Convert or Else!

 Posted by at 12:19 am  Politics, Religion
May 222014

The minions of Republican Supply-side Jesus (the exact opposite of the real Jesus) are hard at work trying to indoctrinate our military in Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity, and the Republican gospel of hate.  Their problem is that coercive proselytizing the troops is illegal, so they are calling the enforcement of that law persecution.

0522AFRelFox News pundit Todd Starnes made waves last year when he claimed that the Air Force was preparing to “court martial” Christians as part of an Obama administration “religious cleansing of the military.”

As it turned out, the policy on proselytizing that Starnes cited to make these claims [PDF] was crafted in 2008 – during the Bush administration – and in no way calls for the court martialing of Christians.

The regulations do stress that “leaders at all levels” should “avoid the actual or apparent use of their position to promote their personal religious beliefs to their subordinates or to extend preferential treatment for any religion. Commanders or supervisors who engage in such behavior may cause members to doubt their impartiality and objectivity. The potential result is a degradation of the unit’s morale, good order, and discipline.”

But the facts didn’t stop Republicans politicians and conservative activists from using the Bush-era policy to attack President Obama and to push for looser restrictions on religious proselytizing in the military.

And now, the Religious Right’s campaign may be succeeding in pressuring the Air Force to water down the 2008 policy. McClatchy reports today that while Air Force officials maintain that the accusations of religious persecution in the military aren’t true, they are considering altering the rules on religious coercion in response to pressure from the Right… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

Everything that the Republican Party  does relates to one of two goals: redistributing wealth from the poor and middle classes to the 1%, and establishing a permanent Republican Regime, a totalitarian plutocracy in which elections exist for show only.  I think this relates to the latter.  Republicans have seen that totalitarian governments fall when troops refuse to kill their own nation’s citizens during demonstrations.  That makes indoctrinating troops a Republican priority.


Edie Has a BIG Mouth! ;-)

 Posted by at 12:18 am  Blog News, Politics
May 222014


Edie first showed up at Politics Plus a little over a year ago, and she  became an instant regular, commenting on almost every article.  This her second Big Mouth Award, and her first was in 8/2012.  She is a denizen of Care2, where she is also very active.  I have no doubt that she’ll be busier than a long-tail cat at a rocking chair convention supporting Alison Grimes to defeat her Senator, Bought Bitch Mitch (R-KY).  Lets let her know we’re glad she’s here.  Congrats Edie!

May 222014

I’m writing for tomorrow.  It’s late in a busy day.  Because tomorrow is a prison volunteer day, I may have little or nothing for Friday and/or Saturday, as I shall get home late Thursday night and will have missed a sleep cycle.  Day 31.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:55 (average 4:45).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube: The Colbert Report 2014-05-19 Elizabeth Warren


Hilarious! Did Bernie have it right or what? Warren played it great.

From Daily Kos: On Friday evening I went up to Bellingham to hear Bill McKibben speak. Bill has something fascinating to share with his audience, how Germany has reached the point where it had gotten over 74% of its electrical power from renewable sources the other day. That’s a huge milestone, and it demonstrates that renewable sources can power a large industrial nation. Germany shows us that renewables aren’t a potential source of power for some time in the future, they are a viable alternative TODAY.

I’m no fan of the German conservative government, but they do deserve kudos for this.

From Alternet: Giving out prescriptions for vibrators seems more like a doctor’s bad pick-up line than good public policy. But in Sandy Springs, Georgia, you really do need a medical reason – and a doctor’s prescription – to buy a sex toy.

Melissa Davenport, a resident of Sandy Springs, has filed suit against the city because, as her lawyer Gerry Weber  told a local TV station, the ordinance allows the government to "stick its nose in your bedroom and say you can use this but not that." Davenport has multiple sclerosis, which she says has impacted her sex life with her husband, and she credits sex toys with saving her marriage. Yet her doctors still won’t write her a prescription.

Leaving aside the bizarreness of the policy itself – people should be able to buy sex toys for the sheer fun of it – it seems ironic that a woman with a real medical condition is being denied sex toys, when you consider that the vibrator was actually  invented to cure a (fake) medical condition: hysteria.

I intend no disrespect to women here, but disrespect for the Republican War on Women.  No wonder I call Republicans the Grand Old Pussy Posse! If they spent 1/20 the time policing Banksters that they do policing vaginas, we’d be in far better shape!





