Jan 032014

I’m writing for tomorrow and taking a relatively lazy day, after a hard day yesterday.  The roast beef dinner turned out just right, and in addition to feeding less fortunate friends, I took a plate to the desk clerk, who had to work the holiday.  Shortly, I shall be wrapping myself around some leftovers.  On Friday, I hope to finish squaring this place away.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:39 (average 5:35).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Think Progress: On Wednesday, nearly four years after President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, the major provisions of the health law that serve to expand coverage to millions of Americans officially took effect. Insurers are no longer allowed to discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions, or charge sick Americans higher prices than their healthier counterparts. And now, the Americans who have enrolled in new plans under Obamacare — either by picking a private plan on the state-level marketplaces, or by qualifying for Medicaid in the states that agreed to expand the program — may start using that coverage.

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, about six million people signed up for Obamacare’s coverage expansion so far. It’s not yet clear exactly how many of those people gained new insurance on January 1; some of them may not have paid their first premium yet, and ongoing technical problems with the state marketplaces may delay some people’s coverage from kicking in immediately.

Regardless of the official enrollment numbers, however, New Years Eve marked an important milestone for the health insurance industry. “It’s the last day a cancer patient can be told by their insurance company that cancer treatments aren’t covered and it’s the last day people can face limits on their coverage in the future,” White House adviser Phil Schiliro told MSNBC on Tuesday. “That’s just enormous.”

And some of people who woke up to new health insurance options on Wednesday aren’t wasting any time using their new plans.

At long last we will have truly positive examples with which to begin to counter four years of Republican lies.

From NY Times: Bill de Blasio, whose fiery populism propelled his rise from obscure neighborhood official to the 109th mayor of New York, was sworn into office on Wednesday, pledging that his ambition for a more humane and equal metropolis would remain undimmed.

In his inaugural address, Mayor de Blasio described social inequality as a “quiet crisis” on a par with the other urban cataclysms of the city’s last half-century, from fiscal collapse to crime waves to terrorist attacks, and said income disparity was a struggle no less urgent to confront.

“We are called to put an end to economic and social inequalities that threaten to unravel the city we love,” he said to about 5,000 people at the ceremony, many beneath blankets on a numbingly cold day.

I wish de Blasio every success, and think he is the best thing to happen to NYC in a generation or more!

From US News: For the 1.3 million Americans who lost long-term unemployment benefits in December, there may be hope.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., told The Associated Press he will bring legislation to extend long-term jobless benefits to the floor on Monday, the first day the Senate returns to work in the new year. The inaugural vote may signal the Democrats’ 2014 election strategy: to reduce economic disparity between the wealthy and poor.

This is a positive development, because it gives Republicans the choice of supporting it or exposing themselves in an election year. If it passes the Senate, it can then be used to put House Republicans on display.



Jan 022014

In December, Politics Plus was dead slow, because for most of the month, I was either sick, moving orboth.

Here is our latest summary:



In the monthly totals, a Site is any website from which someone accessed our server, a Hit is every access attempt to our server, and a File is every access attempt to our server that returned data.  The difference between Hits and Files is from access attempts that were sent in error or damaged in transit and failed attempts by hackers, spammers, phishers, and Republicans to access the back end and take control of the site.  Any questions?

Here is our latest Clustrmap:


Our map was archived in February, so what you see is from March 1 to December 15, when it was last updated.

Here are are top five articles:

A Republican Freedom                                                 9/24/2012

Jane Smiley: Capitalist Pigs                                          1/27/2010

Monthly Report for November 2013 (Abbreviated)      12/02/2013

Bullied by a Wimp?                                                        8/04/2012

Republicans on Parade–12/14/2013                           12/14/2013

People came from an external site with the specific purpose of reading these articles more than any others.

Here are our top Non-blog referrers

C2NN                  3,360

Stumbleupon       2,220

Thanks to Richard (aka Rixar) for putting our articles on Stumbleupon and occasionally elsewhere.

Here are our top fifteen blog/news referrers for December.



















There are there extra, because we had a tie for 15th.  Fact is, it was so dang slow that one referral was all it took to make the list.  Every time we link to their sites, it increases their ratings, so here’s some linkey-love in return.  The best ways you can spread the message to others is to use the share button at the bottom of each article to list our articles on the the networking sites where you belong. Quote PP articles on your own blogs also helps.  The operative commandment here is “thou shalt steal.”  We’re on the same side here, and I encourage it.  Even if you want to repost a whole article, that’s OK.  Just link back, please.  Also, feel free to swipe my graphics in the articles.  If they are labeled with our Politics Plus URL, they are my work.

