A Look Ahead

 Posted by at 12:00 am  Politics
Dec 222014

Ever since the November debacle, Democrats have been suffering a gloomy season, knowing that Republican Supply-side Santa will do everything possible to fill our Christmas stockings with turds, while he heaps more wealth onto the super-rich.  Try not to despair.  There’s an excellent possibility that we can turn the tables in 2016.

1222GOPFlushSenate majority in hand, ascendant Republicans are set to challenge President Barack Obama and the Democrats on Capitol Hill come January. But a much tougher election map two years from now could force the GOP right back into the minority.

In November 2016, Republicans will defend 24 seats, Democrats 10. Seven of the GOP seats are in states that President Barack Obama won with 50 percent or more of the vote in 2012.

It's a stark reversal from this past November, when Democrats were the ones contending with a brutal map, including candidates running in seven states Obama had lost. Democrats were crushed on Election Day, losing nine seats and their Senate majority.

It will be a tough climb for Democrats to make up those losses, and there's no guarantee they will. But coming off November's trouncing, Democrats sound eager about their chances in states such as Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Illinois, while Republicans are preparing more to defend past victories than try to score new ones…

Inserted from <TPM>

In addition, turnout is much better in a Presidential election year, especially for voters that tend to vote for Democrats.  In addition, with Republicans in control of the entire Congress, they won’t be able to blame Democrats for the gridlock that strife within their own party will create.  The best things we can do in the interim are to keep educating people and to support progressive candidates at every level of government.


  14 Responses to “A Look Ahead”

  1. We do have some great progressive voices.  But some, like Robert Reich, Paul Krugman, William Rivers Pitt, while they do reach other Progressives, do not get the national audience they should – maybe because they are not in office?  Other who are in office, like Sherrod Brown, Al Franken, Alan Grayson, Jeff Merkley, are vocal, but they are also working hard at doing the job they were elected for, so you won't see them grandstanding like Cruz and Rubio.  I agree we need more and louder Progressives.  Let's share them when we find them.  I know I have left some out.

    Of course, there is also the problem that, let's face it, the defunding the Republicans will be doing is going to cause people to die.  Some of them will be voters, a good proportion of whom will be Progressive voters.  So we also need to live long enough to actually vote in 2016.

  2. I think you're right about us being able to turn the tables in 2016. If people will only pay attention. Number 1 priority for Agent Orange and Sen. McTurtle is to "overturn Obamacare". Who woulda thunk? Despite how people answer polls, they are now happy to have health car. If the Rethugs continue on this tack, wasting time and taxpayer money, they make some enemies of the voters. There is a much better turnout in Presidential election years which is to the Democrats' advantage.

  3. Sorry TC  – am very bleurrgghh myself today….

  4. Just glad to see you back, TC! We have a Church Service tonight. Hope all goes well!
    The Teapubs have it all in their hands. Let’s see how much THEY get done! I don’t think it will be in the best interest of the 99%. The 1% will enjoy 2 years that will show they have a bumper crop of their favorite crop. Their greed and hunger for all things that bring suffering on the middle to lower class knows no bounds.
    Here’s hoping that 2016 shows up some real fighters for equality. And maybe a few that want to see Mother Earth regain some pollution control!

  5. I changed my party affiliation after this last election from Democrat to "No Party Affiliation". However, I am still a progressive democrat but, no one expecially the Republican/Tea-Bags need to know this. I extract my self from the money game as I can't compete with Corporations ex. Citizens United. wink 😉

  6. I think it is progress that they no longer have plenty of coal for our stockings and had to switch to turds.

  7. I so hope you are right!

  8. "Senate majority in hand, ascendant Republicans are set to challenge President Barack Obama and the Democrats on Capitol Hill come January." 

    The cartoon is perfect . . . give the Republicanus/Teabaggers a really good and long swirly in 2016!

    Seems Republicanus/Teabaggers aren't waiting until January.  Everybody's favourite Arizona sheriff has launched legal action to stop Obama from using his executive powers for immigration issues.  His lawyer said that good ol' Sheriff Joe is receiving death threats etc because of this action.  He'll probably try to blame Obama for that.  I'd like to know how many death threats he received before this.

    Poor baby, says I as I rub thumb and index finger together . . . world's smallest violin playing just for Sheriff Joe.

  9. Thanks all. 

    What Richard does not realize is that, as an unaffilkiated voter, Both parties will harass him for money.

    • I did infer this but, getting anything from me any longer will be like pulling teeth…. /s

      Circular file… ❗

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