Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how horrific InsaniTEA can become. I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.
Ted Cruz puts crazy and scary words together that make it sound like Christians are being horribly persecuted in this country.
To no one’s surprise, Ted Cruz made a series of vile statements this week about how Christians are being persecuted because they can’t discriminate against gays. This is his definition of “religious liberty.”
During a cookout at an Iowa State Fair, Cruz got into a dispute with the actress Ellen Page, who pointed out to him that “religious liberty” has long been used to justify discrimination against vulnerable groups. Asked whether he is comfortable with the fact that in some states, gay and trans people are fired for being themselves, he replied, "We should not be persecuting people…for their religious faith."
See what he did there with that cleverly timed pause. He almost made you think he cares about anti-LGBT persecution. But of course, he doesn’t, silly.
Another thing Cruz did this week is visit the radio host Jan Mickelson, who recently suggested enslaving undocumented immigrants. Cruz used the opportunity to rail against the gay “jihad” waged on Christians and the “atheist Taliban” that supports that "jihad."
Oh, for crissakes.
“There is an assault on faith and an assault on religious liberty that we see across this country and it has never been as bad as it is right now,” Cruz said, claiming that “radical atheists and liberals” are “driving any acknowledgment of God out of the public square.”
Driving God out of the public square, he said, is contrary to the Constitution, which he appears not to have read in a very long time.
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You can always count on “Uranus Inspector” Cruz (however you spell it) to put Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian hatred for LGBT people front and center. This is only the fifth of five horrific Republican statements from last week alone. Click through for the other four.
24 Responses to “Last Week’s Horrific Republican Statements”
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WATCH: Actress Ellen Page Grills Ted Cruz at State Fair —And It's Glorious
He apparently had no idea who he was talking to.
I watched the video, he danced around, didn't he?
He should do better than this with the education he got…keep wondering when he'll say something about the anti-14th amendment folks since that could deny him eligibility for POTUS.
Deport him!!
We don't want him back! Make him a stateless person! That will really cramp his style!
Canada can have him and the sludge!![cheeky cheeky](
Which is it?
“America is a Christian nation” … or … “Christians are the most persecuted people in America.”
Choose one of the other, because it clearly can NOT be both.
Here's my prayer for the poor persecuted "Christians":
They'd do well to heed the words of the Archibishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams:
Thanks for quoting the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, SoINeedAName. Wonderful statement that ought to resonate through all Christian denominations.
Thanks, Nameless, that is so very clear that even A Republican should understand it.
Amen to Archie Bishop!!
Love that last section from the Archbishop! He knows what he’s talking about, SoINeedAName!
Why is it that Trump hasn’t asked for Uranus Inspector’s birth certificate? Oh, I know. He knows that he was born outside of the US and doesn’t want to draw attention to the fact that he was BORN IN CANADA! I still don’t get why he gets to run!
His mother was a birthright citizen, which is why he should be nervous about the attacks on birthright citizenship. His own birthright citizenship depends on his mother's.
1. I gather that the victim here did turn out to be Hispanic. I have yet to hear, however, about his citizenship. Is he an American citizen? Many people of Hispanic descent are. But if not, is he here "legally"? Does he have a green card, or perhaps a visa? Am I the only person pointing out that if you see someone who "looks Hispanic" and beat him up, you could easily be beating up someone whose people were here long before your people? No, I'm not saying it's OK for anyone to beat up an undocumented immigrant for any reason whatsoever. But beating upsomeone you know nothing about – isn't that aggravated assault, or worse? How is this passion for "making America great again"?
2. Does even Ben Carson have any idea what he is talking about?
3. Yes, there's a lot of trash like this being talked. Which is why I was heartened that the Army was standing up for the new Rangers on the Fort Benning Facebook page.
4. Excuse me? Rick Santorum thinks we deport bank robbers?
5. No one contested (i.e.proved the falsity of) Ted Cruz' radio remakrs because everyone on the show he made the remarks on believed every word. Just consider the source.
Incidentally the Uranus Inspector was born to a U.S. Citizen (his mother) while she was on foreign soil. In these cases the Department of State can issue a certificate by itself, or with a passport for the kid, or they can issue just a passport. But those questioning him should not be asking for his birth certificate. They should be asking for his CRBA (Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America), or for his U.S, Passport issued about the time of birth, which, if unexpired, is proof of US Citizenship. Do you suppose he has a CRBA? I'd really like to know, wouldn't you?
I love your specifics in the question of the day–so many would be clueless about the process and I welcome being sure!
Donald Trump: It's about time he start to realize his opponents can get equally passionate about his statements to and might decide it's about time this rabble‐rouser shuts his ugly mouth.
Ben Carson: Just think what this "gentle-seeming" doctor will do to the Middle East, or elsewhere, if he's prepared to fight the war (his words) against illegal immigrants with drones. I take it that would be the armed drones that take out people in a war, not just the surveillance ones.
Andrea Tantaros: Too bad Andrea didn't listen to herself an thought it necessary to have the last male thing left to men taken away by a woman to: to bitch about how women are infringing on all aspects of male life and nothing is left where men are the sole gender and women are excluded.;-)
Rick Santorum: Marching in a band while tone deaf and behind the beat. Just not hateful enough to keep up with the other clowns.
Ted Cruz: The moment Cruz truly lost his marbles was when he made that video where he wrapped bacon around his assault rifle and tried to make it crispy by firing the rifle until the barrel went hot. After that we've only heard poppycock and balderdash come from his mouth. He's beyond help now, I'm afraid.
Love your pointing out that Andrea made herself a Catch-22. If anyone would have told me I would be reading that Rick Santorum was not hateful enough, expressed by an intelligent person, I would not have believed it a couple of days ago.
Lordy, lordy, I read through all of it and am convinced that if ANY of these nuts get elected we all need to move.
I seem to have the same reaction each week to the outrageous Republicanus/Teabaggerum bullshit . . . stupid is as stupid does! I also have the same reaction to Herr Harper . . . I just want to hurl!
It is hard to believe that anyone could vote for these morons!
Question: Is that picture of Cruz at the top of the page his imitation of John Travolta in 'Saturday Night Fever'?
Here I thought I was the only one who immediately started hearing the Bee Gees do "Stayin' Alive" in my head (from back in the days when I had hearing).
(Could have definitely used a glitterier disco ball for the background, but it's a pretty blue.)
I put the Bee Gees on last night at the care centre where my mother lives. They love hearing some spritely music from the 70s, and Stayin' Alive was one of the songs. I usually wave my arms and move my feet to the beat and many of the residents follow my lead and laugh! Arm chair exercise!
That picturew is Uranus Inspector Inspecting Uranus.
1. Trump confuses passion with craziness.
2. We are at war with Mexicans now? Where have I been?
3. I'm speechless.
4. Time for Santorum to bail out of the clown car. He can't keep up with the rest of them.
5. Cruz has no room to criticize anyone's citizenship. He should mind his words carefully.
Thanks all. Hugs. This week, I'll refrain from predicting the obvioud about next week.