Boycott the GOP!

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Oct 292014

I’m in a rush today, but I found an excellent article for you that describes why the Republican Party should not exist.  I could not agree with this author more.  The Republican Party needs to follow the way opf the Whig Party and be dumped on history’s garbage heap.


…The point is this:  Regardless of the individual candidates, their contributors, bone-head debate statements, ads with backlash, etc., we really need to understand that the Republican party – by virtue of their behavior over the past 6 years alone – should be disqualified from holding any office, anywhere.

Honestly, this is not a political party – not any more.  They are a zombie cult army, and they see us as an enemy, not political opposition.  Listen to the language, and look at what they are willing to do.  They have their own consultants, their own pollsters, their own schools and even their own media.  They talk to themselves in the same language over and over and never, ever leave the reservation.  That’s not government.  And that’s disqualifying.

Not enough for some of you?  You want more?

This political "party" thinks that it is OK to use the law to deny people the right to vote so they have a better shot at winning.  That’s clearly unconstitutional (whether Scalia agrees or not).  Never mind the fact that it’s immoral.  And when the courts say "no" to the new Jim Crow, they send intimidation squads into polling places to try to cut off votes that way.  People fought and died for that right, so how about we don’t sit this one out because President Obama’s new war on ISIS annoys you?

This is the GOP that decided the best opposition strategy was to never compromise with President Obama on anything, to demean him with a wink and a nod to the crazy (and racist) birther people.  Not clear enough?  How many news stories have we seen of GOP operatives sending around emails that show watermelons growing on the White House lawn, and the like?  The cultural racism of the party is bad enough, but – honestly – the opposition HAS to compromise.  The constitution says the government works that way.  Not filibuster till you drop.  So, how about we drop the idea that Charlie Baker, Alan Fung (or insert another Republican "moderate" here) wouldn’t be so bad and we stick with the plan and vote the party line.  After all, do you think they won’t drink the same Kool-Aid?

The last Republican to publically tell a racist to STFU was John McCain during one of his campaign rallies in 2008 – and that was before President Obama won the election.  Since then – birthers, Tea Party and Donald Trump speak?  From the GOP leadership we hear crickets, and watch them wink and nod at the lunatics they have no business cavorting with – because they know those are guaranteed GOP votes.

Is this disqualifying enough for you?  Motivating enough?…

…Today’s GOP sees our democratic system as a toy.  And that – more than anything else – makes the entire party disqualified for office.

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Click through to read the rest of this fine piece.  Then…

Get Out the VOTE!!!


  9 Responses to “Boycott the GOP!”

  1. I, for one, am getting tired of trying to convince TeapublicanTs that it is against their own interests to vote for these self-serving candidates. Tired? Yes. But I won't stop trying.

  2. dis·qual·i·fy
    verb \(ˌ)dis-ˈkwä-lə-ˌfī\

    : to stop or prevent (someone) from doing, having, or being a part of something

    Full Definition of DISQUALIFY

    transitive verb


    :  to deprive of the required qualities, properties, or conditions :  make unfit


    :  to deprive of a power, right, or privilege


    :  to make ineligible for a prize or for further competition because of violations of the rules

    Kennedy's "Profiles in Courage"profiles "senators who defied the opinions of their party and constituents to do what they felt was right and suffered severe criticism and losses in popularity because of their actions."…

    "Summary of senators profiled

    John Quincy Adams, a Senator (1803–1808) (later President and Representative) from Massachusetts, for breaking away from the Federalist Party.
    Daniel Webster, also from Massachusetts, for speaking in favor of the Compromise of 1850.
    Thomas Hart Benton, from Missouri, for staying in the Democratic Party despite his opposition to the extension of slavery in the territories.
    Sam Houston, from Texas, for speaking against the Kansas–Nebraska Act of 1854, which would have allowed those two states to decide on the slavery question . Houston wanted to uphold the Missouri Compromise. He and Benton's votes against Kansas-Nebraska did just that. This was his most unpopular vote and he was defeated when running for reelection. Two years later he'd regained enough popularity to be elected Governor of Texas. However, when the state convened in special session and joined the Confederacy, Sam Houston refused to be inaugurated as Governor, holding true to his ideal of preserving the Union.
    Edmund G. Ross, from Kansas, for voting for acquittal in the Andrew Johnson impeachment trial. As a result of Ross's vote, along with those of six other Republicans, Democrat Johnson's presidency was saved, and the stature of the office was preserved.
    Lucius Lamar, from Mississippi, for eulogizing Charles Sumner on the Senate Floor and other efforts to mend ties between the North and South during Reconstruction, and for his principled opposition to the Bland–Allison Act to permit free coinage of silver. Lamar returned to Mississippi and gave rousing speeches that eventually led to public approval of his decisions and cemented a legacy of courageousness.
    George Norris, from Nebraska, for opposing Joseph Gurney Cannon's autocratic power as Speaker of the House, for speaking out against arming U.S. merchant ships during the United States' neutral period in World War I, and for supporting the Presidential Campaign of Democrat Al Smith.
    Robert A. Taft, from Ohio, for criticizing the Nuremberg Trials for trying Nazi war criminals under ex post facto laws. Counter-criticism against Taft's statements was vital to his failure to secure the Republican nomination for President in 1948."

    One can argue that the GOP no longer has statesmen or politicians with integrity and courage like those profiled by JFK which arguably should disqualify them from support of a viable political party.

  3. God bless all who keep trying, like TC and Patty and everyone here, to convince the lunatic Reich Wing that they ae being sold lunatic lies!  They do behave like a cult, not like a group of people capable of reason.

  4. You know, I am 69, and while I have never agreed with the Republican party platforms, it used to be possible to think of some Republican, somewhere in the country, with personal integrity, with whom one could disagree with respect.  That is not true any more.  There's another graphioc something like, "Republicans, face it, you are no longer the party of these people [pix of Eisenhower, T Roosevelt, Lincoln].  These are your people [pix of Pailn, Boehner, Bachmann – but there are many that could be substituted]."

  5. I think the power of control has taken the GOP in the direction hate and racist that I agree that the whole party
    should just dissolve period.   GO VOTE

  6. The Daily Kos article is a perfect description of the Republican party today. Yet, people keep voting for them, against their own best interests.  How can the be so uninformed?

  7. There's not a single person in all of the GOP that's qualified to serve in a governing capacity, and all employment within the government should be denied them. Former Oregon governor Tom McCall was probably the last great Republican, and I think he'd be appalled at what the Republican Party has become. Most sensible people are.

  8. Thanks all. Pit Stop!

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