Jul 132015

I did manage to get some sleep last night, and I also want to rest today, before things get busy again.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:02 (average 4:26).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: In a blistering interview with the German newspaper Die Zeit, Piketty blasts Germany and it’s history of repayment of debt over the years, and it’s attitudes toward its fellow EU neighbor, Greece…

…In brief, Piketty tells the interviewer in no uncertain terms that Germany never repaid their loans; yet hold others to a higher standard of responsibility.

ZEIT: But shouldn’t they repay their debts?

Piketty: My book recounts the history of income and wealth, including that of nations. What struck me while I was writing is that Germany is really the single best example of a country that, throughout its history, has never repaid its external debt. Neither after the First nor the Second World War. However, it has frequently made other nations pay up, such as after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, when it demanded massive reparations from France and indeed received them. The French state suffered for decades under this debt. The history of public debt is full of irony. It rarely follows our ideas of order and justice.

Please Mr. Piketty, tell us all how you really feel….  And don’t hold back!  Piketty goes on to give examples of moral clarity about just how Germany is hypocritical in its position of having been the perfect financial responsible citizen throughout history…  But not so fast says Piketty:

Piketty: When I hear the Germans say that they maintain a very moral stance about debt and strongly believe that debts must be repaid, then I think: what a huge joke! Germany is the country that has never repaid its debts. It has no standing to lecture other nations.


This is what I brought up before regarding Germany’s hypocrisy.

From The New Yorker: Serving notice that he intends to go toe-to-toe with the controversial real-estate mogul, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker used the official announcement of his Presidential candidacy to assure Republican voters that he is as horrible as Donald Trump.

“Donald Trump has grabbed a lot of headlines over the past few weeks by spewing bigotry and venom,” Walker told an enthusiastic crowd of supporters. “I want to make it clear that when it comes to those things, I take a back seat to no one.”

Concluding his speech with a line that triggered a standing ovation, Walker said, “To those who thought Donald Trump was the only sociopath in the race, let me say this: not anymore.”

Prior to his announcement, aides to the Wisconsin governor had privately fretted that by establishing his identity as an arrogant and ill-informed merchant of hatred, Trump had appropriated Walker’s brand…

It’s been so long that Andy really had me worried. He’s back in prime form, pegging the Fartfuhrer of Fitzwalkerstan perfectly!

From NY Times: …But on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, another Republican presidential candidate, sharply attacked Mr. Trump and his message and called on his party’s chairman and other candidates to speak out against him.

Mr. Trump is a “wrecking ball” for the GOP as it tries to appeal to Hispanic voters, Mr. Graham said.

“To all the candidates who think that Donald Trump is telling the truth, I think you have lost your way. As to the Republican Party, if we do not reject this way of thinking clearly, without any ambiguity, we will have lost our way,” he said. “We will have lost the moral authority, in my view, to govern this great nation.”…

Lindsey Poo fears what already is. The Republican Party lost their moral authority to govern this nation the day they adopted the Southern Strategy and Republican Tinkle Down economics.




  13 Responses to “Open Thread–7/13/2015”

  1. 3:53 (average 4:26)  Don't anyone start on rodents – he isn't one.  Probably just as tasty, though.

    Daily Kos – Just to make the story a wee bit better, apparently some of those loans Germany hasn't paid were from Greece.  If they would repay, with moderate interest, what they owe Greece, Greece would have no financial problems whatsoever.

    New Yorker – Oh, yes. Andy is right on about Walker and Trump.  I just don't understand how anyone could think there are no other sociopaths in the race, though.

    NY Times – But I don't think Graham has the moral high ground.  I think he is merely in favor of judicious hypocrisy for pure political gain.

    Cartoon – On this cartoon, and on the next one, you need a red stool with horns on it – at least per the Pope.

  2. You're right to take it easy, TomCat and I thinkk I'll follow your example by keeping this short and retire early for once.

