May 122014

I’m writing for tomorrow, and I’m rushing.  Tomorrow is almost here.  I have been busy with housework and could not sleep.  Fortunately I did my research early this morning.  Day 21.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:05 (average 4:18).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: The huge Kelvin wave that formed in the Pacific a while back, and may bring us a big El Nino, is now reaching the surface.  It’s huge, and it’s one of the warmest ever recorded.  Here’s the latest from NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center


The vertical scale is the depth of this pool of water, while the horizontal scale is the longitudinal location of the pool.  A back of the envelope calculation shows that the pool is roughly 5500 miles wide!  It seems reasonable to assume that water this warm and this amount of it, is going to dump a lot of heat into the atmosphere, and the resulting weather may not be very pretty for some people.

This may well be the source of the unseasonably hot weather I’m getting this Spring. Such events used to be less common and less intense.

From NY Times: Tom Wheeler, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, has had a tough month.

Two of his fellow commissioners this week said he should delay introducing a new set of net neutrality rules, which he had scheduled for May 15.

A group of 11 United States Senators told him Friday that rules allowing companies to pay an Internet service provider for express-lane access to consumers, as the rules are widely expected to do, would violate the principle of an open Internet.

And last week, a finger-wagging, tough-talking speech he gave to cable television executives received a lukewarm response and engendered questions about what some listeners perceived as a “father knows best” tone.

Mr. Wheeler has vowed to forge ahead.

Late Friday, the Open Technology Institute at the New America Foundation released a letter from Mr. Wheeler, in which he said that he would ask for public input on whether to classify broadband Internet service as a sort of public utility, a route that many consumer advocacy groups have pushed…

Could it be that Wheeler designed a plan in compliance with a Republican court order to allow a corporate "fast lane" with the intent of stimulating opposition to that plan to use as a rationale for reclassification under Title II? Consider that Wheeler has supported Net Neutrality in the past. When the new rules are released, we must respond forcefully and often.

From Alternet: Charles Krauthammer continues the assault on science, calling it superstition.

Hey, Fox News managed to find another crazy, irresponsible idiot disguised as a sentient being to debunk facts and science: good old Charles Krauthammer. He said on Tuesday that the belief in global climate change is mere “superstition” akin to the “rain dance of Native Americans.”

Why would he say such a thing? Such a provably wrong thing? We have no idea. It could be wishful thinking. Sure, we wish this whole climate change catastrophe would go away, and that we could wake up from it like a bad dream. We wish all these meanie scientists conducting real research based on actual facts would just stop discovering that the news is so very, very bad, and bullying us about it.

Krauthammer took his point a little farther, about science actually being superstition. Yah, and the other way around, too. Up is down Charles. Black is white. No is yes. “It’s always a result of what is ultimately what we’re talking about here, human sin with pollution of carbon. It’s the oldest superstition around. It was in the Old Testament, it’s in the rain dance of Native Americans — if you sin, the skies will not cooperate.”

Still more crazy talk from Chuckie Kraut:

“Ninety-nine percent of physicists were convinced that space and time are fixed, until Einstein working in a patent office wrote a paper in which he showed that they are not,” Krauthammer said. “I’m not impressed by numbers, I’m not impressed by consensus.”

What does impress you Charles? On second thought, maybe don’t answer that.

This is just one of eight most wacko Republicans in their War on Science from last week alone. Click through for the other seven. Note that Krauthammer was not satisfied just to attack science. To the delight of the Republican Reichsministry of propaganda, Faux Noise, he also included a racist attack against Native American spiritual tradition. In sharp contrast, authentic Christian respect others’ beliefs.



May 112014

I’m writing for tomorrow.  My Air conditioner arrived last night.  I spent this morning cleaning and preparing the area where it will be installed, so I got a late start on research.  They will install it on Monday or Tuesday, and that’s just in time, because Wednesday is forecast to be a another unseasonal scorcher.  Day 20.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:39 (average 4:45).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Right Wing Watch: Family Research Council President Tony Perkins implied today that Christians who support gay rights don’t have the same religious rights as conservative Christians because “true religious freedom” only applies to “orthodox religious viewpoints.”

