Bye Kitz

 Posted by at 9:10 am  Politics
Feb 142015

As someone, who frequently blows Oregon’s horn, having my governor resign under pressure is difficult for me.  I’m still not certain he did anything criminal, but there is certainly an appearance of impropriety.  The sad part is that Kitz has been a damn fine governor, far better that the extremist the Republicans offered.  Given the same choice, I would vote for him again.

0214KitzOregon Gov. John Kitzhaber, ending a storied 37-year career in politics, relinquished his office Friday after a week of escalating pressure.

In a defiant statement issued just after noon, the governor bowed to a public corruption controversy involving allegations that he and fiancée Cylvia Hayes abused his office. He will step down Wednesday at 10 a.m.

Democrat Kate Brown, now the secretary of state, will take his place, becoming the state’s 37th governor.

"I understand that I have become a liability to the very institutions and policies to which I have dedicated my career and, indeed, my entire adult life," Kitzhaber wrote, after accusing the media of depriving him of due process. "I have always tried to do the right thing, and now the right thing to do is to step aside."…

Inserted from <The Oregonian>

Filling in for Rachel, Steve Kornacki covered the story.

Bye, Kitz.  May your life going forward show you all the kindness you have shown Oregon.

Kate Brown, the incoming Governor, is not a very high profile politician.  Transparency is one of her main hot buttons.  She will receive instant notoriety for being the first openly bisexual governor in the nation.  Republican State Senate Minority Leader Red Ferrioli, displaying standard Republican hate, will boycott her swearing-in.  To the best of my knowledge she is monogamous, but I can’t help imagining how the clown car would react, if Oregon had both a first gentleman and a first lady at the same time.

Hi Kate.  Welcome.


  14 Responses to “Bye Kitz”

  1. Whether deserved or not, changes in leadership outside of normal processes impair functioning at the most effective levels both in government and in the private sector.

  2. You know, like you, TC I am sorry this is necessary.  But necessary it is.  We have so often demanded (albeit unsuccessfully) that RWNJs step down to avoid actual impropriety, mot just the appearance of it, that Kitz even in stepping down is providing a positive example that we practice what we preach.  It's the right thing to do, and we should certainly hammer that he is doing the right thing.  And that we put our feet where our mouth is.  Unlike the Greedy Old Ph***wads.

  3. I thought this was sad when I first heard it. At least he had the integrity to admit his mistake and step down.

    I would like to see some ReThugs do that but I know I'm only dreaming.

  4. Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber, tried and convicted via the media, very sad indeed…

    "I have always tried to do the right thing, and now the right thing to do is to step aside."…

  5. It's a sad day for Oregon. Kitz has been a good governor, and I'm sorry to see this happen. Can't say I feel the same about his significant other.

    Kate Brown is quite qualified to take over as his successor, and I have no doubt she will do a good job under difficult circumstances. Unfortunately, much of the babbling punditry will be focused on her sexual orientation, which is just as irrelevant to her ability to perform as governor as it has been to her performance as secretary of state, and nobody's business but hers.

    It is absolutely necessary that the ethics investigations are pursued to their conclusion, no matter what the outcome, but in the meantime, the tabloid-style obsession with Ms. Brown's sexual orientation is irrelevant, counter-productive, and a disservice to the people of Oregon.

  6. For all his faults – which appear to be legion – I'll grant him this:

    He truly seemed to love both the people of Oregon, and the state itself.

    Sad … truly sad.

  7. I am sorry for Oregon's loss of a man who had been a good governor, but he did the right thing by stepping down.  Whether he committed any crimes or not, it appears that his girlfriend has violated the public trust.

  8. I like Fitzhaber since the first time I saw him here at PP.  But his significant other is another matter.

    Her level of integrity certainly is called into question what with issues from 20 years ago and most recently, not declaring all her income to the IRS.  Given that she has been his main squeeze for the last 10 years, she ought to have known that these 2 situations would be very visible and could hurt Fitzhaber.

    But also, he asking to have certain e-mails deleted from the government servers is in and of itself is very suspicious, not necessarily criminal, but definitely suspicious.  Kudos to the employees that refused to do that.

    Fitzhaber is right to step aside because had he stayed, anything and everything would be looked at under a microscope and eventually that level of scrutiny would hinder his ability to do the job.  Unfortunately, some of this will be over Brown's head now, but the media needs to give her some space as she grapples with the whole situation.

  9. So sorry TC.

  10. Thanks all.  If he wqere a Republican, he'd fight to stay in office, even if convicted.

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