May 192014

I’m writing for tomorrow and enjoying another lazy day, except for some house cleaning, although my extended late night car nap last night is interfering with sleep today.  I hope you  had a great weekend and are ready to survive Monday.  Day 28.

Jig Zone:

Today’s took me 3:16 (average 5:09).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: RotaCare Tacoma, a free clinic serving some 150 people with chronic, serious illnesses like diabetes and hypertension in Washington state, closed its doors in January. This clinic closing, though, was a cause for celebration.

ObamaCare is working for people. RepubliCare worked for the grim reaper.

From Alternet: N.H. police chief calls Obama the n-word, refuses to apologize saying he meets his "criteria for such.”

Another week, another revolting old white racist raises his lizard-like head. Sometimes two a week. Donald Sterling hasn’t even exited the stage yet, when along comes a police chief in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, who was overheard calling President Obama the “effen n-word.” When residents demanded a retraction and his resignation, by golly, 82-year-old Robert Copeland up and refused.

His answer was this:

"I believe I did use the ‘N’ word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse [sic]" Copeland wrote in an email to the residents, as quoted by local TV-station WMUR. "For this, I do not apologize—he meets and exceeds my criteria for such."

Chased down by a crowd and a reporter after the meeting demanding his head, Copeland called the reporter a “skunk.”

Wolfeboro has 6,300 residents, and 6,280 of them are white, including, coincidentally, Mitt Romney, who has one of his summer homes there.

Soon, no doubt, Copeland will go on the interview circuit to declare he is not a “racist” because he does after all have “criteria” for calling blacks racist terms, and also he is not a “skunkist.”

This is just one of the nine vilest Republican moments from last week alone. Click through for the other eight. Republicans are "skunkist" by definition.  I bet Little Lord Willard helped him get elected.

From Right Wing Watch: Operation American Spring took place today as Tea Party-inspired organizers gathered for a “gigantic, massive rally” of up to “30 million people” who claimed they will not leave Washington D.C. until President Obama resigns from office or is forced out in a coup.

The event followed in the footsteps of other right-wing demonstrations that likewise aimed to flood the capital with millions of supporters and disrupt commerce until Obama was ousted, only this time rally organizers guaranteed that a “verified” minimum of 10 million people would show up.

Attendees took turns speaking to the crowd, including one man from New Hampshire who said it was a “disgrace” that “only “four or five hundred people showed up” (by our count, just over one hundred people were present).

Just like Rove Rat on election day!!



May 182014

You’d think that the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, was too much already.  But since Rupert Murdock took over Harlequin Romance, we shall now have the Republican Reichsministry of Pseudo-porn.  And who could be a better guy to Introduce Faux Smut than Bill Maher?

0518FauxSmutOn Friday, Bill Maher took on Rupert Murdoch’s acquiring of Harlequin, publisher of steamy romance novels, by reading an excerpt of erotic literature — with a conservative twist. Maher suspects that the Fox News owner’s acquisition of the publishing company may mean the books will take a rightward turn.

The book describes "a passion that burned like an underprotected embassy in Libya." One male character was "widower whose wife had died in the War on Christmas."…

Inserted from <Alternet>


Oh my!  That War on Christmas stuff really pops Republican rocks!

May 182014

I’m writing for tomorrow, late on what has been largely a lazy day.  I figured I’d better rest now, since I have a busy week coming up, so I shall be brief.  Day 27.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s tool me 3:35 (average 4:42).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: Writer Kendra Eash wrote an amazing bit of satire mocking how the ad industry likes to use vague, inspirational nonsense to capture people’s attention. So Dissolve, a stock video distributor, took her words and visualized them in an amazingly vague, faux-inspirational video that tells you absolutely nothing at all. It’s kind of hilarious. 2:19 is my favorite moment.

If you run an ad agency, please use this as a clarion call to say actual things in your clients’ commercials. Things that actually add something to the discourse. PLEASE?!


Dang!! You mean I don’t need Jenny Craig for what sticks out and Viagra for what doesn’t?

From Daily Kos: Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-La.) will be giving Duck Dynasty actor Phil Robertson a fist time ever "Governor’s Award for Entrepreneurial Excellence.” However as reported by the show has been getting far more that awards from the state of Louisiana.

"The state subsidizes up to 30 percent of local production spending, offering tax credits redeemable for cash."

A industrial insider estimates that the show gets as much as $70,000 dollars from Louisiana taxpayers per show the ‘ Dynasty ‘ family makes $200,000 per show.