Last month, a group of North Carolina ministers and same-sex couples, along with the United Church of Christ denomination, filed a lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

The clergy argue that because of a law that makes it a misdemeanor for a member of the clergy to perform a marriage ceremony without a state license, the same-sex marriage ban violates the religious rights of clergy who wish to perform such ceremonies.

When a caller on Monday’s edition of “Washington Watch” [pseudo-Christians delinked] asked Perkins about his views on the case, Perkins replied that the ministers don’t have the same religious rights as others because they aren’t real Christians and therefore aren’t protected by the “true religious freedoms” given to Christians. [emphasis added]

There you have it straight from the horse’s ass’s mouth. Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians hold that the freedom of religion guaranteed in the First Amendment is for them only.

From Daily Kos: Of course there was going to be opposition to creating the first national women’s history museum. Now close your eyes and ask yourself this question—who do you suppose had the dumbest opposition to such a thing?

"I rise today in opposition to this bill, because I believe ultimately this museum that will be built on the National Mall, on federal land, will enshrine the radical feminist movement that stands against the pro-life movement, the pro-family movement, and pro-traditional marriage movement," [Rep. Michele Bachmann] said on the House floor Wednesday ahead of a vote on the bill.

Oh yeah, that’s the stuff. That’s why we’re gonna miss Michele Bachmann when she’s gone.

When Batshit B is gone, we shall have lost a wondrous source of material for humor. But I can live with the loss. 😉

From The New Yorker: Millions of unemployed Americans who have fruitlessly been looking for work for months are determined that Congress get to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi, a new poll indicates.

According to the survey, job-seeking Americans hope that Congress will eventually do something about job creation, but they are adamant that it hold new hearings about Benghazi first.

By a wide majority, respondents to the poll “strongly agreed” with the statement “I would really like to find a job, but not if it in any way distracts Congress from my No. 1 concern: finding out what really happened in Benghazi.”

The problem here is that Republicans will think Andy is serious.



May 102014


Here is the forty-seventh article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is federal Judge Rudolph Randa. He is so honored for his blatant attempt to help the Republican Fartfuhrer of Fitzwalkerstan, Scott Walker, get away with his electioneering crimes.

0510randarudolphIn one of the first cases to rely on the U.S. Supreme Court’s McCutcheon decision, a federal judge just tried to open the door to new levels of corruption in Wisconsin elections — but the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals could still stop him.

On May 6, federal Judge Rudolph Randa ordered a halt to Wisconsin’s long-running "John Doe" criminal probe into allegedly illegal coordination between political campaigns (including Governor Scott Walker’s 2012 recall campaign) and non-profit groups like Wisconsin Club for Growth that spent millions during the state’s recall elections. Randa, who was appointed to the bench by George H.W. Bush and is a board member of the Milwaukee Federalist Society, compared limits on money-in-politics to "the guillotine and the gulag."

…Judge Randa’s May 6 decision halting the investigation is extraordinary. It involves a federal court injecting its own interpretation of state law into a high-profile criminal probe of political operatives of the party that appointed him to the bench, while state court proceedings are ongoing. It deploys a strained reading of U.S. Supreme Court precedent and the facts of the case, portraying the investigation — led by a bipartisan group of District Attorneys and a Special Prosecutor who voted for Walker, and approved unanimously by the bipartisan group of retired judges on Wisconsin’s Government Accountability Board — as politically-motivated retaliation against Republicans. It green-lights electoral coordination between candidates and third-party groups, making it easy for politicians to bypass contribution and disclosure limits and solicit unlimited, secret donations for so-called "issue ads" timed to influence elections.

Randa even celebrated the intentional evasion of campaign finance rules by the players under investigation in the John Doe. He described their tactics as a means of promoting "speech."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <PR Watch>

Because of the volunteer work I do, I am aware that if something is illegal at the time a crime is committed, and subsequent changes in the law make the same activity legal, it has no effect.  I know men who are in prison for doing things that are currently legal, but were crimes at the time they did them.  No Judge could fail to realize that.

Furthermore, much of the investigation this Republican tried to kill involves Walker using the public employees he supervised to assist in his campaign, which is still a criminal activity.

