Jul 262015

I’m enjoying the cool weather, but not looking forward to the heat wave.  Tuesday will be high 80°s, followed by 90°s through the following Tuesday, at least.  I’d better take advantage while the cool is here.  I hope you’re enjoying your weekend

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:51 (average 5:14).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos (classic 10/2011): What he’s gloating [see below] over is this news report.

COLUMBIA — South Carolina’s new voter photo identification law appears to be hitting black precincts in the state the hardest, according to an analysis by The Associated Press.

For instance, nearly half the voters who cast ballots at a historically black college in Columbia lack state-issued photo identification and could face problems voting in next year’s presidential election, according to the analysis of precinct-level data provided by the state Election Commission.[…]

[A]mong the state’s 2,134 precincts, there are 10 where nearly all of the law’s affect falls on nonwhite voters who don’t have a state- issued driver’s license or ID card, a total of 1,977 voters.

The same holds true for white voters in a number of precincts, but the overall effect is much more spread out and involves fewer total voters: There are 44 precincts where only white voters are affected, or 1,831 people in all.

The precinct that votes at Benedict College’s campus center has 2,790 voters, including nine white voters. In that precinct, 1,343 of the precinct’s nonwhite voters lack state identification, but only five white voters do. The former group accounts for 48 percent of the precinct’s voters.[…]

A precinct at South Carolina State University has 2,305 active voters, including 33 white voters. There, 800 nonwhite voters and 17 white voters there lack state IDs. More than a third of the voters in the precinct lack state photo identification.

Disenfranchising huge groups of people—African Americans—is thus "EXACTLY" why Republicans created this law, according to Wesley Donehue.


Even four years ago, we heard if from the elephant’s mouth. The purpose of voter ID laws to keep black people from being able to vote.  Republicans also target other vulnerable people for disenfranchisement. 

From NY Times: “I don’t want people thinking we are trying to get these regs done so we can influence the election,” Mr. Koskinen declared later to reporters. The statement was remarkable for blessing further procrastination at the I.R.S., whose clear obligation is to enforce existing law in a way that would end the current flood of “dark money” financing politics. The commissioner said the earliest that tighter rules could take effect would be 2017. The I.R.S. has been increasingly timorous on this issue ever since House Republicans opened partisan hearings into complaints that I.R.S. officials have been biased against conservative political groups that claim tax exemptions as nonprofit social welfare groups.

I’m sad to sy that the Republican pseudo-scandal worked to help them buy elections, using even foreign money.  It’s especially frustrating because Republican lies about it were thoroughly debunked.

From Raw Story: [P]erhaps predictably, the Westboro Baptist Church has vowed to protest the funerals of two victims that died in the Lafayette theater shooting this week. But they may meet quite a bit of resistance.

Hundreds of counter-protesters are planning to form a human chain to protect mourners, the New York Daily News reports. The event page for the Lafayette Human Barrier shows at least 15,000 listed as “going.”

Kudos to the Human Barrier against the Westboro Republicans. I only wish the victims had been better protected from the Republican criminal that murdered them.




  31 Responses to “Open Thread–7/26/2015”

  1. 4:49 (average 5:14)  How do they tell each other apart?  They seem so uniform, they almost don't look real.

    DKos – I feel confident the laws are AIMED at black people, pure and simple.  Any other vulnerable people who get disenfranchised – well, that's just frosting on the cake.

    NY Times – I know how it sounds that I am defending IRS, but it doesn't have nearly the powers yu think it has.  After it was reorganized in the early 2000's, the Republs took it to court regarding an investigation of a "church."  Seems the rules had not been rewritten to specify who had the authority to order an investigation int a "church."  The Supremes upheld the Republican objection – and decided under the reorganization there was no one who had the authority to order such an investigation.  The IRS immediately did a rewrite of the rules to address this and other issues, and sent it to Congress, where it did not even make it to the floor for a vote.  It never has.  There is still legally NO ONE in the IRS who has the authority to order and investigation into a "church" regarding its tax exemption.  And that, my friends, is why we atill have Westboro Baptist – and others you can no doubt think of.  Don't blame the IRS.  Blame Congress.  I realize this article is not about churches, but  it is quite possible, due to the reorganization that was done without ever rewriting the names of positions, their hands are tied here as well.

