Happy Mothers Day!

 Posted by at 10:52 am  Holiday, Politics
May 102015



  11 Responses to “Happy Mothers Day!”

  1. adorable picture!

  2. Now, how sweet is that.  Both the picture and the wish.  Many thanks.

  3. May all the Mothers of the world receive the love, hope, happiness and peace I am sending their way!

  4. I was raised by my mother, so to her I say "Thanks mother!"  On Fathers' Day, I also would give her a card because she was forced to be both mother and father.  She was surprised the first time I did that but understood the 'why'.

    To all the single dads out there with children to raise, I say "Happy Mothers' Day"!  It's not easy to be both mother and father, but hang in there.  The work is worth the reward in the end.

    And to all the furbabe mums and dads, hang in there!  They are definitely worth everything! . . . even if they sometimes bite you!

  5. Here's hoping ALL of you good liberal/progressive supporter of Democrats have a "Happy Day" … no matter what it's called.

    And LOTS of them!

  6. Thanks,TC, for the wish and the beautiful kitten. 

  7. Ah the darling one!  Although I have no human children, I have rescued, rehabilitated, loved and adored (and still do) quite a few cats and dogs, so the picture of the gorgeous kitten makes me feel very good!

  8. Thanks. My whole weekend was purr-fect. We almost finished my raised garden bed. I just need the soil and the swinging gate attached. I can't plant anything here for a couple more weeks so I'm very happy with the progress.

    I hope everyone else's Mother's Day was just as good if not better.

  9. Enjoy Mother's Day with Loved Ones…


  10. Amen to all!

  11. My belated greetings also to you all!

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