A Young American Hero

 Posted by at 11:21 am  Politics
May 152015

Jeb Bush, aka Strike Three, learned the hard way that he needs armed goons to keep thinking people out of his hand-picked cameo events.  That was the standard for Republican candidates in 2011 and 2012.  But Strike Three forgot to check at the door, to make sure every attendee said “BA-A-A-A-A-A”, before being allowed in.  So just as Jeb was lying that ISIS is Obama’s fault, a young American Hero popped up to school him.


Jeb Bush isn’t even an official presidential candidate yet, but he’s already facing a serious challenge to his candidacy — and it just got worse because of a 19-year-old.

"Your brother created ISIS," college student Ivy Ziedrich told Bush during a town-hall-style meeting in Reno, Nevada, on Wednesday. "ISIS" is a common name for the militant group that calls itself the Islamic State, and the "brother" in question, of course, is former President George W. Bush.

Moments earlier, the former Florida governor had been telling the audience that President Barack Obama was responsible for the rise of the militant group. But Ziedrich, a student at the University of Nevada, Reno, replied that Bush’s version of history glossed over a few key events.

"You stated that ISIS was created because we don’t have enough presence and we’ve been pulling out of the Middle East," she said. "However, the threat of ISIS was created by the Iraqi coalition authority, which ousted the entire government of Iraq. It was when 30,000 individuals who are part of the Iraqi military were forced out. They had no employment, they had no income, yet they were left with access to all the same arms and weapons."…

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

Lawrence O’Donnell interviewed Ivy last night.

Kudos to Ivy Ziedrich!  It takes a lot of courage to learn the facts and used them to combat publicly recognized authority figures.  America needs several million more just like her!


  16 Responses to “A Young American Hero”

  1. I hope others her age are looking and saying to themselves…..I too can do this….and then do it. We've been quiet to long. Good for her, well done.

  2. Bravo, Ivy!  The truth comes out and socks it to 'em….

  3. Ivy does indeed deserve kudos and I hope she inspires more informed people to speak up when hearing misinformation or disinformation like this.

  4. Kudos to Ivy for having the cojones to confront Jeb "I-was-for-it-before-I-was-agin'-it" Bush with the truth!

    Nancy Pelosi would be proud, cojones-wise!

  5. This was AWESOME! I was giving her a standing ovation and my old man thought I had slipped a gear! I was SO PROUD of her that I nearly had tears in my eyes!
    If only we could clone her and QUICK! Let’s any her clones at every university that is on his speaking tour! Hopefully, we can get Strike Three out of the race before it begins! That would be hilarious!
    Fine young WOMAN there!

  6. My progressive cousin in San Jose often tells me how much faith she has in young people as a group.  I don't see that here in Colorado Springs.  But I think this article in my alumni magazine may give me a glimpse of what she sees.  It certainly makes me incredibly proud.


    I wish Ivy power, and wisdom  and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing in perpetuity.

  7. I hope her parents are very proud of her. She presented her questions very well and made her point despite his being pedantic to her.  Good for Ivy! 

  8. God bless and protect college student Ivy Ziedrich forever!  Well done, you heroic, intelligent, cool calm and collected young woman!  Ivy you have made my day!

  9. Brava Ivy!

    Young people are just as fed up as we oldsters  are. They get into debt to get an education and then get minimum wage jobs. Rise up and fight like we did so many years ago. 

  10. Awesome! Really surprised that this young woman, Ivy Ziedrich, the 19-year-old Nevada college student, asked and articulated a great question in asking Jebby about his brother in creating ISIS. We need more young people out there asking the tough questions especially to the GOP/TP/Koch Party "hopefuls". 

  11. Thanks all.  Agree with all!

  12. Awesome young woman!  Jebby showed he doesn't know how to answer articulate questions, especially those coming from an educated young woman.  Pedantic!   oh yeah, that's Jebby in addition to being a serial liar!

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