Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how insane InsaniTEA can become. I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.
Faux Newsian says Obama is “buying votes” with food stamps.
Dogs everywhere were barking and howling in response to obvious whistles from Faux Newsians Stuart Varney and Brian Kilmeade this week.
Kilmeade, trying to counter the narrative of the economy bouncing back, lest Obama get any credit for it, pointed out that more than 46 million Americans receive food stamps. “So is this a planned strategy by the White House to keep the handouts on high levels?” Kilmeade dumbly asked.
“It is deliberate,” said Varney. “This is redistribution. This is the administration taking from this group, giving…to that group. Essentially buying votes.”
“Look at what else we’re just handing out,” Varney said, listing Obama phones, housing assistance, earned income tax credit, social security and Medicaid.
Varney didn’t use the words “Communist,” “black people,” “Mexicans,” or “immigrants,” but it’s pretty obvious we’re supposed to add those ourselves…
Insaerted from <Alternet>
Barf Bag Alert!
This class warfare is only the fifth of five insane Republican Moments from Last week alone. Click through for the other four.
13 Responses to “Last Week’s Insane Republican Moments”
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And subsidies to oil companies, GE and the like don't add up to bigger giveaways?
"listing Obama phones, housing assistance, earned income tax credit, social security and Medicaid." Again they "list" Social Security as a Give Away…it's EARNED – and EARNED Income Credit is self-descriptive too! We wouldn't NEED most of those things (Food stamps, etc.) if we ALL had decent paying jobs!!!!!
They weren't Obama phones. GW Bush started te free cell phone program.
1. Sigh. When was "Histoire d'O" published? 1954? "My Secret Life"? 1888? "Fanny Hill"? 1748? "Moll Flanders"? 1722? What is taking the Apocalypse so long? And why is it so difficult to grasp that for any given person, "apocalypse" refers to that person's death. THAT's what no one knows the date or the hour of. THAT's what you need to be ready for. And, guess what, you'll be doing it alone.
2. The reality is that what makes people potential ISIL recruits is systematic hatred and oppression of Muslims. In other words, people like Rush. They never seem to get tired of us bringing up projection.
3. I don't agree with President Obama on everything (which I'm sure surprises no one who knows me), but I do love it that he has the cojones to make fun of himself in an effort to help the needy. No Republican would EVER do thet.
4. She can't POSSIBLY not know that KXL is not intended to, and will not, bring even a DROP of oil to the US. That KXL is intended to send oil THROUGH the US to by shipped almost everywhere else. The only oil we MIGHT get to keep is whatever spills – which would be poisonous – and I wouldn't put it past them to try to reclaim that with methods that are even more poisonous. Can she?
5. OK, you must understand that ANY money whatever that moves from the Federal Government to any individual not in the 1% is, to a Republican, a handout. ANY money. Tax refunds, anything. Military pay for enlisted and for junior grade officers. ANYTHING. "Republican" is not just a party. It is also a new language. Like "Newspeak."
I totally agree with your number five assessment.
Putting those five in the same article should require a five star barf bag alert. I keep wishing Palin would go back to Alaska and stay, but then I feel guilty because I know she will just be out killing animals. I was so disappointed tonight when I turned on the SNL special, and there she was. I immediately switched channels. As for Limbaugh, the Flush Rush campaign must be clogged, he is still here!
I agree with Joanne's assessment in item 5 onher comment. Any money not going to a congress person or one of their wealthy contributors is a handout in their assessment.
Pastor Robert Jeffress — "…Jeffers says the end of days will be terrible, and by “terrible” he means filled with a “lack of moral restraint.”" — …and that lack of moral restraint would include lying, deceit, hate, bigotry etc all hallmarks of Faux Noise aka Fox? But of course!
Rush Limbaugh — Flush Rush! This idiot hates everything but himself!
Faux Newsian Faux Outraged — Heather Childers knows that these are 2 separate events not even remotely connected, but she'll try to connect them by "wixing her mords" and voilà a manufactured controversy. Anything to fire up their brain dead base.
Wildlife to Palin — "YOU take one for the team!" Mother Earth and all wildlife would appreciate that!
Faux Newsian says Obama is "buyingvotes" with food stamps — Bull shit! But, I guess the Republicanus/Teabaggerum are buying votes with all the tax refunds and writeoffs that are awarded to the 1% and profitable corporations!
"Oh what a tangled web they weave when first they practice to deceive." Sir Walter Scott surely did know the Republicanus/Teabaggerum!
1. Here is what Media Matters has to say about Robert Jeffers: "Jeffress is an evangelical pastor with a long history of incendiary remarks. He is an anti-gay bigot who believes gays lead a "miserable lifestyle," homosexuality is linked to pedophilia, and gay people are promiscuous and engaged in "filthy behavior," and "brainwashing activit[ies]." He's compared Mormonism to a cult, called Islam an "evil, evil, religion," referred to Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism as "false religions," and said the Catholic Church is a "counterfeit religion" that rose from a "cult-like, pagan religion." I have nothing to add.
2. Limbarf is a "former drug addict"? I don't think he ever stopped using if his tirades are any indication of an addled mind on drugs.
3. The FAUX NOISE group has a moment of sanity from Geraldo. I'm shocked!
4. Sara Palin will never change. I was watching SNL 40th Anniversary and was sadly disappointed that they invited her to be present on the show,
5. Would someone please tell these Wing Nuts that Red States have the highest rates of welfare and food stamps?
Patty, anything over 3 links ge3ts held for approval. Fortunately I saw it early.
Sorry – couldn't bear to watch the video – I'm watching my blood pressure – but reading others' excellent comments was most enlightening. It sounds as if the Repuglicons have, as always, projected their own vile behavior onto others and then yelled "Look at THEM!!!".
Is there communist tendencies for the mega-rich to receive the subsidies that all those “too big to fail” banks that were bailed out when They were going under? Just wonderin.
I can’t stand the double standards that the Teapubs use for their “handouts” and the ones that are used for people that really need help!
Rolling Eyes. 😆
I am willing to bet the Koch Brothers pay minimum wage to less informed people to Troll Internet Sites.![:mrgreen:](
Thanks all.
Kudos to JD for the assessment on #5.
Richard, only a fool would take that bet.