Sep 022014

In August, Politics Plus was slow in all categories.  The summer doldrums hit us last month.  I’m not surprised.  Here is our latest summary:



In the monthly totals, a Site is any website from which someone accessed our server, a Hit is every access attempt to our server, and a File is every access attempt to our server that returned data.  The difference between Hits and Files is from access attempts that were sent in error or damaged in transit and failed attempts by hackers, spammers, phishers, and Republicans to access the back end and take control of the site.  Any questions?

Here is our latest Clustrmap:


ClusterMaps misses a lot of, because many visits can’t be easily traced to a location.  It shows only the visits from March 2 to July 28, when it was last updated.  Therefore the map is unchanged from last month.

Here are our top five articles:

Koch Brothers Finance Racism 8/18/2011 2,033
Jane Smiley: Capitalist Pigs 1/17/1010 1,818
A Republican Freedom 9/24/2013 1,233
A Republican Staffer Tells the Truth! 9/5/2011 449
Police Racism in Ferguson 8/14/2014 386

Several years are represented here, but I would like to see more traffic from last month.

Here are our top non-blog/news referrers.

Care2 2,349
Google 2,304
Stumbleupon 433
Microsoft Bing 100

Stumbleupon was way off.

Here are our top  blog/news referrers.

Normally I include 15 here, but these are the only ones with two or more referrals.  Putting their links here increases the ratings of their sites, so this “linkey love” is our thank you for their support.

Here are our top commentators.  As the resident Big Mouth, I don’t count.  Those who leave their URLs in their comment headers, also get “linkey-love” here.

Lynn Squance (133)
Joanne D (78)
Patty (75)
Edie (75)
SoINeedAName (44)
Jerry Critter (33)
Rixar13 (25)
Pat A (24)
Jim Phillips (16)
Vivian B. (12)
Avril lomas (10)
mamabear (7)
Steve (5)
Dotti Lydon (4)
Marva (4)
Yvonne White (4)

Marva, you ought to put your book site in your comments.  Those of you with a news page on Care2 could use a link to your submitted news there in the URL field of your comments here.

We have 169,201 links on other websites.

Our Technorati rating no longer exists, because Technorati no longer exists as a blog rating entity.    They have left a vacuum in blog authority rating.  If you learn of someone filling that need before I do, please let me know.

As of Midnight, September 1, we have 5,071 articles and 55,904 comments.

I recommend using your own avatar. Go to Gravatar.  Sign up using the email address you use to post comments here and upload the image you want to use as your avatar.  Whenever you comment under that email address here or on any WordPress blog (several others too), that image will become your avatar.

I tried to start new series to highlight and publicize your political activities.  I failed miserably.

The Holy Ellipsoid Orb has returned, and with it, our own fantasy football league.

The 2014 elections are only two months away.  Republicans are at home to their districts to lie to their constituents about all the wonderful things they have been doing.  If one is holding a town hall near your home, please consider attending and calling them out on their lies.

Please get out the vote!

Thank you for everything that you do.


  6 Responses to “Monthly Report for August 2014”

  1. I know I was a bit lax visiting this summer. Busy in the yard because the "Happy Homeowner's" work is never done. Now that summer is almost over, I'll be in the house more and on the computer.

  2. Thanks for your persistence!

  3. Things will probably heat up now that midterms are just over 60 days away.  I hope people do some thinking about their candidates and don't rely on Faux Noise for the propaganda and misinformation they spew.

    Thanks TC.  I have never regretted stopping by Politics Plus 3 years ago . . . and not leaving!

  4. Hey, TC! I got moved up the chain this time! How about that!
    Got to make sure everyone makes it to the polls to VOTE IN NOVEMBER! Any time there is a vote on anything around me, I make sure I’m there to cast my vote! And make sure I vote BLUE!!

  5. TC, I hope I am a big mouth. You send us useful info every night and I appreciate your hard work.

  6. Thanks all.  Very busy day here and I'm way pooped!

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