Jun 072014

I’m back, alive and writing for tomorrow.  I decided not to push myself, because I need rest.  Tomorrow the grand Floral Parade will be under me.  My Insurance company wants my O2 levels checked and won’t wait until my routine appointment next month, so I’ll need to spend 5-6 transit/waiting hours on Monday to get 15 minutes of testing done.  ARGH!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me3:50 (average 5:52).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  13 Responses to “Personal Update–6/7/2014”

  1. 4:07 No water from this tap.

    Welcome home. glad you made it safely again. Now rest up for your trek on Monday.

  2. 6:31  At my altitude, it does take a while to get warm.

    Like everyone else, I'm glad you're back safely.  Does anyone besides me find it odd that they want (and will pay for) an extra test a month before it is due?  If they see a red flag, I hope it is nothing more serious than the exertions of moving, travel, and training.  Take a ball of yarn and maybe a catnip mouse along to pass the time.  I assume your walker has a pocket, or two, or six?  When my mom started with a walker I knitted her a bag for it and knitted her initials in.

  3. 3:44  I'm tapped!

    Welcome home!  Take two catnip and a long cat nap and call me in the morning!

  4. Glad you are back safely, get some much needed rest.

  5. Thanks all.  Apparently the Motel has a bathroom spy-cam, Lynn got a pic from it, and she's blackmaing me! 😉

  6. Glad you are back safe and sound TC – though the test you need to go through sounds a bit of a pain – Joanne's suggestion is brilliant!

  7. 4:59 – Puzzle ¿

    Welcome back TomCat… 😆

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