Nov 062014

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 1.  Don’t ask.  I need to take a day or two off to recover from the devastation I feel.  The only bright spot was Oregon  We kept our Democratic Senator, our Democratic Governor and our four Congressional Representatives.  Eastern Oregon still has a Republican Rep, but nobody expected that to change.  We INCREASED our lead in both the Oregon House and Oregon Senate.  All the major ballot measures were acceptable, except for GMO labeling, which failed due to a pants-load of deceptive corporate advertising.  However I am as ashamed of my nation, as I am proud of my state.  When foreigners make derogatory statements that US voters are fools, I have nothing I can say in their defense.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:47 (average 5:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?





  24 Responses to “Personal Update–11/6/2014”

  1. 3:31 I did not like seeing McTurtle in the puzzle today. I've been seeing his face plastered all over the news since the Election 2014 Debacle.

  2. I am ashamed of our Democrat candidates for rolling over and playing dead for that Rethug Heasrse to haul them away. They are as much at fault for not touting the accomplishments of the Obama Presidency as the voters are for staying home, or, voting against themselves and instead casting their votes for Corporate America.

    Cartoon ~ It's a sad day indeed. It's apropos that I have a funeral to atttend tomorrow

    • Patty, I think you are right.  I still think Alison Grimes should have answered when asked if she voted for Pres Obama, and it hurt her crediblity when she didn't.  Now I have to live with McTurtle as my senator for six more years. ugh

    • Patty, I think that running away from Obama was the worst mistake they could have made, as I said rerpeatedly diriung the campaign.  The public won't buy "safe".  Winning requires bold.

  3. 4:60 average up a second.  Canned food probably not so appetizing when the kitty has to be the one to open the can himself.

    I said on another article this week that when someone says "Donr'y grieve for me when I am dead"  my response is an irritated "Don't tell me how to feel!"  And when I got the email from DFA saying "We can whine and whimper…, or we can fight back," I felt the same, even though that is a quote from Elizabeth Warren.  Yeah, I'll be fighting back.  But I need to whimper too.

    I guess we need to be "Democats," who can lick our own problems and take care of other cats too (#6).


    Oh TC, I am so sorry for all the decent people in America, and especially on PP – I've just watched a Bill Moyers video on Dandelion's News – an excellent interview with Bernie Sanders.  He points out that in many parts of America there are people who get all their news from the radio – and most of the radio is Right Wing, so they don't actually know the facts, which is why they vote for people who harm them.   As for your remark about people from abroad criticising American voters – every country in the world seems to have around 50% right wingers – and a large proportion of apathetic voters (or apathetic non voters) – few of us can afford to chuck a stone – we are all living in glass houses too!

    Apart from the good news in Oregon (well done TC and all your friends!) – there is a small but very hopeful victory in Richmond, California, where Chevron spent up to $300 per voter to buy their votes (estimates vary, but Bill Moyers says $300) – and Chevron got nothing!  (BLISS!) – there are small glimmers of hope on the political horizon – but oh it will be an uphill struggle for the next two years – we must all link hands (metaphorically) and help each other up the hill!




  5. I have to agree with Patty. The Dems got what they said all along in their whiny emails. They had given up WAY before the election. It was stated in so many of the emails that I received from the Democratic party!! “We are beaten” and that was a week before the election!! Sending out publicity like that is one of the reasons that people didn’t bother to go vote!!!
    And for those that went to vote, I praise you!! For those of you that didn’t, SHAME ON YOU, AND YOU HAVE NO ROOM TO WHINE FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS!!!

    • I'm disgusted with the emails I received form the DNC and DCCC.  A lot of the flat out lied, while pandering for donations.  They acted like Republicans.

  6. Voter turnout in Oregon was 69% compared with 38% in the country as a whole.  Another confirmation that the higher the turnout, the better Democrats do.

    Maybe we should be trying to get vote-by-mail adopted all over the country.

  7. TC, after reading those stats I have decided I should move to Oregon instead of Canada. You are in gardening zone 6, same as Ky, so I could still grow my roses and cats.  Hang in there, we survived eight years of Dubya, we will survive this, too, although we will hate it.  I totally understand why you are on Day 1.  The hearse in the cartoon is apropo.

  8. I agree with Pat when she says "…every country in the world seems to have around 50% right wingers – and a large proportion of apathetic voters (or apathetic non voters) – few of us can afford to chuck a stone – we are all living in glass houses too!"

    In my case, I have Harper (who hid in a closet during the Ottawa shooting while his MPs were just outside) who is right wing, following in the steps of US Republicans . . . a Republican mini-me!  And we have a majority right wing government.  Our voter turnout is generally abysmal when you consider what is riding on it.  I think Canada and the US should both legislate mandatory voting similar to what I understand is the case in Australia. I don't know that the US would go there with a right wing Congressional majority . . . after all, they pride themselves on wanting only certain people voting (not wanting people to vote who are likely to vote Democrat). Here that's not a problem . . . yet!

  9. Don't shed any tears over this election, T.C. Oregonians made out like bandits; the Democrats lost a bunch of Blue Dogs, and the Republicans got a mandate to govern well. Should Republicans not govern well (and we both know they won't), I think the GOP will be largely irrelevant come Election 2016. My fondest hope is that they've tricked themselves into obscurity.

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