So we can assume that being the ‘Tea Party Dynasty Poster child pays handsomely on the taxpayers  Dime

Republicans always want tax payers to pay for TEAbuggery, while millionaires reap reap the gain.

From Politico: Oregon GOP Senate candidate Monica Wehby was accused by her ex-boyfriend last year of “stalking” him, entering his home without his permission and “harassing” his employees, according to a Portland, Oregon police report.

Wehby, a pediatric neurosurgeon, is the leading Republican candidate to challenge Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.).

Wehby was questioned by a police officer on April 3, 2013, after being seen leaving the area near the home of Andrew Miller. Miller, the wealthy owner of a timber company, had been romantically involved with Wehby but their relationship was ending at that time, they both say now.

Wehby, who is vying for the Oregon GOP Senate nomination, was not arrested in the incident.

But the Portland police report detailing the incident said Miller, owner of Stimson Lumber in Portland, was worried that Wehby had come to his home uninvited, and had even entered the residence without his permission. Miller said he was considering getting a protective order against Wehby, the report states.

A pediatric neurosurgeon running to deny health care to children.  Scheeesch!! If she were anything better than devious and deranged, she would not be the Republican frontrunner.




Endangered Species Day

 Posted by at 2:06 am  Politics
May 172014

I had never heard of the first eight of these, but May 17 is the ninth annual Endangered species day.  This year the focus is on the species that are likely to die out due to the effects of global climate change.  For Republican readers, “Endangered Species Day” is not the title of an exclusive restaurant’s special menu.

0517ESDayLogoThe U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has designated today the ninth annual Endangered Species day, a day to recognize America’s most imperiled animals. When given this task, many will likely think of the polar bear, and its increasingly fragile arctic habitat — a phenomenon not-so-subtly connected to climate change.

As HBO host John Oliver so poignantly put it last week, “no climate report is complete without the obligatory photo of a polar bear balancing on a piece of ice.” And he’s right — the disappearing polar bear has indeed become an emotional symbol of how man-made emissions of carbon dioxide are threatening the natural world.

But it’s not just the polar bears that are hurting. Scientists recently warned that one-third of animal species across the world are likely to lose half or more of their habitat range if global temperatures increase by more than 4°C by 2100. And while many of these animals have been migrating with haste to avoid these challenges, the globe is still in the throes of one of the worst rates of species die-offs since the end of the dinosaur age. If global carbon emissions aren’t reduced, those rates only stand to increase.

So in honor of Endangered Species Day, here are five species most at risk from climate change in the U.S. — some of which you may be surprised to see… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Click through for pictures and bios of the five most endangered species.  Thousands more are at risk.  Sadly Republican science deniers are not on the list.

May 172014

I’m writing for tomorrow and am feeling a bit tired from my cool cat binge of the last couple days.  It’s been a slow news morning, as most everyone in the mainstream are squabbling over things I’ve already covered, at least for now.  Nevertheless I am going to post two, counting this one.  Day 26.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:53 (average 6:32).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: On a scale from 1 to 10 on the WTF meter, this is pretty much off the charts. Millions of kids are sitting in classrooms this school year where they could be taught inaccuracies about HIV and sex. Folks, it’s clear we are doing it wrong. I don’t know about you, but I think we owe it to kids to tell them the truth so they are not surprised by an unwanted pregnancy or an STD. Can’t we at least get on board with that idea?

Click through for a series of maps that demonstrate how Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians have forced dogma over science in sex-ed.

From NY Times: The Obama administration’s legal team has told Congress that if Guantánamo Bay detainees were relocated to a prison inside the United States, it is unlikely that a court would order their release onto domestic soil.

In a nine-page, unclassified report delivered late Wednesday, the Justice Department and the Pentagon expressed confidence that existing law provided “robust protection of the national security.” It added that Congress could also take steps to further reduce any legal risk that detainees transferred to the United States could be released.

Under President Obama’s plan to close the Guantánamo prison, detainees who are deemed too difficult to prosecute but too dangerous to release would continue to be held in indefinite detention somewhere else. In Mr. Obama’s first term, his national security team considered sending them to a high-security prison in Standish, Mich., or Thomson, Ill., before Congress prohibited transferring them onto domestic soil for any reason.

Obama continues to try to close the GOP Gulag at Gitmo. Republicans continue to sabotage those attempts.

From Robert Reich: Timothy Geithner’s new book about the financial crisis, “Stress Test,” is basically an argument that the Wall Street bailout succeeded. That’s hardly surprising, given that Geithner was in charge of the bailout when Treasury Secretary (as was his predecessor at Treasury, Hank Paulson), and so has an inherit interest in telling the public it succeeded.

