I’m writing for tomorrow, and I’m feeling pretty groggy, because I slept most of the day. Fortunately I got most of my research done, before I ran out of gas. I’ve fallen behind on housework, and I thought the gal I pay to help was coming over today, but she couldn’t make it, so for the next few days, I’ll have to be on a major cleaning jag including the most dreaded task of all. Day 54.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:59 (average 4:30). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From Daily Kos: OR-Sen: In the wake of McLaughlin & Associates’ epic debacle in the Eric Cantor race, anyone thinking about releasing any internal polling from any GOP pollster right now should consider his or her decision very carefully—especially if your numbers cut against the bulk of data already out there. Even Republican pollster Frank Luntz acknowledged this reality and shredded his own party:
"Right now there are 230 House Republicans who are waking up praying that they do not have Eric Cantor’s pollster. Honestly, and I’m one of them, we Republican pollsters suck. We have no ability to be able to analyze the electorate."
Now, Monica Wehby may think it’s unfair—after all, she’s using Tarrance, not McLaughlin—but she doesn’t seem to have realized the credibility problem she’s facing in publishing a poll that shows her trailing Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley by just a 41-39 margin. Just a few weeks ago, after all, the much more reliable PPP found Merkley up 50-36.
But Wehby’s timing could not have been worse, because a brand-new independent poll from SurveyUSA for KATU-TV in Portland dropped just hours later. What did SUSA find?
Merkley: 50
Wehby: 32
Next time, listen to Frank Luntz… [emphasis original]
It won’t matter. As a rule stalkers, like Wehby, ignore the facts in favor of belief in a super-optimistic outcome for their dysfunctional behavior. If she had an accurate pollster, she would fire the company, because it isn’t what she wants to hear.
From Vimeo: Every year, Store to Door volunteers make 7,000 deliveries of fresh food, medications, and household items to Portland area elders.
Nourishment. Connection. Dignity. from Store to Door on Vimeo.
I couldn’t resist sharing this video from the volunteers that bring me my groceries every week. Every community needs such a service, and they do it extremely well.
From The New Yorker: The morning after Tuesday’s stunning Tea Party victory in Virginia, House Republicans unveiled a sweeping new legislative agenda, proposing an end to Social Security, a return to child labor, and unprecedented gun rights for pets.
“The Republican Party is the party of common sense,” said House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). “And such common-sense proposals as electronic ankle bracelets for immigrant babies and a barbed-wire fence with Canada are long overdue.”
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) echoed Speaker Boehner’s sentiments as he touted his signature legislation, “to put Americans under the age of twelve back to work.”
“Instead of spending all day playing with Xboxes, our kids should be in factories assembling them,” he said.
As for what is perhaps the most controversial G.O.P. proposal, guaranteeing gun rights for pets, Boehner said, “It’s clear that the authors of the Second Amendment meant it to apply to all mammals. All our new law says is, if you have four legs and a tail, you get a gun.”
LOL Andy!! I can’t speak for dawgs, but for Republicans to arm cats would be a big mistake! Dirty litter? Dry food in the bowl? BLAM!!
25 Responses to “Open Thread–6/14/2014”
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4:30 It would be nice if butterflies had hangars to keep safe in, but no, I just misread it.
Daily Kos – Granted McLaughlin is bad, but there was no way for then or any other pollster to measure overconfidence that I can see. TURNOUT!
Vimeo – Very nice! I'm delighted you have access to that service. Be careful with the dryer today; don't get burned or tossed.
The New Yorker – Support your right to arm bears. I kind of wish the GOP would go this far. It might help scare liberals into voting. God knows we need something. TURNOUT!
Cartoon – yup.
PS Thank you for your persistence in getting your uploads to Care2 done. We need you and appreciate you.
That can be most frustrating!!
I heard yesterday that Angelina Jolie was made an honourary "Dame" in the UK. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-06-13/jolie-becomes-a-dame-day-lewis-a-sir-in-queen-s-honors.html . That was not so note worthy to me as was the following tidbit that Ronald Reagan was also so honoured as an honourary "knight" (male equivalent of a Dame). Americans may not use Dame or Sir before their names as can UK or British Commonwealth citizens. Wouldn't you know that Ronald Reagan was so honoured during the tenure of the Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher. That Reagan should have been so honoured is ridiculous, but I guess conservative Maggie T thought differently. Reagan's chief accomplishment other than starting the destruction of the middle class with trickledown economics was the procurement of copious amounts of jellybeans. Maybe there is hope for me yet! . . . and I COULD use the appellation "Dame" since I am a citizen of the British Commonwealth. sigh . . .