    Daily Kos: Piketty has a point, but that has never stopped Germany from pointing fingers at others while at the same time taking charge. Angela Merkel isn't a hawk, she doesn't want to go down history as another German who tried to rule Europe by force, she wants to go down as its financial ruler. And it looks like she's going to get exactly that.

    The New Yorker: Bravo Andy! Nailed both Trump and Walker in one blow. Excellent.

    NY Times: And now for a daring new performance I give you: Lindsey Graham as GOP's Voice of Reason! ROTFLMAO

    Cartoon: Got away? Went home where he belonged, you mean. Down the sewer.

  3. 3:04  Watch out, TomCat.  I am right behind you.

    • 2:47  Thanks guys for being my look out!  This cute little guy is not a tasty treat!

      JD, you want to talk rats?  That rat like nose and eyes on the picture on today's lead article should be enough to tell anyone who the real rat is!!

  4. Glad Piketty is getting some press.

    CA Dems are already emailing to oppose Walker.

    Never thought I'd agree with Graham so much on anything.

    The GOP must've been in CA with low flow toilets due to water shortages.

  5. The cartoon says it all for me!

  6. Puzzle — 2:47  Thanks guys for being my look out!  This cute little guy is not a tasty treat!

    JD, you want to talk rats?  That rat like nose and eyes on the picture on today's lead article should be enough to tell anyone who the real rat is!!

    Daily Kos — Following WWI, Germany did not make reparations as required . . something about their country was in ruins and they couldn't afford it!  Then, during WWII, Germany occupied Greece as it fought to control all of Europe.  During that occupation, Germany demanded and received loans from Greece amounting to 476 Reichmarks @ 0% interest.  In 1960, Germany finally paid Greece 115 Marks.  See information at Wikipedia:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_reparations_for_World_War_II

    Picketty is absolutely correct.  It makes me wonder if someone had actually forced Germany to pay its reparations and repay Greece the money it borrowed, would Germany be the strong country it is today and be an EU leader?  Germany seems to have an almost "entitlement" mentality which no one else is allowed to have.

    The New Yorker — "“Sooner or later, the Trump candidacy is going to fall apart and voters are going to be looking for another dick to vote for,” one aide said. “Scott Walker wants to be that dick.”"  Well the aide was right . . . the Fartfuhrer is a dick!

    NY Times — "…As to the Republican Party, if we do not reject this way of thinking clearly, without any ambiguity, we will have lost our way,” he [Lindsey Graham] said."  Earth to Graham, you didn't need Trump to steer the party off course.  The Republicanus/Teabaggerum has been off course for decades and the only option is to euthanise it!

    Cartoon — The only place for the  Republicanus/Teabaggerum is in the outhouse pit at a camp with rampant dysentery!

  7. Thanks for the very good article on the interview with Thomas Piketty and Die Zeit, TC  – I clicked through (and through) to The Wire where the translation was first published, and it is a wonderful read.  http://thewire.in/2015/07/08/thomas-piketty-germany-has-never-repaid-its-debts-it-has-no-right-to-lecture-greece/ )  I really hope that as the translation is being published by arrangement with Die Zeit in The Wire that Die Zeit sees how many people want to read the whole interview (in English) and that this in some small way influences the thinking of the German Government.



  8. Daily Kos ~ Piketty is absolutely right on this. Germany had better clean its own house before attacking others.Angela better study some of her country's histry before chastising Greece.

    New Yorker ~ Nailed it, Andy!

    NY Times ~ Lindsey, from your lips to American's ears. Wake up, sheeple! One of your own is warning you.

    Cartoon ~ Too bad, too late on the flush!


    Speaking of rest, last night is the first night in the 2 weeks since I've gotten Lyme Disease that I have slept a full night. I must say, it feels grand to be alive today! I'm not healed yet and don't know if 3 weeks of Doxycycline will be enough, but it's a start.

    Be well, everyone!

  9. Thanks all.  Hugs!

  10. To Lynn Squance! You nailed it to the outhouse wall! Excellent comments!

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