Jul 032015


Here is the seventy-third article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Amber Roof, sister of Republican Terrorist Dylann Storm Roof. She is so honored for using her brother’s traditional Republican approach to race relations as an opportunity for material gain.

0703RoofThe sister of the alleged Charleston shooter, Dylann Roof, is upset that her brother being charged with slaughtering nine people has ruined her dream wedding. She’s appealing to the public for donations so she can reschedule.

Amber Roof’s wedding was scheduled for June 21, four days after the massacre at Emanuel AME Church.

“We were ready! We had planned out every detail for months and months. It was going to be the PERFECT day!,” she writes.

She is asking the public for donations to fund a new wedding. According to Amber, “We know money cannot replace the wedding we lost and our perfect day, however it will help us to create new memories and a new start with our new family.”…

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Her offer to share 10% of the blood money she takes in with the victims is all the more egregious.  It is the moral equivalent of a Nazi’s family enriching themselves and offering a pittance to holocaust victims.

Amber is Republican to the core.


  19 Responses to “Republicans on Parade–7/3/2015”

  1. Well, at least she had the common sense to take it down.

    Yesterday when I tried to visit her site from another blog all it said was "REMOVED".  ThinkProgress says that it was Amber who took it down.

    Wonder what happens to the $1.7k altready pledged.

  2. how about the memories that the families torn apart by her brother cannot have?


    voted in new poll!

  3. Had she put up a site PURELY for the victims' families and the church, she would have had my support (if only moral, not financial).  As is it … before I was married a friend was asking me about my wedding plans (whch were to go to a justice of the peace just the two of us since no additional witnesses were requires, then sneak out of town for a couple of days and return in time for me to teach my Monday night adult ed class).  she responded, "Oh, I see – you don't want a wedding, you want a marriage."  Most people seem to not want a marriage but want a wedding.  I'd say a priority transplant is in order.

    • You got to the heart of the matter. 

      I'm fine with having both a marriage and a wedding, but the priority should be in THAT order.

    • Exactly what I thought about this tasteless female, thanks Joanne.  I heard about this last night on Channel Four's The Last Leg.  Had she done something to help others I would have felt sympathy for her – as it is she sounds very like the rest of the Far Right – she is the only person in her world that matters.

      What an odd comment that person made to you about marriage – you were and are quite right Joanne – people should be really made to think about what a marriage is before they marry.  One idea is that both parties sit down (several feet apart) and write out what they think marriage means, and its rights and responsibilities (in silence) – then they exchange papers after 15 minutes or so – it could be a wake-up call for some.


  4. Well gee whiz….her wedding was ruined. Sorry about that; but there are 9 people that will never get to ever go to a wedding again, theirs or anyone else's for that matter.


  5. What a self-centred little witch!  I wonder if she is related to Christine O'Donnell?  No thought, other than a passing one, for the victims and their families and friends.  I wonder who gave her the idea of "tithing" for the families.  My guess is that she would hang her hat on that!  Yup, right wing fanatical evangelical pseudo Chrisitian Republicanus/Teabaggerum.  Perhaps she should ask her brother to fund her wedding.  I don't give her marriage much of a chance.

  6. Her self love gives us a clue to her brother's mentality.  Apparently, both have been taught to think only of themselves and what they want.  She is probably as delusional as her brother. These sites to raise money were not intended for selfish reasons, but to help those in need.   Typically, these days, they are being used for every thing else.

  7. As others have so rightly pointed out – there are nine exceedingly good people who will never go to another wedding again because of that…. female's…. brother.  She should be ashamed of herself – but miracles seem to be in short supply these days.

  8. Wow, Amber Roof deserves a top spot in your Parade, TomCat. I don't know if Dylann has any more siblings but the NSA and CIA should be keeping the whole family under close observation, because there's some serious genetic mental illness of the Republican kind running rampant in that family. This comes nowhere near killing nine people in a church, but this amazing egocentrism is heralding worse to come. Donations to start her new family with happy memories? God forbid she breeds any more of her kind!

    Oh, and don't forget she needs money for her dream honeymoon too. To get away from all that terrible mess around her. What really disgusted me most, though, were the $ 1724 already donated when someone reposted the negative reactions for $ 5. Must have been because of the pledge to donate 10% to Emanuel AME. After the honeymoon of course.

  9. America is sick. She is not the only one trying to profit from these gun killings. Get well soon America.

    • Americans, on the whole, are very generous people.  I think you are mistaken to blame all for the actions of few.

      • I said nothing about Americans being generous, or not. The American people certainly can be blamed for allowing this mass killing from guns to continue, that does not happen in any other country in the world.

  10. Thanks all.  This is the forst time wer have had a brother and sister both win parades.

  11. I'll bet it won't be the last, though.

  12. Karma–I trust it will bite her back…eventually

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