Mar 162015

I’m feeling about the same, and I’m still doing all the things I need to do to care for myself.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:24 (average 5:38),  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  19 Responses to “Personal Update–3/16/2015”

  1. Looks like the “War on Poverty” has been lost! The rich have won!

  2. 4:59 average atill 5:38.  There are two parts to any jigsaw – there's the 'knowing where the pieces go" part, and then there's the "having the pieces actually go and stay where you put them" part.  I do't mind taking the blame for slowness on the first part, but the second part is annoying.  I was going to say I wish you could hear me yelling at the pieces, but I really don't, I wouldn't want any of you great people to lose your hearing.

    Cartoon – the only way to bring a War on Poverty into line with the belief that the poor can never suffer enough is to make it a war on poor people rather than on poverty itself.  And that is exactly what they have done.  I am not quite sure how it is possible to win a war when your main weapon seems to be recruiting and conscripting for the enemy army, but they seem to be doing a fine job.

  3. 3:23  I could do with one or two of these to catch the little fruit flies and spiders about the house!

    Here is an interesting piece worthy of Upworthy, but believe it or not, it is a Samsung ad, no ordinary ad!  Get your kleenex ready!  Thanks to Evelyn B @ Care2.

    Glad to hear that you're doing all the right things TC!  BTW, I sent you a Care2 message to cheer you up.

  4. To those of you who were not only concerned WRT how TC is doing (and glad to hear he's haning in there), but were also worried about the whereabouts and condition of Vladimir Putin (I'm looking at you, Palin) but relieved that he has since re-surfaced – I apologize.

    Actually I had gotten word from friends in a major warm-climate resort city that they had spotted Putin swimming laps in the rooftop pool of an exquisitely posh hotel.  So I'm sorry that I did not share with all of you earlier that I knew that Vlad was …

    Putin on the Ritz

    (OK – I admit I had to work long and hard to get to that groaner … but it made me chuckle.)

  5. We were so hopeful that the war on poverty would work here in Eastern Ky. It didn't.  Mainly because no jobs followe in its wake, the coal industry had such power that other companies would not locate here.

  6. Keep taking care of yourself, your faithful readers will wait.

  7. Hang in there TC – get better gently!

  8. I think it was today that the Huff Post had an article on why politicians still insist that they were right (such as their lunacy that Obamacare will wreck the economy etc [how and why are unclear]) – I think it is because they belong to a cult and no dissension is allowed – and I was almost right according to the article.

    The article puts it down to cognitive dissonance – they cannot cope when the facts disagree with their dogma – so they say the facts have to be lying – well, it couldn't possibly be that they were wrong, could it?


  9. That's what you need to do. Keep on taking care of yourself. We will survive a short respite while you heal.

  10. I thought this might interest you for your volunteer work. Brave New Films has some good ones.

  11. Thanks all.  Still sick, but doing two abbreviated articles today.

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