Small Changes but Legally Sound

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Nov 222014

Last night, I Watched Barack Obama address the nation on temporary immigration reform.  I had hoped that his solution might be more inclusive, but I understand that he wanted to leave no question that his action was legally sound.  On that he succeeded.  Republicans have lo legal basis on which to challenge him, and resorted to filing a frivolous lawsuit against him over the ACA, a clear demonstration of their impotence.

1122ObamaPresident Obama’s unilateral  overhaul of the nation’s immigration system is bittersweet.

On one hand, it blocks deportation and grants work permits—for the rest of Obama’s term in office—to 5 million unauthorized people who have been in the country for at least five years. These mostly are the parents of children who were born here (and are citizens) and young people who arrived as children and grew up as typical Americans. It also ends some of the more punitive practices in federal policing, such as the Secure Communities program, where local cops turned people over to federal agents, starting the deporation [sic] treadmill, even if the undocumented person had not been convicted of a crime. Now, police will only refer cases to immigration authorities if there was a prior criminal conviction.

“Felons, not families. Criminals not children. Gang members, not a mother who’s working hard to provide for her kids,” Obama said Thursday in a nationwide  address. “We’ll prioritize, just like law enforcement does every day.”

But there are big disappointments as well, such as  leaving out the parents of Dreamers (undocumented children raised as Americans), and not taking any action on unauthorized farmworkers. The White House, which knows that Republicans in Congress and many red states are vowing to block its actions, explained that trying to shield those categories of people from deportation was on shakier legal ground. The parents of Dreamers, like their children, are non-citizens, they  said. Helping farmworkers would single out one industry, while many others also rely on undocumented workers. The ongoing prospect of many families still being split up remains a real and inhumane threat…

Inserted from <AlterNet>

Lets be clear about that.  Obama’s action was never intended to solve the immigration issue.  It was an attempt on his part to do what the law allows to prevent some of the suffering that Republicans are causing through their refusal to pass a comprehensive solution to the problem.

If you missed the speech, here it is in its entirety.

Or if you prefer, here is a link to the transcript.

The noise I’m hearing from Republicans is that they would love to be able to pass comprehensive immigration reform.  Really they would and they would surely do so right away, if only the evil emperor Obama had not poisoned the well and deliberately sabotaged any chance at a bipartisan solution, making it impossible for them to do so now.  I’d call that a big pile of horse shit, but I don’t always know what’s in my cat food, and I don’t want to insult a horse that could become my kitty dinner some day!

Here are the facts.  Democrats made huge concessions to Republicans to pass comprehensive immigration reform in the Senate, breaking the Republican filibuster with eight votes to spare.  I remember the anger from my fellow progressives at those concessions, so the bill that came out of the Senate was an authentic compromise.  That was one year, four months, and 24 das ago.  John Boehner has refused to hold a vote on it.  House Republicans have refused to take up the issue at all.  Obama summed up his policy in three words, and if Republicans don’t like his modest reforms, those same three words will shut them down in a heartbeat.  Pass a bill!  Legislate comprehensive immigration reform.

I don’t think that will happen, and the reason is Racism.  Not all Republican politicians are racists, but the racists hold so much power, that the leadership fears them.,


  21 Responses to “Small Changes but Legally Sound”

  1. The irony is that no party can or will fix the mess our country has become until it ditches capitalism and has a rational discussion about overpopulation.

  2. Congress is full of big bullies and idiots….and if the people can't see that, they maybe deserve this bunch of do-nothings.  A president who wants to get things done may be a novel concept for the fuddy duddys but I think he is wonderful…. doing what he can as he can, he's made a lot of people happy….

    • Arielle, just to maybe complete your thought if I could be so presumptive, he's "doing what he can as he can, he's made a lot of people happy", and he's made a lot of conservative politicians and hacks angry, very angry.

      What's more important?  Conservative  politicians and hacks or people?  The Constitution lays that out quite clearly in the preamble . . . 

      "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

  3. Congress responded to President Obama's action with predictable results. They were indignant and they went on vacation. 

