Jul 162015

This is today’s only article, as I have quite a mess here.  Yesterday morning I rose very early to read the entire Iran deal.  I planned to take a nap, after my groceries were delivered in the early afternoon.  I waited for Store to Door until 8:00 PM, and they never came.  I could not sleep, because I felt upset over not knowing when or if I will get my food.  When I finally did get to sleep, there was a small cooking fire on another floor.  I did not know that at the time, so I had too prepare to evacuate, and when it was over I had trouble getting back to sleep again.  So now, I am exhausted, having had almost no sleep, and instead of sleeping, I have to figure out how I’m going to have something to eat this week.  Hugs!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:25 (average 4:59).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



The Rest of the Story


  32 Responses to “Personal Update–7/16/2015”

  1. I'm so sorry for those challenges–I try to keep something reasonably healthy in my freezer to microwave for my days with similar challenges.

    The picture makes me think of mummies–frozen in ancient history

  2. So sorry to hear about all these mishaps today, TomCat. It's good to have some simple foodstuff in store for ttimes like these, but I imagine you can't keep enough in store to see you through more than a day or two. And it isn't healthy either to live on pasta or rice with sauce for days on end. I hope you get your food situation sorted soon, put your mind at rest and catch up on some sleep a.s.a.p.

  3. 4:59 (average now 5:06).  Anything to eat?  KNOT!  Bad day for this!

    I'm getting to the "What can I make with green beans and ice cream?" stage myself.  However, when I make a crockpot, I also make a large batch of rice (I know how to do that in the microwave now), and I separate them into divided meal containers.  I cheat by using frozen vegetables to fill that spot, but then, when I freeze them, there they are.  Let us know if you find out what happened to Store to Door, since they seem to be usually reliable.

    Cartoon – If Democrats were sufficiently lacking in compassion, empathy, humanity, as to hang real Republicans (preferably before the latest rounds of gerrymandering started), we wouldn't be so outnumbered in Congress now.  (Of course the real story here is much funnier.)

  4. Oh, TC! Sounds like you are in the same pickle that I’m in. Good scarcity! I am trying to make it thru to the next month, but I am trying to get a car since my other one was totalled. The GAP insurance didn’t cover all of my other car’s loan and I am having to pay two loans at once. I will have to do that for two months and that is a strain on a fixed income. Of course, you can’t get food stamps or any other kind of assistance of you are making car payments in Oklahoma. Arg! I guess they think I will walk the 7 miles to the nearest store for groceries? Some of the rules for DHS are quite absurd!!!
    So sorry to hear of your circumstances. Life is giving us both a dose of bitchiness this month!
    Hang in there! Things will get better! I hope you get your groceries SOON!!!!!
    Cheers, Vivian!

  5. Strange looking sneakers on your power lines! I know in New Orleans, they tag the gang area with sneakers on the power lines. But it took me a few minutes to realize what was on y’all’s! LOL! Now that an inventive way to show what’s popular in Portland!!!!!

  6. 3:23  I distracted TomCat with a rope trick.

  7. 2:58  I tied you both up with that rope!  How does it feel boys . . . roped and hogtied by a girl?

    TC, you're more tied up than that rope!  No groceries, a fire on another floor, evacuation, lack of sleep . . . that really sucks!

    I wish you lived closer so that I could bring some groceries over for you!  But alas, I like my universal healthcare here and I don't have a passport for the border.  Do you know how hard it is to get a passport when your name is Sasquatch?  Just remember, nip is a condiment, not a meal!

    Cartoon — Thank God they're hard to find!

  8. Edie –

    So very glad you moved to the TOP of the mountain down in Kentucky 10 years ago!

    Have you had a chance to venture down to where you used to live?  Hope all is well for you and yours!

    • Thanks!  I was only smart enough to move after our home was flooded twice.  I have never regretted it.  The area where I used to live was not touched, the devastation took place about 20 miles further away.  No one is allowed in there without proof of residency.  There are still five people unaccounted for, having recovered three bodies in the last two days.  It is pitiful.

  9. I've decided to cut Donald Trump some slack.

    Yeah, sure … he's an idiotic loud-mouthed, obnoxious, racist narcissist.  BUT he has shown an uncanny ability to ferret out the true defining qualities of his fellow republicans, as evidenced by past Tweets:

    TRUMP: “Rick Perry failed on the border. He should be forced to take an IQ test before being allowed to enter the GOP debate.”


    TRUMP: “John McCain should be defeated in the primaries. Graduated last in his class at Annapolis — dummy!”


    And I would love, Love, LOVE to see him be the GOP nominee!

    • Who knew that Trump could speak the truth? LOL

    • Trump speaks the truth like a stopped clock that is right twice a day (or once a day if it is a 24-hour clock).  He calls everyone other than himself a dummy.  So he is bound to be right sometimes.  And, when speaking of other Presidential candidates, that is going to be all the time.  But it's pure coincidence.

  10. TC –

    Hope SOME type of sustenance got delivered today – and NO MORE FIRES.

    (But I'm also sure given your most recent heat wave you are ever so grateful to NOT be in your previous abode.  You'd be toast … or at least a "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"!)

    And WRT the Cartoon – like I noted yesterday, you Portlanders have intriguing – AND expensive – hobbies.  (Then again, maybe dildoes ARE cheaper than sneakers)

  11. I hope your food was delivered today.  You are having a bad month. 

  12. Here's supply side pseudo Jesus Canadian style!  Enjoy!


  13. Thanks all!  Big hugs!

  14. So sorry about your delivery TC – so frustrating!

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