Apr 162015

Spring is sproinging!!  Today I have the first of six forecast sunny days with a high over 70°.  It’s definitely time for some kitty basking.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:59 (average 4:32).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: When a man asks people to translate a hate message he’s received, their response is unforgettable.


This video illustrates how people naturally react to the hatred Republicans embrace. Here, Republicans continually bombard people with media designed to make them fearful of others in a way that evokes such hatred.

From Daily Kos: Fargo, North Dakota, coffee shop owner Joe Curry does not appreciate the 56 North Dakota legislators who voted against a bill that would have protected LGBT people from discrimination. Curry put up a sign:

"Ban effective immediately. The listed Men & Women are now banned from entering this establishment.* This is based solely on age, gender, race, beliefs, color, religion & disability."

That asterisk points to this statement:

"Unless accompanied by a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Queer, Intersex or Asexual person."

Curry’s coffee shop is the Red Raven Espresso Parlor. His intention is not to discriminate.

Kudos to Joe Curry. I would love to have coffee un the Red Raven!

From Alternet: Shred Safety Nets. Christie thinks he’s being bold by giving a big speech on the safety nets for the elderly and poor. “Democrats believe entitlements are a sacred cow that cannot be honestly discussed, perpetuating a dangerous fantasy to the American people,” he said. As noted above, Christie’s solutions are not honest as they would push millions into poverty. Like the others, he doesn’t touch fair tax increases to fortify social insurance programs or greed in the health care system. And that takes him to attacking Obamacare. “There is no question that America would be better off with a market-oriented, more flexible, more pro-consumer-choice health care system than the one that was jammed down our throats by this President,” he said. All of the GOP 2016 wannabees not only want to repeal it, on tip of cutting safety net spending because of their obsession with the federal debt. None are asking what people need.

This is just one of eight nightmare scenarios that will come to pass if Republican campaign speeches become reality. Click through for the other seven and to see what life would be like under a Republican Reich.




  22 Responses to “Open Thread–4/16/2015”

  1. 3:53 average still 4:32.  Well, many are proposing eating insects, but a puddy tat eating a bee might get stung – plus we need all the pollinators we can get to provide food for the puddy tat prey base.  If you catch her, let her go.

    Upworthy – All I can say is thanks for putting Joe Curry right after this to help take out the sting a little.

    DKos – In the comments there was quite a discussion about how many women had voted for the bill.  But the entire legislature was pictured – those at the top voted for – those at the bottem against (and off to the side abstained),  Well over half the women in the legislature had voted against.  I'd like to meet Joe Curry too.  I'll bet he makes good coffee (I couldn't say about what kind of tea he makes, if any).

    Alternet – Hard to say what is the scariest.  I will say the widening culture wars show up at the ballot box pretty fast – people who fail to vote or vote for third parties and hand what should be easy Democratic victories off to Republicans faster than rigged voting machines.

    Cartoon – Oh, yeah.

    I was in too much of a hurry yesterday and forgot to say "thank you" on behalf of your neighbor.  I'm sure she thanked you, of course, but it doesn't hurt to be told we notice too.  I'm sure glad she went to you and not to a Republican – she'd have gotten the Republican death benefit for sure.

    • P.S.  When will you be hanging your supposedly Democratic Senator in effigy?  Will it be on TV?

      • What did Wyden do?

        • I'm sure by now you know – he made the "bipartisan" deal to send Fast Track of the TPP to the floor – where it stands a very good chance of passing.  In fact, our best hope of beating it might be convincing Tea Partiers that they really, really don't want to give any more authority to Obama.

  2. Yesterday, 4/15, marked the 150th Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's death.  In trying to capitalize on that tragedy, the GOP made a WHOPPER of a BOO-BOO in their text noting the occasion:

    150 years ago today, the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

    America is forever indebted.


    Apparently they feel a debt of gratitude to John Wilkes Booth.

    And I came across this amazing YouTube video of an "I've Got a Secret" show back in 1956 (I would have been 7 y/o) where the 96 y/o man's secret is he witnessed the assassination.

    And yes, that's Lucille Ball on the very end of the panel.


    • I watched the Youtube video, really amazes me that he could remember it. Thanks.

    • That first bit about Lincoln from today's Republicanus/Teabaggerum is almost priceless.  Obviously they cut back too far on education spending and it has come back to bite them in the ass!  And these louts think they are capable of running the country?

    • "Apparently they feel a debt of gratitude to John Wilkes Booth." – oh dear!  Nameless, you made me cry laughing about such a faux pas – thank you!

    • Thew Lincoln Memorial needs a bag over that statue's head.

  3. I didn't get a card yesterday, but I found you anyway. Have fun with the sun, we have had rain for the last seven days with six more predicted.  Floods and mudslides are prevalent in my area, and many people are in trouble.

    Upworthy:  The normal human response to hatred is to recoil.  We have been bombarded with hatred for the last six years.  So much so that people are starting to act immune.  

    Alternet;  Hurray for Mr. Curry, he shows the courage of his convictions.  Wish we had more like him.

    Alternet:  I clicked through, heaven help us, because no one else can, if any of these clowns become President.

    Cartoon:  You are so right.



  4. 2:44  Just buzzing along, singing a tune!  This guy looks like he is wearing yellow bloomers!

  5. Puzzle — 2:44  Just buzzing along, singing a tune!  This guy looks like he is wearing yellow bloomers!

    Upworthy — It is nice to know that there is still some love and compassion in the world!  Obviously, these people are not Lithuanian Republicanus/Teabaggerum.

    Daily Kos — I wouldn't go to Joe Curry's to drink espresso as I am allergic, but I would sure go to drink in some great atmosphere!  Thank you Joe!

    Alternet — If this "stupid is as stupid does" Republicanus/Teabaggerum rabble ends up in the White House, look out because there WILL BE a revolution!

    "All of the GOP 2016 wannabees want to repeal it, on top of cutting safety net spending because of their obsession with the federal debt."

    And when it comes to the federal debt, the GOP should look no further than Baby Bush and Chickenhawk Cheney who escalated the debt through illegal wars, greed and ineptitude.

    Cartoon — NRA?  The Nonsensicle Reprobates of America, heavily populated and allied with the Republicanus/Teabaggerum!

    Personal — Today, 16/04/15, is the 7th birthday for my 2 boys, Primo and Winnie.  We had a nice birthday dinner of fresh roasted chicken breast followed by a frolic in the cat nip!  Fun was had by all and they are now completely flaked out!

    • Good Heavens – so Lynn, when I sent you a birthday card that was sent on the 16th and meant for the 17th, and included Primo, Annie and Winne in the birthday wishes, I was actually mostly correct!  Happy Birthday to all!

    • We'll spank you,  You can spank the cats. 🙂

  6. Upworthy – I was so sorry for the good people who had to innocently read the hateful message – but it was a very good exercise nonetheless. 

    Daily Kos – silly, sad man.

    Alternet – the liars are lying again – why do people believe them?  Sigh!


  7. Thanks all!  Hugs!

  8. Unworthy: that was very hard to watch. But it shows that some people have a heart. Just too hard to watch, knowing that the message was gonna be in really bad because it was from a repukkklican.

  9. Virginia Techs for every state if some in Congress have their way on gun rules crossing state lines.

    Sen. Ron Johnson's Obamacare challenge fails at 7th Circuit–no standing–filed based on misunderstandings of the law and context, just like Christie's statements. We've more children in poverty than those we are usually compared to–is the GOP seeking us to set an all time world record?

    Kudos to Curry!  I hope he gets more business from this.

    Can any person enthusiastically embrace hatred when grounded with Christian or similar values and good mental health?

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