  4. It's mind blowing that all Obama has to do is do what he said he was going to do. ( Why he tried and tried to get them to put  the immigration bill that the Senate passed but the congress would not and still will not do it.  But decided to sue him over Obama care)  ( too funny)  The media sure did play the propaganda the right was dishing out and no one covered Obamas speech but MSNBC covered it. (go figure)  Obama just did what the rest of the presidents did pass it on to the next president.    I think the best way we as voters can do is stand with Obama.  He is and will be one of the best Presidents we have ever had.  Vote and tell others. 

  5. "Not all Republican politicians are racists, but the racists hold so much power, that the leadership fears them."  Isn't THAT the truth.

  6. These are indeed small changes–yet ones done soon enough for measurable results to shape the conversation for policy in the next administration in ways not focused on.

    For example, local law enforcement agencies, like the one run by Sheriff Joe, no longer has the federal program as an excuse for racial profiling and similar raids so the DOJ will have an easier time proving discrimination in agencies they are investigating.

    The costs to ICE based on number of cases should have enough time to come down, despite how many will have criminal histories due to the types of sentencing and other laws we are eliminating due to disproportionate impacts on Hispanics in the data, to meet cost-effective evaluation standards.  The need for private prison beds should also go down and reduce the related civil and human rights abuse investigations' and penalties' costs.

    Forbes presented data this morning indicating that the typical beneficiaries will owe zero in net income taxes due to how low their income has been–this is primarily a poverty population that benefits.

    Alabama farmers may have enough labor to harvest their crops in the next couple years if migrants feel the need to return there to earn enough to survive.

    The US may at least postpone human rights charges in the international courts on treatment of Central American children while the world watches how this announcement affects their treatment (e.g., less strain on the total system may result in better treatment).

    I, too, wish he saw a way for the dreamers' parents and thus predict continued protests and similar actions by the organizations addressing this population.

    I hope the lawyer Boehner found quits soon like the last two did-should have the same reasons.

  7. I am so ashamed of my senators and representatives. I know they have major hands in this fight. That is what Oklahoma is known for. Obstruction and hatefulness! I Am ASHAMED of my home state! And it looks like it won’t change any time soon!

  8. I was impressed by the latter two-thirds of Obama's speech, and plan, but disappointed to see the addition of 20,000 border patrol agents. The ones so far have mostly caused more problems and death of innocents. But I guess Obama had to placate the GOP somehow, so he added this "creation of jobs" to an otherwise excellent plan.

    • Correct me, if I'm wrong, but I understand that most dealh of innocents stems from the behavior of ammosexual Republican vigilantes, not Border Patrol offricers.

  9. I'm really enjoying Obama's new "IDGAF" mode! 

    Not only is he correct – but it's got the Bonus of exploding Rethuglican heads!


  10. There was such passion in Obama's voice.  I could hear his voice crack a bit with emotion.  I believe he is taking the correct action in dealing with these obstreperous, 'do nothing' Republicanus/Teabagger Congress critters (no offence to any critter other than Congressional ones) intended.

    And I certainly agree with Lona G at Care2: 

    "What has a country built by immigrants come to if its president can't do all that needs to be done for immigration reform, but has to check and double check his actions on legality to avoid prosecution by his own government? That same government that has refused to vote on a bipartisan bill on immigration reform, but which now accuses him of blocking a solution, will now try to prosecute him on an entirely other matter, because they can't on this executive action and prosecute they will, no matter what (on). 


    The more I see of American "democracy" in action, the more I get disgusted with this country. It has made a mockery of democracy, so best call it demockeracy from now on."

    From one that is not American and who's country has its own issues, the US really needs to examine itself and values.  You are not the `land of the free` and you are not the `leader of the free world`. 

  11. I think he has made sound decisions, based on what he can legally do, but the Repubs will fight him anyway.  The report on Benghazi came out, almost complete silence from the press. A friend of mine says he thinks the Republicans in Congress who insisted on these investigations should have to repay the 74 million dollars they cost to the federal government.  I agree.  I don't know how he stands this job, he has to constantly fight and put up with racial slurs, as well as people denigrating his character. 

  12. Thanks all Overslept big time.,

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