    Raw Story – But even if everyone else in the US unanmously hates Westboro Baptist, they are still the "only true church left" in America.  So said the Louisiana gunman.

    Cartoon – Many of us are still fighting to keep it.


    • It depends on where.  In many places in the Southwest, they are aimed primarily at Latinos.  In college districts, they are aimed at students.

  2. I hate the efforts to sell off historic post office buildings at a fraction of their worth.

    I am glad there is a barrior effort and hope that will become a tradition to offer protection to those who need and deserve it.

    And then we have Rick Perry saying there should be no gun-free zone anywhere–so we are not supposed to feel safe anywhere now?

    Former Speaker of the House Wright's story of challenges getting his needed voter ID in TX in Daily Kos shows the range of new services that should be provided in states which added such laws:


  3. The Human Barrier project is FANTASTIC! Why on earth would Westboro want to protest a murder victim’s funeral? They aren’t gay and they aren’t military! I guess they are branching out into other areas to make sure all areas are covered with their hatred! I’m sure Jesus would be impressed, NOT!

  4. We had ninety yesterday and today, with the same predicted all week, also high humidity.  I am sohappy our AC got repaired!

    Daily Kos:   This is so outrageous and flagrantly bigoted!  The Justice Department or Attorney General should launch an investigation right now and overturn this disenfranchising of voters.

    NY Times:  The IRS can't do anything about this until 2017?  Bet they would go after one of us in a heartbeat if we were breaking a law.

    Raw Story:  The Westboro church continues to profess to be Christian, while all they do is spew hatred.  I hope they are successfully blocked from these funerals.

    Cartoon:  Has anyone figured out why Congress decided to gut the US Postal Service, one of the few self supporting departments in government?  The post office was the social hub in many small towns, now those small twon post offices are being closed.   My Mom's post office is only open four hours a day now, which is really inconvenient for anyonw working a day shift.


  5. Thanks to all who sent prayers for my cousin Phillip.  He is in worse shape today, they are keeping him in the induced coma until Wednesday, at which time they will sew up his chest.  He has had to be given 3 units of blood, and go on dialysis.  The doctor cannot say what caused this to happen, says he has been doing these surgeries for 15 years and never had this before.  Please keep him in your prayers.

  6. 2:51  Well Puddy Tat, since these love birds all flock together, AND since I have big feet with which to pumel you (not to mention I'm big, very hairy, and stink), these birdies are safe.  No fricassée tonight!

  7. My weekend is long past, but it's good to hear that you made the most of it by taking advantage of the cool, TomCat. Better get yourself prepared for a tropical roster the coming week; good luck with that.

    Daily Kos: This article is a 4 year old classic, but because nothing has changed for the better, but probably for the worst, it is still all too relevant today. That would get me terribly depressed if I were a progressive American and I don't know how I would feel if I belonged to the disenfranchised.

    NY Times: So the I.R.S. has been bullied into cowardice and feet-dragging by the scare tactics of the GOP which were clearly set-up by their master's legal minions, Republicans wouldn't have a clue how to do such a thing. So now the earliest that tighter rules on “dark money” financing politics could take effect would be 2017? What a very convenient time line for the GOP's masters. With a bit of luck (read: money) now, the tighter rules will never come into action, as America will have kissed it's last (almost) democratic election goodbye with the election of a GOP sock puppet and a Congress full of sock puppets.

    The Raw story: Excuse me, could you tell me if I got this right: Houser was a supporter of the Westboro Baptist Church, and the same Westboro Baptist Church has now vowed to protest the funerals of two of Houser's victims, women he murdered because he was filled with WBC's and other hate groups' hatred? And Jindal has not issued an executive order to ban them from entering Lafayette but only one allowing state troopers to prevent the hate group from harassing mourners? And counter-protesters are now planning to form a human chain to protect mourners? And Jindal doesn't want to discuss gun-control right now, because the mourners should be left in peace to bury their loved ones? Has fracking toxins already polluted all your drinking water, America? The mourners should be left alone to bury their loved ones without harassment, protest and fighting from anyone around them, even without media harassment if they so chose. WBC should be banned from town and protest rallies should be held after the funerals. Give those people a break, will ya.

  8. TY TC – struggling a bit today – my rescue dog has just had to come and comfort me, bless her!

  9. Hugs to all!!

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