Jul 202015

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how evil InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

Iowa tea partier Steve King makes a very bizarre claim.

English001_080212.JPGHousing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro recently had the audacity to suggest that the GOP has alienated and continues to alienate Latino voters. This may have something to do with Donald Trump’s recent statement that Mexican immigrants are “rapists and murderers” and the fact that not that many GOP-ers backed away from that assertion.

It may also have to do with the fact that Republicans have fought tooth and nail against Obama’s attempt to grant amnesty to the children of undocumented immigrants.

So Castro recently told MSNBC that the GOP can “kiss the Latino vote goodbye.”

In response, the GOP’s chief immigrant-basher-before-Trump, Iowa’s Steve King, who notoriously accused immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America of having “cantaloupe calves” from all the dope they are smuggling, took offense.

He shot back, cluelessly: What does Julian Castro know? Does he know that I’m as Hispanic and Latino as he?

Nope, we’re willing to wager Castro did not know that. Nor did we. Nor did anyone in the universe. 

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If Steve “Cantaloupes” King is Hispanic and Latino, than I am a dawg, not a cat.  This is just the fifth of five Republican moments from last week alone.  Click through for the other four.


  16 Responses to “Last Week’s Republican Moments”

  1. I always try to guess before I open your post which you will have chosen. 

    I regret to inform King that the pollsters are saying, as I read yesterday, that Latino voters have already made up their minds except in Florida and perhaps Colorado.

  2. There are fewer idiots mentioned this week than the week before, but that is mainly because Trump has out-Trumped himself twice and most other candidates are starting to sound slightly more normal compared to Donald. But the pickings were good this week, nevertheless; it's hard to chose between Donald's attack on war hero McCain, his idea of bringing in even more guns to ward of mass shootings and toughen-up that soft law enforcement, O'Reilly's very brief epiphany that he's just an old rebel rouser, Scott Walker thinking he's going to be god's anointed president, or Steve King announcing he's pureblood Hispanic AND Latino. They all sound crazy to me, but in reality aren't half as certifiable as the people who vote for them, or watch their show.

  3. Yeah, well, I just want to warn everyone do NOT start calling Steve King names, because after he was villified for his "Calves like cantaloupes" comment, he claimed that people calling him names PROVES he won that debate:

    STEVE KING: “You know when people attack you … and they call you names … you know they’ve lost the debate when they do that.  When people start calling you names, that’s what confirms you’ve won the debate.”


    So I decided to try out my debating skills and see if it were true.

    NAMELESS: King, you’re an A$$hole.  

    KING: …

    NAMELESS: Oops, I guess you won.  And a Racist Knuckle-Dragger.  

    KING: …

    NAMELESS: Wow – you bested me again.  Not to mention you're a Fart-Huffer.  Damn, put another “W” in your “Win” column.
    Man, King, you ARE good at debates. You just keep winning one after another.

    See what I mean?  So w/e you do, do NOT start calling him names.  Steve King is a master debater!

  4. I for one do NOT regret to inform King that Latino voters have already made up their minds.  I am THRILLED to inform him of this.  I would be a lot more thrilled if there were any Latino voters in his district, though. 

    Nameless, you win the internet as usual (parentheses are not needed around the "-de-" – we all get it.)

  5. Scott Walker, Trump, O Reilly, and King all have one thing in common, they are all idiots.  Unfortunately, they have managed to succeed in terms of money and fame despite the lack of common sense or decency. I hope God has also told Walker that he does not have a prayer's chance of winning the Presidency.

  6. These aren't as outrageous as many weeks.  Or is it that I am becoming too accustomed to the bombastic BS and bravado of the Republicanus/Teabaggerum?

    When I read the first 2, I was hoping that Trump didn't win the Triple Crown!  He didn't.  But there is enough BS in those 2 to fill all 5.

    O'Reilly is being his usual self . . . bloviating about absolutely nothing, and filling in the gaps with rumours and innuendo.  Oh, and let's not forget the fear and hate mongering!  Why tell the truth if you don't have to?!

    Walker, the Fartfuhrer of Fitzwalkerstan formerly known as Wisconsin . . . isn't there a mental illness associated with hearing voices, especially the voice of the Almiighty? . . . schizophrenia?  To be clear, I am mocking Walker, but I am in no way mocking those who suffer from from this very serious mental illness, schizophrenia.

    Where Trump almost made the Triple Crown this week, I know King has him beat for the number of times he's said things that were totally asinine.  If King is hispanic then I am the Yeti!

  7. 1. After attacking McCain's status as a war hero, The Donald's poll numbers jumped up to 24%, believe it or not.

    2. He's with a lot of other TeaPublicanTs on the "More guns" solution.

    3. Billy O has totally lost it.

    4. Only the insane really believe that god speaks to them. Not surprisingly, he's Numbe 2 in the polls.

    5. I want to see his pedigree!

  8. Thanks all.  I agree.  It was a slow week for InsaniTEA,

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