Jun 182014

Unfortunately, there are no changes on my illness front, except that Dulcolax is starting to control the Republicitis.  Day 58.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:59 (average 4:43).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Don’t you love it the Republican echo chamber, led by the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, wants to discuss anything but Benghazi, now that Obama has captured the terrorist responsible, and he has confessed that his motivation was outrage over the Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian film defaming Mohammed, just like Sudan Rice originally stated?

I’m so tired of sick that I could scream.



  19 Responses to “Personal Update–6/18/2014”

  1. 5:38  Got chomped.

    Ah, now I see what you mean by Republicitis.  So sorry; that can be painful.  Can I say I have nasal Republicitis when I am so full of snot I can't breathe?  I don't like thinking of myself as a mouth breather, but I guess it beats asphyxiation.

    In a way I'm sorry about Benghazi because now all their ire will fall upon the Bergdahl family, and they don't deserve it.

  2. If Pres. Obama found the cure for cancer, Faux News would bellow:

    Obama Destroys Thousands of Doctors' Jobs

    I'm just glad he's our President, keeping his head down and doing his job … LIKE AN ADULT!

  3. OK, here's a piece of amusing breaking news (and this is all I know, I'm sure it'll get expended upon):

    The US Patent Office is yanking the Washington "Redskins" trademark as derogatory to Native Americns.  The franchise will be allowed to appeal.

  4. Is that gaping maw a yawn? . . . or is that your feisty side showing up ready to beat the crap out of the Republicanus/Teabaggers who probably inflicted you with Republicitis?  Hope it is the feisty side because the "wars" are heating up more and more.  Take care.  We need you out there!

  5. 5:05 – Puzzle

  6. Daily Kos had a report that faux news said Obama made the arrest to help boost Hillary's book sales.  don't you love it?  Get better soon.

  7. Poor TC, deepest sympathies on still being mostly confined to your cat nest!  Isn't the Repuglicon reacton to the news about Benghazi typical – I bet they'll regroup though when they work out a sneaky lying twist!  Well done on day 58!

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