Tuesday: Super or Stupor

 Posted by at 12:58 am  Politics
May 212014

Today is primary day in several states, the closest thing we have to Super Tuesday on the 2014 campaign.  By the time this is posted, most of the numbers will be in, but this should still be a good guide to what happened.  Perhaps the day should be renamed Stupor Tuesday to reflect the awareness of Republican voters and all people too stupid to get off their butts and vote.


Get excited, because voters are casting ballots in six states holding high-stakes primaries. It’s the busiest primary day of the year so far — and the most consequential.

From tea party vs. establishment infighting in the West to a Democratic sprint to the left in the Northeast, there’s a lot going on. But fear not! Here’s where we come in. Below we give you the six [sic] most important things to watch:

1. Who will make the Republican runoff for U.S. Senate in Georgia?

2. What will Mitch McConnell’s margin of victory be?

3. Will Democrat Tom Wolf advance to a showdown against the nation’s most vulnerable governor?

4. It’s business versus tea party in Idaho. Business is poised for victory.

5. Will Monica Wehby hold on in Oregon after a story about "stalking" her ex-boyfriend last year?

6. Will a Clinton-backed U.S. House candidate advance in Pennsylvania?

7. There are two GOP primaries for U.S. House in Arkansas worth following.

8. Which Republican will take on the last white Democrat from the Deep South in the House?… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

I’ve shared all the headers to give you a taste of what it covers.  Click through for the meat of the article.  To me. the most interesting item is the one on Monica Wehbe.

Rachel Maddow covered the day in two videos.  I’m sorry that I can’t get the clips in an Internationally viewable format, but I’m including their titles so you can search later.  In the first she covers Oregon Republicans.

Political weirdness finds a home in Oregon

In the second, she covers the other primaries.

The upside here is that we lose a couple real jerks from GA in the House.

Next we get to sort it all out.

May 212014

I’m writing for tomorrow and feeling quite tired, since my midnight nap was a royal flop.  I can’t sleep right now, because Store to Door will be calling for my grocery order.  Tomorrow is grocery day and Thursday is prison-volunteer day, so I’ll be busy.  Day 30.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:00 (average 5:23).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Last night [Friday], Bill Maher dared the Republicans to just do it and impeach Obama over Benghazi.


I love the way he nailed PIGnochio on the way to nailing Republicans on Benghazi!! Plus you got New Rules! 🙂

From Think Progress: Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R) released the report he commissioned from the consulting firm Alexander Group that analyzed the state’s welfare system and offered recommendations last week.

The group received $925,000 in a no-bid contract and has been paid more than $500,000 despite missing several deadlines included in the contract. These funds are at least coming partially from money meant to go the state’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance program — as of February, $185,040 of these funds were paid to the Alexander Group.

The big irony here is that the report claimed LePage is doing a great job at preventing fraud, waste and abuse when the report itself is complete fraud, waste and abuse. There’s another tern for that: TEAbuggery!

From Raw Story: Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) on Monday blasted President Barack Obama’s administration’s efforts at comprehensive immigration reform, saying that the president was “complicit” in sex trafficking by “luring” children into the United States who couldn’t even afford to pay their own taxes.

What lame-brained excuse for his hatred will Go-Go Goose-step Gohmert (R-TX) think of next?




Proud To Be

 Posted by at 1:26 am  Politics
May 202014

This article is not intended to trash football.  I barely tolerate the NFL, some of the management, and some of the players, because I developed an abiding love of the game itself as a player.  Therefore I’m a fairly extreme fan.  Nevertheless, I fully support the efforts of Proud To Be.


Two prominent groups that have led the campaign against the name of the Washington Redskins launched their newest campaign Monday, a photo project that highlights what Native Americans and their allies are “proud to be.”

The project is backed by the National Congress of American Indians and the Oneida Indian Nation of New York’s Change The Mascot campaign. The #ProudToBe project features photographs of prominent Native American leaders, members of Congress, and others who have spoken out against the name in the last year. The first round of pictures includes Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA), and D.C. Councilman David Grosso holding signs against the name. It also includes photos gathered on social media of Native Americans holding #ProudToBe signs, and asks others who support the movement to submit their own on the Change The Mascot campaign’s web site.