But if you still don’t believe that Republican Judge Randa rendered an intentionally corrupt decision to help Walker evade the law, consider this.  Randa should have recused himself at the outset, because his assistant is married to one of Walker’s campaign lawyers.

Corruption doesn’t get get much more Republican than that!


Open Thread–5/10/2012

 Posted by at 12:55 am  Personal, Politics
May 102014

I’m writing for tomorrow and am feeling a bit groggy from the extensive cat napping required to recover from volunteer paperwork.  The good Lord knows I am not qualified to be the Treasurer of a nonprofit corporation, but I’m the closest to qualified that we have, and the rigors of financial reporting give me fits!!  Day 19.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:01 (average 4:29).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy:

Ronald Reagan popularized the idea that people on welfare are a drain on the economy. Fox News carries that mantle today, making regular blanket characterizations of the country’s poorest families as big spending welfare frauds. Here’s why they’re wrong — but don’t expect them to admit it.


Families receiving public assistance spend on average less than half as much as families that don’t receive public assistance. Considering those very moderate figures, it’s safe to say that most of the folks represented by the red bars aren’t on welfare for selfish personal gain, but because they actually need the support.

These numbers also prompt important questions about opportunity in the U.S. For example, families that don’t receive public assistance spend an average 382% more on insurance and retirement than families that rely on public assistance. How might a family’s ability, or lack thereof, to invest in the future impact economic mobility for their future generations?

America has devolved from a meritocracy to an oligopoly featuring Republican class warfare against the poor and middle classes. If Republicans have their way, the US will further devolve into a rigid caste system.

From NY Times: Institutional Investor’s latest “rich list” in its Alpha magazine, its survey of the 25 highest-paid hedge fund managers, is out — and it turns out that these guys make a lot of money. Surprise!

Yet before we dismiss the report as nothing new, let’s think about what it means that these 25 men (yes, they’re all men) made a combined $21 billion in 2013. In particular, let’s think about how their good fortune refutes several popular myths about income inequality in America.

All pay taxes at a lower rate than middle-class Americans. Click through for an excellent Paul Krugman editorial.

From Crooks and Liars: Why are these people Democrats? Really. They want a select committee, yes another committee to look into Benghazi. It is nothing more than a political witch hunt

…Here are the Republicans Democrats who voted to keep this charade going; Reps. John Barrow (D-GA-pictured), Patrick Murphy (D-FL), Ron Barber (D-AZ), Mike McIntyre (D-NC), Collin Peterson (D-MN), Nick Rahall (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ). [emphasis added]

If one of these DINO cowards is your representative, would you please ask them how the view is with their heads so far up the elephant’s ass.




Benghazi Watchdog Hypocrites

 Posted by at 12:45 am  Politics
May 092014

Republicans claim that their new select committee on Benghazi is serious investigation.  Let any Democrats question this, and these Republicans accuse them of spitting in the faces of four murdered heroes.  In that case, what is it when these same Republicans ignore the head of that committee to use both him and it as an opportunity for their second favorite (behind election theft) activity: sheeple-fleecing.


Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC) told a Morning Joe panel Wednesday morning that the GOP should not use the Benghazi Select Committee — of which he was just appointed chairman — as a fundraising tool. But as he spoke, a National Republican Campaign Committee website was doing just that.

“I have never sought to raise a single penny on the backs of four murdered Americans,” Gowdy said on MSNBC. “There are, even in a culture of hyper-partisanship, certain things that ought to be above politics, like the murder of our four fellow Americans.”

But [Republican Party delinked], an NRCC-run website, proclaims, “House Republicans will make sure that no one will get away from Gowdy and the Select Committee… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Mediaite>

Republicans are always desperate for a meme to distract, energize and fleece their rabid base.  Chris Hayes explains their motivation in much greater detail.

This is hypocrisy at its worst.  The so-called rationale for this investigation is that the second Whitehouse document dump at Congress’ request contained an email that had been omitted from the first document dump.  Therefore Republicans claim a Democratic cover-up.  However, that email had no information that was not also included in several other documents that were released.  If effect, Republicans are  accusing the Obama administration of a cover-up for withholding information that the Republicans already have from them.