Even so, the bailout clearly did succeed, if success means avoiding another Great Depression.

But another Great Depression might have been avoided if the crisis had been handled differently — for example, by allowing the bankruptcy laws to do what they were intended to do, and forcing the big Wall Street banks to reorganize under them.

In fact, the bailout was a colossal failure in several respects Geithner barely mentions in his book, or avoids completely:

Never let it be said that I don’t pick on Democrats, when needed. The three blind mice, Timmy "The Tool" Geithner, Ben "Bankster Butt" Bernanke, and Larry "Always Wrong" Summers, are Obama’s three worst appointees. He should never have listened to Hillary about them. Click through for Robert Reich’s analysis of what they should have done, but didn’t do.  The Reich on the left is right!



May 162014

As a rule, Oregon tends to lead the way for progressive values.  However, one area in which my state has lagged behind many others is in the right of people to marry based on love, not gender.  In 2004, Republicans got an Oregon Constitutional Amendment outlawing gay marriage on the ballot, and it passed.  It appears we are about to rectify that injustice.

0516gay-marriageU.S. District Judge Michael McShane on Wednesday rejected an attempt by an anti-gay marriage group to intervene in the lawsuit seeking to overturn Oregon's ban on same-sex marriage.

McShane's ruling raised expectations by gay marriage supporters that his next step will be to overturn the 2004 voter-approved constitutional amendment limiting marriage to one man and one woman.

The judge's decision to reject an attempt by the National Organization for Marriage [pseudo-Christians delinked] to intervene leaves all of the official parties in the case — including Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum — arguing that Oregon's prohibition violates the federal equal protection of rights of gay and lesbian couples seeking to marry.

"We feel very confident this is headed in the right direction," said David Fidanque, executive director of the Oregon chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, which is representing some of the plaintiffs in the case. He noted that 13 federal judges in a row — including one in Idaho on Tuesday — have now issued rulings granting additional legal status for gay marriages… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Oregonian>

Oregon’ initiative process can be a great thing.  Oregon voters can change the law or amend the Oregon Constitution by ballot initiative.  However, it has problems that need to be addressed, such as the huge amounts of money Republicans spend on them.  Also, Republicans love to get ballot measures in off year and special elections that most voters ignore, so they can win with fewer votes.  In my opinion, ballot measures should only be included on ballots for major elections.

I look forward to seeing this injustice overturned.


Poll Results–5/16/2014

 Posted by at 12:26 am  Blog News, Politics
May 162014

Here are the results of our Worst Republican Governor Poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are often both accurate and indicative of the nation’s view. However this does not appear to be one of those times.


And here are your comments:

Showing comments 119 of 19.

Posted by Jim Phillips  May 13, 2014 at 7:27 pm.  


I finally decided on Chris Christie (NJ). lol.


Posted by SoINeedAName  May 13, 2014 at 3:38 pm.  


Shame – SHAME – on you, TC, for not including an "ALL THE ABOVE"


I went with Perry – NOT because I think he’s actually the worse, but because his "worseness" impacts more Americans than any of the others.


PS – You know what I don’t hear about anymore from the MSM? The vaunted "BENCH" of potential presidential candidates the MSM pundits kept telling us the Rethuglicans had.


Gee … I wonder why?


Posted by Jim Phillips  May 11, 2014 at 4:36 pm.  


5 governors are up for re-election in 2014: Deal (GA), Scott (FL), Snyder (MI), Fallin (OK), Walker (WI). 3 are Presidential hopefuls: Perry (TX), Walker (WI), Christie (NJ). more info:


Posted by Patty  May 8, 2014 at 12:37 am.  


It was a hard decision but I had to go with Rick Scott of Florida. My reasons are varied. Besides all the stupid voter suppression laws and taking money from education and social programs, he stole money from his state’s own Medicaid system and Medicare. He’s a vile man.



Posted by Fred Lemon  May 5, 2014 at 9:16 pm.  


It was such a close call but I had to pick Perry because of his war against education, his war against abortion clinics, and "OOPS






" you know all the other things he has or has not done.


Posted by misstexaskitty  May 5, 2014 at 12:56 pm.  




You just know that people must vote for their own worthless governor. I sure did.



Posted by Fred Lemon in reply to misstexaskitty  May 5, 2014 at 9:17 pm.  


Go Ricky go.


Posted by gene jacobson  May 5, 2014 at 5:40 am.  


I had to go with other, because it isn’t possible to pick just one of those fools. They are just clones, each trying to outdo the other. And as they are all 2010 teapublicans, I am most interested in seeing most of them sent back to the swamps they crawled out of in November.


