’s the damn Seachickens. Winking smile

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:54 (average 4:37).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In an effort to boost his foreign-policy credentials, the billionaire Donald Trump on Tuesday said that, if he were elected President, he would defeat ISIS with “brutal and relentless” attacks on Twitter.

“Under President Obama, ISIS has been able to maraud and rampage with impunity,” Trump told Fox News. “When I’m in the White House, the leaders of ISIS are going to bear the brunt of the most vicious tweets the world has ever known.”

The real-estate mogul said that, as President, he would set aside a portion of the time that he currently allots to excoriating journalists, politicians, and assorted other perceived enemies on Twitter to focus his fury on the leaders of ISIS.

Dang!!  Is Hairball revealing his strategy to Andy on the sly?

From PRWatch: The Koch brothers and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) held their annual summits in California this year. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was a featured speaker at both, capturing enthusiastic applause as he won the Koch summit straw poll last night reports Politico.

As the Koch network of funders gets ready to unleash an unimaginable $900 million on the 2016 campaign, they are busily trying to remake their public image and spin undisclosed dark money as a plus in political campaigns.

Charles Koch told the billionaires and millionaires attending his Freedom Partners summit that they needed to recast their multi-million dollar effort to sway elections in the mold of "freedom movements," such as the American civil rights movement. In a similar vein, attendees of the ALEC conference were busy recasting the notion of undisclosed "dark money" in political campaigns as "anonymous free speech" similar to that engaged in by Lewis Carroll or George Orwell when they relied on pseudonyms to publish various novels.

Get ready for a trip down the rabbit hole.

Am I the only one who is not surprised that the Fartfuhrer of Fitzwalkerstan is the number one sucker of … nevermind?

From Daily Kos: Harry Reid isn’t running for re-election and is feeling just a little bit unleashed. A lot unleashed. So he’s taken to the opinion page of The New York Times to point out that his successor in Senate leadership, Mitch McConnell, has pretty much sucked so far.

The situation started when Republicans took over the House in 2011, but it has picked up rapidly since they took control of the Senate earlier this year. The conclusion is unavoidable: Republican control of Congress means constant crisis.

In the seven months that Republicans have controlled the Senate, we’ve suffered from the expiration of critical national security tools, come within hours of partially shutting down the Department of Homeland Security and witnessed a complete shutdown of the Export-Import Bank, a previously uncontroversial agency that supports hundreds of thousands of American jobs. Routine business like confirming nominees is ignored.

While Republicans have kept virtually none of their promises about how they would run Congress, one promise they have kept is their vow to use essential appropriations bills to manufacture even more crises. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican Senate leader, laid out this strategy last year, saying that President Obama “needs to be challenged, and the best way to do that is through the funding process.”

Reid’s larger point is to highlight the fact that—despite all of McConnell’s insistence that there will not be a government shutdown on his watch—we’re headed toward a government shutdown. That’s happening because of McConnell’s instigating his fellow Republicans to use the funding process to "challenge" President Obama. Or repeal Obamacare, or defund women’s health, or whatever the extremist cause du jour happens to be.

You know that the problem is critical when the Nevada Leg Hound, Harry Reid, stops humping GOP legs, whining for favors, rolling over, and playing dead long enough to blow the whistle. That said, Chuck Schumer would be so bad that I’d miss the Leg Hound!



Aug 122015

Yesterday I went into the prison to do volunteer work.  I had had almost no sleep, because the night before was so sticky.  The temperature was in the high 90°s and very humid.  The room in the Activities section, where we met, has no A/C and no ventilation.  It is directly above the prison bakery.  I suffered.  My guys were wonderful and most appreciative, even though my participation was moistly passive.  On the way home, my friend stopped at a branch of my bank for me to withdraw money.  I was so exhausted that I put my credit card in the ATM, when I intended to use my debit card,  I didn’t understand why the PIN for the debit card didn’t work, and when I tried again, the ATM ate and shredded my credit card.  Then I realized what I had done and used my debit card to withdraw funds.  I felt like a total idiot! Without my credit card, I am virtually home bound.  It will take 8 – 10 business days to get it replaced, so I have to reschedule three medical appointments I had set for next week.  I’m completely exhausted.  However, I do have one piece of good news, one of my guys, who is now in his 30s and has been in prison since he was 17, has given me permission to share some of his writing with you.  I consider him a far more talented writer than I am, so you guys are in for a treat.  But today, I just need to recover.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:03 (average 4:49).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



Aug 112015

It’s all I can do to keep track of the Republican assault on democratic institutions on this side of the border, but in recent years, it has become more and more apparent that Harper and his Harlots are pulling out all the stops to establish a Republican Reich in Canada.  The following piece documents this extensively.

0811HarperStephen Harper and his Conservatives have racked up dozens of serious abuses of power since forming government in 2006. From scams to smears, monkey-wrenching opponents to intimidating public servants like an Orwellian gorilla, some offences are criminal, others just offend human decency.

Last week we published 59 examples in two parts, and asked our readers to suggest any we may have missed. Among the many suggestions we gratefully received, we concluded that 11 more meet the criteria for "abuses of power." Today we compile all 70 items into one omnibus of abuse by the Stephen Harper government.

Thanks, once more, to friends of The Tyee who help with this list.


This section includes examples of willful misgoverning by the PM and his team, 31 times they have lied, flouted rules and stymied democracy to achieve political and ideological ends.

PMO Tied to Senate Hush Money Scandal

An RCMP affidavit reported widespread involvement by PMO staffers in a secret payment to Senator Mike Duffy to try and make a political problem go away. The Senate expenses scandal brought on allegations of a cover-up, a breach of the public trust, and a whitewashing of a Senate report. The PMO was found to have hand in the altering of a damning Deloitte audit.

Harper Found in Contempt of Parliament

For refusing to disclose information on the costing of programs to Parliament, which Parliament was entitled to receive, the Harper government became the first in Canadian history to be found in contempt of Parliament.

Against Court Order, Refusal to Share Budget Info

Even though it lost a court case and was ordered to comply, the Harper government nevertheless refused to share 170 times reasons and impacts for cuts with Canada’s independent budget watchdog, mocking Parliament’s right to control the public purse… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Alternet>

I have shared only three of SEVENTY examples of Harper’s criminal assault on Canadian freedom.  Click through for the other SIXTY SEVEN, while we wait for our resident Canuck to expound on this.
