Republican Latino Love

 Posted by at 12:48 am  Politics
Jan 162015

Republicans claim over and over again that they are not racist.  They keep saying that they love black folks and Latino folks, and that they will do right by them.  They say that especially Latinos should be voting for them, not for Democrats.  I say their claims should be evaluated not by what they say, but by what they do.  So look what they are doing.


As expected, the GOP-controlled House of Representatives today passed a package of measures that would roll back President Obama’s executive actions shielding hundreds of thousands of DREAMers, and millions of parents of children who are U.S. citizens or legal residents, from deportation…

…Today’s action goes further than merely defunding Obama’s recent executive actions deferring the deportation of immigrants brought here as children (the 2012 DACA) and of millions of parents of children who are U.S. citizens or legal residents (the more recent DAPA).

It also defunds the implementation of the 2011 Morton memos. The key Morton memo doesn’t formally defer deportation or extend work permits, which Republicans have denounced as crossing from standard prosecutorial discretion into rewriting the law. Rather, it merely lays out general enforcement guidelines that direct agents and lawyers to prioritize the deportation of serious felons, repeat offenders, and serious threats to national security over that of longtime residents, minors, the elderly, or the unhealthy. This was in keeping with Obama’s shift in priorities away from the deportation of low-level offenders with jobs and/or longtime ties to communities, and towards serious criminals and the border…

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Chris Hayes has the details.

Republicans are simply blaming Obama as an excuse for their own racism. I do hope Chris is right that Latinos are listening, and remember through 2016.


  22 Responses to “Republican Latino Love”

  1. I am puzzled by the sign in the top photo – that has some possible Bible references – (Mark 12-17) Mark 12: 17 " Jesus said to them 'Give to the Emperor the things that are the Emperor's and to God the things that are God's.  And they were utterly amazed at him."  (Luke 19-25) Luke 19: 25 "(And they said to him 'Lord he has ten pounds)" – are they just putting names and numbers at random hoping that it will look good?  Or have the pieces of paper that had the numbers of the chapters of the Gospel verses fallen off the sign board?  I have even put the exact words and letters as on their board into my search engine and it has interpreted them as I have.




    • Yep, I noticed she failed to tell us the location of the specific Chapters for her (assumed) Mark & Luke verses.

      Then again, I recognized this gal.. She was also in charge of finding where those Keebler Elves were making all those cookies … and where Jimmy Hoffa is buried … and where the hell Waldo is.

      So she seems a tad challenged by ALL her duties.

    • In the Luke reference There's a head blovking the chapter number.  It may be hollow, but it's not transparent.   By render unti Caesar they are saying that they broke the law, so they should be punisheds.  Thery condemn petrty crimes, but approve of big ones, like torture.

      • TC I thought that the man's head and neck might be blocking where the chapter number should be – but when I just rechecked just now, it isn't blocking anything, these are pieces of snow white paper cut to size and it can be seen where the white ends and the beige board continues, with the space of about an inch of beige board before the man's collar on the photo – there is no chapter number even for the Luke reference – bewildering.

        I suppose all of this is irrelevant really, I was just trying to work out if they were just hate-filled hypocrites, or hate-filled hypocrites and liars – the difference is probably fairly small – the effect they have is the same, sadly.



  2. Nice attention to detail Pat A.


    Racism consists of both prejudice and discrimination based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. It often takes the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities.



    At the time of the Morton Memo:

    January 27, 2011 – 11:25 AM

    Staff, Associated Press


    "Washington (AP) – A high-level immigration official says it costs $12,500 to arrest, detain and deport each person removed from the U.S.

    Immigration and Customs Enforcement deputy director Kumar Kibble has announced that cost at a House subcommittee hearing. Wednesday's hearing focused on whether the Obama administration is doing enough to round up people working illegally in the U.S. ICE deported almost 393,000 people from the U.S. in 2010. At $12,500 per person the cost to remove them was almost $5 billion."

    Sounds like the GOP is trying to break the budget by huge expenditures on this (and war).

    • They seem determined to break the budget any way that they can. That will be another excuse to raise taxes on the middle class and privatize Social Security.

    • I don't thnink thet expect this to become law.  They are juast expressing their hatred to prove themselves to the base.

  3. Here's my suggestion – the group the INS should concentrate on is domestic and grounds workers who work for Republicans, and visible service workers in upscale establishments that cater to Republicans (including bot not limited to yacht clubs, for instance).  Then they should bill the Republican direct employers or the establishments for the cost of the deportations. 

    I'm really glad there is a sanctuary movement; I wish it were even larger; I am gratified when I hear of individual successes (there was one yesterday.  But I am appalled that it is necessary.  Like Resistance Movements under the Nazis and other oppressive regimes. 

  4. There are all sorts of more important issues, but:

    GO PACK GO!!!!

  5. The legislation blocking the executive actions faces an uphill battle in the Senate and the Obama administration has said the president will veto a DHS funding bill that restricts executive amnesty. Bonehead is probably not too happy about that. McTurtle may just pull his head back into his shell.

    I'm sure they will win over the Latino vote by this action.

  6. The legislation is an aggressive opening bid from the House. It's unlikely to pass the Senate, where Democrats appear to have the votes to filibuster.

    Perhaps Bought Bitch Mitch will infer that fillibuster is coming… 😆

  7. As usual, racism is alive and well in the GOP/TP ranks. 
    Even more so in tearing apart and rolling back President Obama’s 
    executive actions on immigration reform. Pitiful GOP/TP people. 

    The Latino should and must remember what the GOP/TP are doing, have done to them in 2016.

  8. They continue to debate and work on things that are not as important as jobs and student loans! What a waste of time and money!!
    Wasteful hacks!

  9. Why DO the Republicans think they have to play to the base of the bigots in this country?  And, why do they feel compelled to knock down everything President Obama does?  Long ago, I voted for the person, not the party.  I am so alienated from anything Republican now that I think my hand would fall off if I tried to push a button with an elephant on it.   The dreamers should certainly be protected, without question, they were brought here by their parents, and know no other way of life.  I still see those children being put back on buses a few months ago who had been sent here by parents who thought it would be better for them.  We have money for war in this country, but apparently, nothing else.

  10. I like Adrian Carrasquillo's last sentence "If they lose the Latino vote then they are going to lose the White House again."  Heavy emphasis on 'again'.

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