Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how idiotic InsaniTEA can become. I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.
Nicest woman on TV suggests we deny citizenship to blind people and people in wheelchairs.
Oh joy, the aforementioned bile-spewing hatemonger Ann Coulter has written another book, and that can only mean one thing: book tour.!!! The book is about immigration, and it will probably surprise no one that Coulter does not think much of that glorious American institution. We’re not going to give you the name of the book because if you buy it, we’ll have to shoot ourselves.
Coulter called in to Simon Conway’s talk radio show [hate monger delinked] in Iowa one day this week and curiously the conversation turned to the subject of Coulter’s unnamed book, citizenship requirements and naturalization ceremonies.
Cruella de Coulter told Conway that she disapproves of the exception to the English-language requirement for naturalized citizens for certain older people who have been legal residents for decades. If they don’t know English, she said they don’t “love this country.” Off with their heads, deport them. Something.
She also objects to making accommodations for citizenship applicants with disabilities. She is literally turning into a cartoon of herself. Her words:
“The INS has waived the English-language requirements for many immigrants, and it’s not just — that obviously goes to the heart of it, are you switching allegiance, do you love this country? — but beyond that, how about the wheelchair-only section? How about the section for the blind? Look, wish these people well, but we’re not running an international charity here,” she said.
Inserted from <Alternet>
I bet the thought of discrimination against disabled people had the Coultergeist’s Adam’s apple bobbing at record setting speed. This is only the fifth of five idiotic Republican moments from last week alone. Click through for the other four.
19 Responses to “This Week’s Idiotic Republican Moments”
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Every time I see a picture of this … person, I swear she gets uglier and uglier.
She's fast closing in on that point where her "Outer Ugliness" will finally match her "Inner Ugliness".
And that's some MAJOR UGLINESS!!
Too ugly for us to have to hear or see! Thanks for the kind words about our wedding anniversary.
Isn't that insulting to ugly people?
1, As usual, Sarah Palin is living up to her moniker "Sarah Palinsane". Her daughter, Bristol, seems bent on the same path as her mother. lol.
2. Trump really is a "“F*ckface von Clownstick". The best news for Trump is that the he polled very high as a candidate that the Republicans would not vote for leaving his nearest competitor 20 points behind. Maybe this bit of news will allow Trump not to declare his candidacy for POTUS regardless of his "plan" to do away with ISIS.
3. Scott Walker should have an ultrasound rod shoved up his ass, straight from the freezer and see how he likes it. Walker deserves the title of the Todd Akin “Legitimate Rape” sexual insensitivity award. Creep!
4. Michele Bachmann, as usual, does not seem to know nor understand that the immigrants coming from central and south America are predominantly Catholic, a Christian religion. Those immigrants have already been heavily-handed, indoctrinated into christianity by the Catholic Church centuries ago. They are most likely more Christian than Bachmann is.
5. Ann Coulter continues to spew hate in any way she can against people. Ann is a publicity hound just to make herself money. She doesn't care if she is liked or not as long as the money keeps rolling in. Has she forgotten that somewhere in her family linage that she too is part of the immigration movement. By the way, Ann's eyes are evil, just look at the picture. Her eyes are a glowing red.
Chickenhawks for breakfast and five Republican idiots for dinner: do you want to give me an ulcer, TomCat?
Bachmann and Palin are slipping (too) slowly into oblivion, hopefully never to be heard of again, and Coulter is fighting off ending up in Nowhereland tooth and nail by having some idiot publisher tasking on yet another of her rags. When are publishers going to realize that nobody is going to touch those acid-dripping pages. With Trump just having filled his diaper with another tantrum that would shame a 6 year-old, the only one really to worry about is Walker, he's still in the position to abuse his power as governor and do so real harm to the people, well mainly to the women, of Wisconsin. The longer he stays in the presidential race, the worse his statements and claims to out-do his competitors is misogyny are going to get and the more he'll try and push his vile ideas down people's throats (no pun intended).
Am trying to play catch up today. Just finished with a Birthweek, not just a day. BTW, Thanks for the Birthday card, Tom My friends, family and the folks I work with at my Volunteer job treated me well. I am so blessed.
YVW! 🙂
1. For some reason, there seem to be a number of people who think that Lena Dunham has something to do with the Duggars. I'm afraid I don't get it.
2. Donald Dangerfield?
3. Speechless. Jim has a good idea ther, though.
4. Ah, Michele. So there still are Protestants who teach that Catholics are not Christian – and are going straight to hell.
5. Her father was an FBI agent born in Albany, NY, and her mother whose maiden name was Martin, was born in Paducah, KY (Sorry, Edie). Ann herself was born in New York City. I suspect she has ancestors who were "Loyalists" (or, as we would call them. traitors) during the Revolution. But ancestors here that far back doesn't make her other than an immigrant (and a thief).
That's ok, Joanne. I am just glad she didn't grow up here.
Coulter's take on dealing with immigration reform is to deny citizenship to blind people and people in wheelchairs. Is just about as dumb when ex President Bush said "You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.”
Ow, Ow, ow, I am almost blind from that picture, and nauseated from reading all the Alternet article. Those five at the same time is not good for Blue blood pressure. Coulter really needs to be treated the way she wants everyone who doesn't agree with her treated . Could we pass a bill to have her deported? Palin and Bachman are such idiots, they are really not worth talking about, but the press still does. Walker? He thinks he is a saint. I am pretty sure he would not get over being raped in a couple of months. The Donald: that is toooo funny, faux news dissed him! Best part of the whole article.
I hope you got to bask. I had to be outside early to water my plants today, we got to 91 degrees.
Hotter here.:-)
As usual, these clowns are, in the words of Forrest Gump "Stupid is as stupid does!"
Palin — When will this old, non sensical hag stop flapping her lips? It is hard to think of anyone as irrelevant as Palin, but all Republicanus/Teabaggerum are definitely contenders!
Trump — Hasn't the Donald ever wondered why he has never been the POTUS, or even been asked to be a running mate?
Walker — "…he knows exactly what it is like to be raped and impregnated." He's been spending far too much time with Bubba! Too bad his momma didn't abort him!
Bachmann — I guess she doesn't believe in the 1st amendment to the US Constitution . . . probably doesn't believe in the Constitution. Does she even know how to spell the word?
Coulter — I guess Coulter is glad she already has American citizenship so she could not be shipped off on account of her own disabilities . . . no brain, no heart.
I hope you are feeling better with your leg and all. Gotta get that one pink leg back to the patsy white-colored leg so you'll have a matching set. lol. Hugzzz…
Coulter is deliberately offensive and, now, she is promoting identity politics.
See “Adios, Ann: Coulter’s Blood Politics” at
Welcome Peter. 🙂
Is that your site?
1. Failin' Palin once again demonostrates that she is an uneducated cretin.
2. The Donald's comebacks are not as good as a first grader's retorts on the playground. Na-Na-Na-Na-Boo-Boo!
3. I wonder when he was "raped and impregnated".
4. Do these idiots realize that most of our "brown" immigrants from Central and south America are Catholic? That's a "Christian" religion. Just ask our Liberal Pope.
5. Ahhh! The Coultergeist is showing his/her compassion for others again. Alternet saved the worst for last.
Thanks for another edition of "As the Stomach Churns" TC
Thanks all. Sadly, this well won't run dry.