Reid, Cantwell, and Grosso are among the political leaders that have spoken out against the continued use of “Redskins.” Reid has repeatedly called on the NFL to change the name; Cantwell, as the former chair of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, has co-authored a letter to the league calling for a change and met with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to push for a new name; Grosso led an effort to pass a council resolution condemning the name and has said that he would never vote to fund a new D.C. stadium for the team until it changed its name.

The Proud To Be campaign is a spin-off of a video advertisement by the same name that NCAI released before this year’s Super Bowl…

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Here is that video.

Imagine, if you will, moving the team to the Big Apple and calling it the New York [N Word].  The only difference is the size of the minority group the team is treating with total disrespect.

May 202014

I’m writing for tomorrow, and it’s a busy day of cleaning, grocery planning, and appointment scheduling. I also need to rest, because Thursday is a prison volunteer day.  Day 29.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:49 (average 5:03).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: By any normal standard, economic policy since the onset of the financial crisis has been a dismal failure. It’s true that we avoided a full replay of the Great Depression. But employment has taken more than six years to claw its way back to pre-crisis levels — years when we should have been adding millions of jobs just to keep up with a rising population. Long-term unemployment is still almost three times as high as it was in 2007; young people, often burdened by college debt, face a highly uncertain future.

Now Timothy Geithner, who was Treasury secretary for four of those six years, has published a book, “Stress Test,” about his experiences. And basically, he thinks he did a heckuva job.

Click through to see the way Paul Krugman trashes Timmy the Tool, just like Robert Reich did.

From The New Yorker: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is an evil genius capable of masterminding the most elaborate cover-up in U.S. history and is also a frail old woman with brain damage, leading Republicans charged on Sunday.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus led the attack while appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” where he said that the American people should be wary of electing a woman who is capable of orchestrating the complex conspiracy to whitewash Benghazi while, at the same time, being too old, feeble, and brain damaged to serve in the Oval Office.

“These two aspects of Secretary Clinton would have me very concerned,” he said.

Did Andy nail the hypocrisy of these mutually contradicting Republican lies, or what?

From Alternet: The Poor Don’t Cheat As Much

An analysis of seven different psychological studies found that "upper-class individuals behave more unethically than lower-class individuals." A series of experiments showed that upper-class individuals were more likely to break traffic laws, take valued goods from others, lie in a negotiation, and cheat to increase their chances of winning a prize.

And this doesn’t even begin to examine the many, many significant  cases of fraudulent behavior in the banking industry. Or private equity firms that cheat their investors over  50 percent of the time. Or the many unscrupulous corporate  tax avoidance strategies.

This is just one of five ways in which the poor are demonstrably more ethical than the rich, who Republicans represent. Click through for the other four.

Late Update: The Judge ruled Oregon’s Republican ban on gay marriage unconstitutional today, and same-sex couples have already married in Oregon.




If you think politics is dirty now, you wouldn’t believe the Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians’ politics there!


Climate TEAbuggery Strikes NC

 Posted by at 2:32 am  Politics
May 192014

Super-rich developers are hard at work creating properties in North Carolina, fully aware that, in all probability, by the turn of the century, those properties will no longer exist.  The level of dishonesty from Republican officials can only be described as TEAbuggery!

0519ClimateNCThe North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission has found a solution to the political impasse posed by the conflict between science, which predicts the acceleration of sea level rise as the glaciers of western Antarctica collapse into the Southern Ocean, and Republican, money-driven politics tied to coastal development. The Coastal Commission voted to ignore long-term sea level rise. The Commission voted, with one lone dissent, to limit the period of consideration of sea level rise to 30 years. Keeping the period to 30 years allowed the Commission to avoid considering the consequences of the collapse of west Antarctic glaciers, the speed up of the melting of Greenland’s ice cap and the slowing of the Gulf Stream. This vote will end the conflict between the Republican dominated state legislature and the Commission that happened in 2010 when the Commission’s panel of experts predicted as much as 5 feet of sea level rise by 2100. The legislature rejected that report and prohibited state and local government offices from considering the possibility that sea level rise would accelerate…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

The article goes on the show how it is happening now.

Click through for more.

I hope that those new properties the millionaires, that own the Republicans, are selling come with SCUBA gear!
