Oct 262014

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 188.  Yesterday I reached into my drawer for a pair of undershorts and came up empty, so despite sleeping most of the day, I did the dreaded task last night.  Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, but my meditations will be limited.  I’m already religiously ecstatic.  I afraid I have another hectic week on tap.  Tuesday is a prison volunteer day, Wednesday is a grocery delivery day, and Thursday I have the appointment with my Pulmonologist, for which I recently had the CT Scan done.  So I’ll be intermittent with my posting.  I did complete my most important task of the year.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:53 (average 4:47).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: An organization of University of North Carolina athletic boosters expressed shock and outrage today over a report that a few members of U.N.C. sports teams may have taken real classes, despite the widespread availability of fake ones.

The report, which alleges that several players may have fulfilled the curriculum requirements of actual classes, sent shock waves through the U.N.C. booster community.

“These players apparently attended classes, wrote papers, and took exams,” Hal Cowlington, the president of a prominent U.N.C. booster club, said. “The impact of these distractions on their athletic performance is, to put it mildly, incalculable.”

Andy is on top of it. The last thing the boys on the Bubba Bagger Booster Bus ever intended is for college athletes, especially black ones, to actually get an education.

From Upworthy: Attacks on Canada are rare. But what’s special is how they handle times of crisis. Instead of getting engulfed with fear and sensationalism, they remain who they are. They won’t allow such an attack to shake them up or change them.


Kudos to Canadians. Statements like these are the polar opposite of what we are hearing from Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians.

From Blue Oregon: Of all the sound bites gushing forth from the No on 92’s PR spin machine opposing GMO labeling, one stands out as a masterpiece of deception.

From their website:“Would Measure 92 end up costing taxpayers?

Yes. Measure 92 would create two new state bureaucracies to enforce and implement its costly regulations. The Oregon Department of Administrative Services staff estimated that inspection programs to enforce Measure 92 would cost taxpayers more than $14 million every budget cycle.”

The $14 million figure is everywhere – in their ads, in the Voters’ Pamphlet and on the lips of the PR professionals their campaign has hired to do their debating for them.

Yet the actual, official cost estimate from the Secretary of State’s office is that Measure 92 is “expected to result in direct expenditures by State agencies for initial one-time start-up costs estimated at between $550,000 and $600,000.”

This comes to a one-time cost of 15 cents per Oregonian for work performed by current staff… [emphasis original]

Click through for more. I’ve been inundated by No on 92 ads from phony farmers, ersatz environmentalists and scam scientists. Vote YES on Oregon 92.




  17 Responses to “Open Thread–10/26/2014”

  1. 2:50 TC, you let those juicy little crabs slip right out of your paws.

  2. New Yorker ~ How dare they try to get educated!

    Upworthy ~ I would expect this reaction out of Justin Trudeau as leader of the Liberal Party. While he was making this speech, no one knew where Harper was, not even members of his party. They were ensconced in the same room while caucusing. It was revealed later that when the shots rang out, Harper hid in a closet. Typical!

    Blue Oregon ~ Monsanto is behind every phony ad, email and phone call. Vote Yes on Measure 92 in Oregon!

    Cartoon ~ The TeapublicanTs would be happy to pay $.75 per hour again.

  3. 4:22 average up tp 4:53.  The cabin is painted so like the water I thought while I was doing it that there was a second, smaller boat.  Don't look at me like that, I just had my eyes examined, the doctor says they are fine.  It's the way my brain sees that can be – different.

    Glad to hear you got your ballot cast.  I mailed mine last week too.  Took it to the Post Office (not paranoid or anything).

    New Yorker – We used to say ease off on football players, 68% are now making straight A's.  And some of that group are progressing to the rest of the alphabet, one is even up to M I hear.

    Upworthy – I do hear they are considering anti-terrorist legislation.  God help them.  I see Patty has facts to put Harper in his place LOL.

    Blue Oregon – I am hearing the same stuff in Colorado about Prop 105.  Nuts.

    Cartoon – I was barely 4.  I don't remember minimum wage at that level, or really much later.  I do remember in the early 60's gas costing under 30¢ a gallon and we thought that was bad.  Had we but known –

  4. Puzzle — 2:44  So did you Patty, but I'll throw a crab fest and you guys can eat them all . . . I'm allergic.

    The New Yorker — When I first read this one in my inbox, my first reaction knowing that NC, McCrorystan, was a bastion of Republicanus/Teabaggers (although not without its Democrats), was "Republicanus/Teabaggers don't believe in education.  Good on the players who bucked the boosters."

    Upworthy — This is the Canada that I love. . . the inclusive Canada.  We are not without our "warts", however in the story of the turtle (not McConnell!) and the hare, we are the turtle.  Here is a link to an article that I posted on Care2 which captures my feelings.  Watch the short video.  http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ottawa-shooting-parliament-hill-now-open-to-public-1.2813075

    Blue Oregon — Absolutely there should be labelling of GMOs.  But I wonder about point 3 in the plan.  "If the AG’s office decides not to take action after 60 days, the individual, business or organization is free to independently pursue legal action."  Who will be subject to legal action?  If I as a citizen suspect there is an issue and report it; then the AG's office decides not to pursue it, am I at risk of being sued?  I can see some need to try to control frivilous claims, but if I am subject to a law suit, such could wipe me out.  And I can certainly see someone on the 'no' side being an ambulance chaser if for no other reason than intimidation.  Don't get me wrong, were I an Oregonian, I would vote 'yes'.

    Cartoon — I the Republicanus/Teabaggers had their way today, I'm sure they would abolish the minimum wage, even have employees pay employers for the privilege to work and be treated as slaves.

    • The pupopse of that provision is to prevent the law from becoming ineffrevctive from big industrey lobbyists buting off regulators.  If Monsanto buys an AG, individuals can sue for complience.

  5.  Ihope you have a better week than it sounds.

    The New Yorker:  This could almost be a real conversation among many booster clubs.  Most schools do not care if the atheletes get an education, all they care about is a winning team.

    Upworthy:  You are right, TC, that is the polar opposite of what the pseudo Christians here would be saying.  I would love to hear just one of our politicians talk so reasonably.

    Blue Oregon:  Of course, they are spreading lies about the costs.  That is the Republican way to protect corporations.  I hope Measure 92 passes in  Oregon, maybe other states will follow.

    Cartoon:  The Repubs are doing everything they can to block raising the minimum wage.  I wonder what Ike would think of his party today?  Not much, would be my guess.  


  6. I just have to share this funny 43 second video of Daisy and Cooper.

    https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tHvExOg4NI0?rel=0;&nbsp\; *smile*

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