Posted by BRENDA PRICE  May 4, 2014 at 1:24 pm.  


Mitch Daniels



Posted by Yvonne White  May 4, 2014 at 12:46 pm.  


I picked Walker..just hear more about him.

But worst "Democratic" Governor is Pat Quinn! He’s setting the RepubliCONs up for an easy victory..:(


Posted by Rixar13  May 4, 2014 at 7:33 am.  


More than one… Three comes to mind.


Rick Scott (R-FL)

Chris Christie (R-NJ)

Scott Walker (R-WI)


Posted by Joanne D  May 4, 2014 at 5:45 am.  


All of the above plus a few others. Susanna Martinez comes to mind. Even my own "Democratic" Governor, while good on other issues, wants to frack the whole state. Isn’t it sad when the best you can say about your Governor is he (or she) could be worse?



Posted by TomCat  May 3, 2014 at 9:41 pm.  


Come on peeps! All was not included for a reason.



Posted by Lynn Squance  May 3, 2014 at 2:25 pm.  


Seems that there are a number of us with like minds — other. They are ALL dreadful in their own ways and not worthy of the appellation "human being"! What do you expect, they’re Republicans!


Posted by Jim Phillips  May 3, 2014 at 10:38 am.  


While I have not voted, as yet, for the worst governor, will there be a "prize" given for the worst governor to that "governor" after all the votes are in and counted…?


Posted by Jerry Critter  May 3, 2014 at 9:31 am.  


Other = All Of The Above


Posted by Terrie C. Williams  May 3, 2014 at 8:54 am.  


ALL of the above.


Posted by Wayne W  May 3, 2014 at 7:23 am.  


I would vote for Tom Corbett as the worst just because he’s mine, although I know there are really worse ones and the whole lot is dreadful.


Posted by dave c  May 3, 2014 at 6:48 am.  


I think all governors with an R after their name are "the worst" for their citizens…..still cannot fathom why anyone votes for them…

It seems that we have a lot of people from Texas and Florida.  In addition, I unintentionally influenced the results, because I posted a couple articles featuring the Fartfuhrer of Fitzwalkerstan, Scott Walker.  The reason I did not include All of the Above is that it’s too easy an answer to pick without really thinking about it.  My intent for this poll was to stimulate thought about all these horrid Republicans and thereby create an awareness of the importance of flushing Republicans from state and local offices as well as federal.

I voted for Chris Christie, aka PIGnocchio.  With him, I see all the things that are individually wrong with the other governors combined in one obnoxious package.

There is a new poll available not.  Please vote here, and on (or before) November 4 where you live.

May 162014

I’m writing for tomorrow on what turned out to be a pretty busy day, because it turns out I have more paperwork to do do for the OSP specific part of my prison volunteer certification.  Nevertheless, there was still time to research and write.  Day 25.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:43 (average 4:37).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: These fine folks had the brilliant idea to quantify peace and rank all the countries in the world. Unfortunately, the United States isn’t doing so hot right now. We’re — you guessed it — 99th out of the 162 countries on the list. How do we fix that? Take a look, and make sure to stick around until 2:01, when they explain why this list isn’t just an exercise but could really change the way we think about minimizing conflict and achieving real world peace.


I’m surprised we’re that high on the list. Note that all the factors the video makers say are needed for peace are high on the list of things Republicans oppose.

From Daily Kos: Noted Ohio politics and Iraq WMD expert Karl Rove has a new smear: That Hillary Clinton spent 30 days in the hospital at the end of 2012 and upon her release in January, 2013, she was "wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury."

First of all, she didn’t spend 30 days in the hospital. It was four.

Second of all, if those glasses she was wearing are sign of brain damage, then the truth is even worse than Dr. Rove could possibly have imagined.

The article goes on to show many pictures of Hillary in the same glasses going back years. On the other hand, what does this pic of Karl Rove (R-Hell) say about him?


From The New Yorker: A delegation of conservative members of Congress paid a visit to the West Antarctic Ice Sheet melt today to witness firsthand what one of them called “the most beautiful expression of the free market I’ve ever seen.”

The author of that remark, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), said that he was awestruck after watching gigantic chunks of glacier disintegrate and crash to the sea.

“Every schoolchild in America needs to see this,” he said. “This is the free market at work in the way that God and Ayn Rand intended.”

Rep. Ryan said that watching the now-unstoppable Ice Sheet melt in action reaffirmed his belief in “the glory and might of free-market forces.”

Andy’s satire may well be prophetic. If Republicans ever do admit that global climate change is real, this is the form it will take.


