Aug 302015

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how nutty InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

Pat Robertson has figured out the culprit for this week’s stock market volatility.

RobertsonHatNot many people are familiar with Pat Robertson’s financial knowhow. Turns out he is an expert on international stock market volatility, and unlike Donald Trump, he does not think it’s all China’s fault. No, the blame for the stock market dive early in the week is both more local and more otherworldly.

According to Robertson, God in his infinite wisdom and abundant free time is messing with the stock market to punish wicked Americans for having legalized abortions.

“We will pay dearly as a nation for this thing going on,” Robertson, having some slight word retrieval problems. By “this thing going on,” he meant the Obama administration’s support for Planned Parenthood and women’s healthcare. “And possibly if we were to stop all this slaughter the judgment of God might be lifted from us. But it’s coming, ladies and gentlemen. We just had a little taste of it in terms of the financial system, but it’s going to be shaken to its core in the next few months, years, or however long it takes and it will hurt every one of us.”

His advice seemed to be to pull your money out of the market and place it in the hands of God, who can be reached care of Pat Robertson, coincidentally.

Inserted from <Alternet>

I have to admit that on very rare occasions, Robertson actually surprises me.  This is one of them.  I felt sure he was going to blame it on gay marriage.  This is only the firth of five Republican nutjobs from last week alone.  Click through for the other four.


  26 Responses to “Last Week’s Republican Nutjobs”

  1. I am so tired of fundies blaming everything under the sun on God punishing all of us for choices others make that they oppose…my God is a loving God who gave us Grace and chances rather than the vengiance they always choose to claim.

  2. 1.  He's already lasted longer than Herman Cain, hasn't he?  He seems to have the batguano crazt thing down a little better than Cain did too.  A war on what's inside women.  That could be blood, bone, muscle, tissue, food, liquid and solid waste – of course those are inside men too – I'l bet he really means a war on women's brains.

    2.  "Wait, you don’t think he was looking for an excuse to demonize Planned Parenthood, do you?"  Aw gee.

    3.  You could put a barcode on Christie but …  no, the jokes are too obvious.

    4.  I figured Pat Robertson was about due to show up here.  Sure is too bad that finger in the picture keeps missing his eye.  It's so close it ought to be easy to hit it.

    5.  I don't think I will be holding my breath until Peggy meets a trans person.

    • No, we need to keep taking healthy, deep breaths to remain calm despite all the hatefilled stupidity.

  3. They're all crazier than shithouse rats.

  4. I have often wondered what personality gets on this "Right-Wing Nutjobs" list most often. Pat Robertson appears to lead the way as being # 1 followed by Bill O’Reilly as #2. Any suggestions…

    Speaking of Bill O’Reilly as being a "dick", what do we call a woman who is being a "dick"? Is there a word for a female version of a "dick"?

    Question: Who will be the first GOPer to officially drop out of the race as a candidate for POTUS? Rick Perry, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum or other…

  5. 1. Words come out of Ben Carson’s mouth that appear to make no sense.

       Maybe that explains why he is running in double digits behind  "mental Trump."


    2. Bill O’Reilly performs another ridiculous feat of mental contortionism.

     Maybe no must be he is more mentally ridiculous than them all.


    3. Chris Christie tosses out a great idea for dealing with undocumented immigrants! 

         Now that is just another mentally ridiculous idea


    4. Pat Robertson has figured out the culprit for this week’s stock market volatility.

        How ridiculous oh I mean "mental" is that?


    5. Peggy Noonan has a Dominican friend and now she understands how Hispanics think.

      Say isn't so?

  6. Dear old Pat may have invested his billions made through conning old ladies out of their last farthings, but he apparently didn't trust the Chinese stock exchange enough to go there. They're just not Christian enough, are they. So he doesn't blame the Chinese government, but has to look to his own 'Christian' nation, blame Obamacare and Planned Parenthood, and make up for recent losses on the market all at the same time. Isn't life sweet?

  7. I clicked through and almost wish I hadn't. l was away from home yesterday and neither saw nor heard any news programs, what a relaxing day!

    Ben Carson is absolutely dumbfounding with his ignorance, and the pitiful part is how high his ratings are now, which speaks volumes about the intelligence in his party.  Robertson is senile, and needs a caregiver, surely.  O'Reilly still thinks his ring should be kissed.  Noonan is another reason I quit watching Meet the Press.  Christie,  well nothing to add there, we all know his rants are useless.  

  8. Ben Carson — "Words come out of Ben Carson’s mouth that appear to make no sense. … That is just flabbergastingly batsh*t crazy!"  Carson is just like all the rest Republicanus/Teabaggerum . . . batshit crazy and I think some are trying to out shine Guano Girl Bachmann!

    Bill O'Reilly — "…Bill O’Reilly is kind of a dick."  Rephrase that!  "Bill O’Reilly is a dick."  Now that is a factual statement!

    Chris Christie — How about a barcode on Republicanus/Teabaggerum so they can be tracked if thet attempt to leave the Bikini Atoll!  Christie might need two barcodes.

    Pat Robertson — He is an old, demented fool that should be packed up and put away in a nursing home.

    Peggy Noonan — She's as batshit crazy as the rest!

  9. Oh that horrible old man!  Every time he opens his hate filled mouth every news network in the world should play that YouTube clip of him before the last election confiding to an interviewer that God had told him that Mitt was going to win. 

  10. A Heckuva Job

    As some Republican candidates have shown, it’s not too difficult to fool many of the people for quite a long time.

  11. Here is the link

    A Heckuva Job


  12. A lot of people think the picture of Robertson flipping the bird is photoshopped – but it's not.  It's screen capture of a pretty innocent move when he was scratching – but thanks anyway, you old coot!

    Putting aside the tattooed numbers on the forearm analogy to Christie's whackadoodle suggestion, bar codes might work.

    They could have the guys/gals dressed in Brown drive around to round up all the Brown people that we know the Rethuglicans are itching to get rid of, and load them onto their Brown trucks.  Of course they couldn't call it UPS or FedEx – so maybe they could go with Mex-Ex.

  13. I can never bring myself to click on the "click thru for the other"! One line from that burn on is enough!

    I'm sure he would ecstatic to take ALL the money from the stock market and put it in to his little 401k!

  14. Thanks all.  Oh God it's Monday Hugs!!

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