This is how Republicans in Congress are spending $millions of YOUR tax dollars!

Every Republican in office is one Republican too many!

May 092014

I’m writing for tomorrow, and tomorrow is almost here, so I shall be brief.  The volunteer corporate paperwork took me about eight hours to complete.  ARGH!  Fortunately, I took some time for political research, before I started.  Day 18.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:33 (average 5:47).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: Traffic getting you down? Smog in the air?

This photograph taken in 1991 shows how much road space 72 people would need if they used bicycles vs. cars vs. a bus.


Now I have no choice, but even when I could drive, I opted to travel via public transit to reduce my carbon footprint. I realize that not all have that option, but we need to redesign our cities so that more do.

From Daily Kos: The New York Daily News reported today that Dutchess County controller Jim Coughlan, a Republican candidate for the New York State Senate, tweeted the following about MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry:

Keep your stinking paws off my kid, you damned dirty ape.

According to the report in the Daily News Coughlan denies knowing that Harris-Perry is African American and instead was simply quoting the famous line from the original Planet of the Apes.  Sure, not racist at all.  It is so believable.

And what did Harris-Perry say to set Coughlan off?

“We have never invested as much in public education as we should have,” Harris-Perry said, “because we’ve always had kind of a private notion of children: ‘Your kid is yours, and totally your responsibility.’”

Right! The typically racist Republican did not know she is black. He also does not know the Pope is Catholic and has no idea where bears shit!. Whatever happened to: "It takes a village to raise a child?" Republicans love that one, when they are using it as a rationalization to keep children from adoption by gay parents.

From NY Times: Americans are less worried about climate change than the residents of any other high-income country, as my colleague Megan Thee-Brennan wrote Tuesday. When you look at the details of these polls, you see that American exceptionalism on the climate stems almost entirely from Republicans. Democrats and independents don’t look so different from people in Japan, Australia, Canada and across Europe.

According to Pew Research Center surveys conducted last year, 25 percent of self-identified Republicans said they considered global climate change to be “a major threat.” The only countries with such low levels of climate concern are Egypt, where 16 percent of respondents called climate change a major threat, and Pakistan, where 15 percent did.


Click through for much more data.  Democrats certainly need to improve, but the next time some fool tells you there is no difference between the two parties on climate change, remember this.




Climate Change Is Now

 Posted by at 12:16 am  Politics
May 082014

The mainstream media if finally catching up to the blogosphere on the importance of the UN assessment of global climate change.  Although, the Koch Brothers, other fossil fuel producers, their bought Republican (and a few Democratic) lackeys, and their media echo chamber continue to deny it, their lies are getting harder to sell, because the effects are now hitting people where they live.


The effects of human-induced climate change are being felt in every corner of the United States, scientists reported Tuesday, with water growing scarcer in dry regions, torrential rains increasing in wet regions, heat waves becoming more common and more severe, wildfires growing worse, and forests dying under assault from heat-loving insects.

Such sweeping changes have been caused by an average warming of less than 2 degrees Fahrenheit over most land areas of the country in the past century, the scientists found. If greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane continue to escalate at a rapid pace, they said, the warming could conceivably exceed 10 degrees by the end of this century.

Climate change, once considered an issue for a distant future, has moved firmly into the present,” the scientists declared in a major new report assessing the situation in the United States.

“Summers are longer and hotter, and extended periods of unusual heat last longer than any living American has ever experienced,” the report continued. “Winters are generally shorter and warmer. Rain comes in heavier downpours. People are seeing changes in the length and severity of seasonal allergies, the plant varieties that thrive in their gardens, and the kinds of birds they see in any particular month in their neighborhoods.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>


Click through for much more information.

The effects I have noticed personally here in Oregon is that summers have gotten hotter and winters have grown both shorter and colder in the time I have loved here, and this is one of the places where the effects have been rather moderate compared to other places.

At the very minimum, the US government must end all tax breaks and subsidies for fossil fuel producers.

I would also assess every Republican and DINO politician a Methane Tax equal to the amount of the contributions, perquisites, and third party advertising they get from fossil fuel polluters to cover the cost of their BS.