Dame? ("There's nothing like a …")
For now, you'll just have to do with a "South Pacific" substitute …
Damn, I wished I looked like those "dames"! Thanks Nameless.
Lady Bigfoot!!
No, Dame Bigfoot! A "Lady" is a lesser rank.
2:52 Fluttering bye-bye!
2:46 I'm fluttering ahead of you. Now where is that Critter?
Bigfooted? BLAM!!
Getting a little violent with that new found Teabagger gun!
4:38 – Puzzle
Daily Kos ~ I wonder if the Kochs pay the pollsters to come up with their figures. BTW, The Kochs have declared war on Jeff Merkley and are putting all their efforts behind Wehby. Our RepublicanT congressman is facing a primary challenger and he has already spent over a $1 million and she has not even spent $100,000 yet. No other party challengers have surfaced and it doesn't look like any will.
Vimeo ~ What a wonderful service! Lucky you and everyone else who gets this service.
New Yorker ~ I'm with Joanne on this. If the TeapublicanTs would really go nuts with their proposals, it might scare deomocrats into voting instead of sitting home and watching american Idol or whatevr glues them to their idiot boxes.
Cartoon ~ Agent Orange crying would be a great addition to this cartoon.
I think they will be wastin g their money here.
What a perfectly good waste of "brats"
I don't know about you, but I LOVE a delicious grilled "brat" – even with just some ketchup.
It's summertime – fired up the grill, and bring on the "brats"!
In this case it's BratWORST!
Puzzle — 2:46 I'm fluttering ahead of you. Now where is that Critter?
Daily Kos — Wehby is delusional if she thinks that she can knock down Merkley. Don't get me wrong, nobody is "safe". But Wehby's history speaks for itself, while Merkley's record in Congress speaks for itself. As for polls, they are only as good as the people providing it . . . truthful, non partisan, and with integrity in spades.
Vimeo — Although it took me over 10 tries to watch the video, and that does not include the pauses and starts without going back to the beginning, it is clear that this is a good service. I am not aware of such a service here, but if there were, I'd be first in line to volunteer even though I detest all manner of shopping. Meals on Wheels is valuable for those that cannot cook for themselves. But Store to Door fills a larger niche for those that still cook for themselves. Maybe I should move to Portland . . . nah, forget it. My universal healthcare is too valuable to lose.
The New Yorker — ". . . All our new law says is, if you have four legs and a tail, you get a gun."
I guess that precludes gun ownership by the 2 legged tailless animals! People should make sure that they are on the right side of animal abuse laws or they will be begging the Republicanus/Teabaggers to change the law. Andy sure knows how to make a point. And TC, please keep your eyes open when you that thing so that you don't shoot yourself in the foot!
Cartoon — I think that is only one spoiled Brat. The one on the left is the early years while practicing for perfection. The picture on the right is today, no closer to perfect than in the 1st picture!
Both my feet are already messed up!
OK, then keep your eyes open so you don't make things worse!
Hope you feel better by now. Laundry again? It piles up, doesn't it.
Daily Kos: I was all agog about Cantor's loss until I read about his rival.. hope the good people of Virginia have better sense than to elect him. I hope the polls for Ky are right. Alison Grimes is ahead of McConnell in all of them.
Vimeo: I wish we had that service here. My sister and I buy my mom's groceries for her, but a lot of elderly people have no one to do that for them. This would be a great help.
The New Yorker: TC, you are so right. If Oreo had his own weapon I would certainly pay more attention to what time I fed him. His brother, Sparky, always reminds me, even though he eats less. He is my "watch cat" and growls when anyone is in our yard, comes to the door, or pulls in the driveway. He would probably shoot first, no questions asked.
Cartoon" Yep. Spoiled brats should be spanked, guess he got his.
If it were not for stored to door, I'd still have safeway.com, but I prefer the former.
By spoiled brat, I was referring to Cantor..
Brat spoiled by Brat!!