Jan 072015

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 63.  It’s bee3n one of those days that has been so busy with personal and volunteer work that Rachel Maddow is coming on, I’m past due for bed, and IO haven’t had any time for research.  Hopefully I’ll do better tomorrow, even though it will be grocery delivery day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:48 (average 5:18),  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  37 Responses to “Personal Update–1/7/2014”

  1. Is he using that to bang his head????  He might be if he continues to let the TP tell him what to do.

  2. 5:06 average up to 5:32.  Wouldn't it be great if all the tea in Congress were hanging on nails instead of hanging out on the floor.

    I am sorry about the glitch monster.  I seldom post but when I do I havr been luckier thsn you, though certainly not immune.  I am sure it's not my computer, because mine cannot possibly be as
    advanced as yours.  Still, being lazy, I have come up with a few tricks.  You being smart have probably thought of all of them.  First, I make sure to keep the page I am posting open, so the link and title are right there if I need to recopy.  Second, I keep the description in an ANSI file (liking Windows I use Notepad but I assume there are others) and keep it open until the post takes. I don't always save the tags, but with a few spacer lines, they can go at the bottom of the ANSI file too and be pasted back in if they are complex.  Lastly, in the file my computer considers the go-to for pictures, I name the picture "0" (zero) so it is always the first one up and I don't waste time scrolling for it.  If I want to keep it, I rename it, but not until after the post is safely up.

    But then, I am famously a belt-and-suspenders kind of person.  I seldom type directly into any web page.  I am typing this in ANSI now.  When I finish and proofread it I will copy it and paste it into both PP and C2.  And yes, I know my proofreading is sometimes kind of cursory LOL.  I'll try to do better today.

  3. 3:10 I'm ready for a cup of hot tea.

  4. Don't push yourself too hard. We need you healthy. So do your guys.

    Cartoon ~ Do you think Einstein had the Rethugs in mind when he said this? Sure seems like it to me.

  5. Thanks TC – and I like Dave C's suggestion, it would improve matters considerably!

  6. Isn't that a spring-loaded gavel that keeps hitting orange colored, Jameson-fueled  John Boehner on the head repeatedly once his arm drops below a predetermined angle and expecting a different result… lol.

    Rachel Maddow did a very nice coverage of yesterday's first day in the 114th Congress especially in the voting matter for Speaker of the House position.  

    Yes, I am "plugging" this petition in. Now that the GOP/TP are in full control of Congress mode, they are pushing their "agenda" to further erode progressive gains of several decades. We must be on our full alert to whatever the GOP/TP is doing in Congress. We cannot let up our vigilance, not once.

    From Day One: The GOP House's Sneak Attack on Social Security ~ PETITION ~ PLEASE SIGN!
    Text of Petition:

    "Tell Congress: 
    We stand united behind the whole Social Security system. We refuse to be cynically divided through underhanded trickery like the new House rules for reallocation. Our Social Security system WORKS, and it needs to be expanded, not cut." 



    I use a TextEdit program to get my comments down on "paper" before I put it in the comment section in C2. There have been times when the comment text in C2 did not show up after I submitted it. Luckily, I had a copy saved of the comment to copy & paste again. Whatever works best for you in getting your comments into C2 is worth the extra effort as we all know that the "glitch monster" in C2 really does exist. lol.

  7. Just out of curiousity, did anyone else catch this little gem? I can't help wonder why they would book him for Passover.


    • I hope they ask him about the part where, according tio his eschatology, all those jews, except for 144,000 become crispy critters.

    • It's late as I read this and my eyes . . . well let's just say the toothpicks are bending.  I read the piece and when I came to the following line "…where four rabbis get up to speak and then, as a capper, Sen. Ted Cruz …", I read "…where four rabbis get up to speak and then, as a crapper, Sen. Ted Cruz …".  I couldn't believe it so I cranked my eyes wide and realised I had misread.  I think I like my misread better than the original text!

    • "Cruz's wife works for Goldman-Sachs, also consistent with Zionism, which for some reason has been historically tied to Jewish banking." 

      Ted Cruz is also copying the style and manner of "humping the leg maneuver…" perfected by Harry Reid. lol.

      link removed with Jim's permission.

      • Jim, linking this blog to a Nazi website is too Republcan for PP.;  Please do not do it again.

        • I was not aware that this was a Nazi website. Sorry that this happened. If you can remove this comment, it would would be fine with me. Jim.

    • Not Interested. :mrgreen:

  8. "Je suis Charlie"

  9. I'm hoping this means he'll have to depend on DEM votes for must pass legislation…

  10. Cartoon:  And, he will continue to do so until we get some more Democrats in the HOuse.

    Take care of your groceries and take a break and rest.

  11. I keep getting errors when uploading pictures. What’s up with C2?
    Hope you are feeling good! We have a BIG worship to watch this weekend. Hopefully, my local CBS affiliate will get their contract straightened out before the AFC finals! They are doing the yearly dance with DISH and are thinking of not renewing. 🙁 That will put a crunch on my Ellipsoid Orb worship!
    Sorry about your uploading problems!

  12. Puzzle — 2:57  That pot must be for brewing insaniTEA.  Look at the rusty nail on which it hangs.

    Cartoon — Rumour has it that Boehner has a bottle of Jameson in that gavel.  Watch when he displays his pensive mood . . . he's really taking a tug on a Jameson.  Even look at yesterday's cartoon, the bottle of Jameson has a straw in it!

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