Here are the top fifteen commenters for December.  I remembered and copied them off in time.  I don’t count, as I’m the resident big mouth, and I try to reply to almost every comment, except replies directed at someone else.  Those who leave their URLs in their comments, also get linkey-love here.

Patty (86)

Edie (59)

Rixar13 (52)

Joanne D (42)

Jerry Critter (37)

SoINeedAName (22)

Lynn Squance (21)

Arielle (16)

misskitty (14)

Karen Chestney (13)

John Dasef (7)

Angelica (5)

Howard Brazee (5)

Pat A (5)

Yvonne White (5)

We have 1,501,678 links on other websites, a small increase.

Our Technorati rating is 113, low on the B list.  These ratings yo-yo and do not depend on our traffic or our overall links, but only links on sites registered with and recognized by Technorati.  If only Care2 would register their front page of C2NN news with Technorati, we’d be A list again every month.

As of Midnight, January 1, we have 4,630 articles and 49,626 comments.

I recommend using your own avatar. Go to Gravatar.  Sign up using the email address you use to post comments here and upload the image you want to use.  Whenever you comment under that email address here or on any WordPress blog (several others too), that image will be your avatar.

We have entered an election year Republicans will be going all out to deceive people into voting for them.  If they can’t do that they will try to fool people into thinking their vote does not matter and staying home or wasting their vote on a candidate with no chance to win.  Stopping them is our job!

Jan 022014

I’ve been working my tail off for six hours preparing for tomorrow’s monthly report, and researching this article, and cooking at the same time, so I’m feeling pretty pooped today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:36 (average 5:09).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: As the curtain comes down on the Michael Bloomberg era, the three-term mayor of New York received fulsome praise last night from his most appreciative constituency: the people who can still afford to live there.

Harland Dorrinson, principal owner of the hedge fund Garrote Capital, hosted a black-tie dinner in the vault of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to pay tribute to a mayor who, in Mr. Dorrinson’s words, “put living in New York out of the reach of everyone except the deserving few.”

“To a lot of people, Mike Bloomberg will be remembered for reducing smoking and improving people’s diets,” said Mr. Dorrinson. “But that shouldn’t overshadow his greatest accomplishment, creating unaffordable housing throughout New York.”

“When Mike took office, this city was teeming with regular working people,” Mr. Dorrinson said, shuddering at the memory. “Today, it’s a magnificent tapestry of investment bankers, real-estate developers, and Russian oligarchs.”

As much as I liked Bloomberg’s stance on gun-control, he was a Bankster’s wet dream, otherwise.

From Upworthy: He Starts With 17 Lego Pieces And Ends Up With 6. The Reason Why Involves All Of Us.


Depressing as it is, he’s right!

From NY Times: A federal judge on Tuesday struck down as unconstitutional a Florida law that required welfare applicants to undergo mandatory drug testing, setting the stage for a legal battle that could affect similar efforts nationwide.

Judge Mary S. Scriven of the United States District Court in Orlando held that the testing requirement, the signature legislation of Gov. Rick Scott, a Republican who campaigned on the issue, violated the protection against unreasonable searches.

“The court finds there is no set of circumstances under which the warrantless, suspicionless drug testing at issue in this case could be constitutionally applied,” she wrote. The ruling made permanent an earlier, temporary ban by the judge.

Mr. Scott, who had argued that the drug testing was necessary to protect children and ensure that tax money was not going to illegal drugs, said that the state would appeal the ruling.

Extremist Republican Governor Scott wants you to believe that his profit from owning the lab that does the testing has nothing to do with it. Geez! You can fertilize the lawn with that one!




Happy New Year 2014

 Posted by at 12:34 am  Blog News, Politics
Jan 012014

NewYear Day2013

Here’s my wish that 2014 brings to each of you all success, contentment and joy you so richly deserve.  To celebrate, here’s a cartoon from each month in 2013.


























Expand Social Security

 Posted by at 12:33 am  Politics
Jan 012014

Ever since Social Security passed under FDR, Republicans have been trying to change it.  For them it’s a painful thing to see the money folks have paid in over the years returned to the beneficiaries.  Republicans want it to become a vehicle to transfer that wealth from the beneficiaries to billionaires and corporate criminals.  Here is an article from a wonderful progressive.  I’ll say who at the end.

0101socialsecurityFor a generation now, working families have been squeezed by stagnant wages and rising costs for housing, health care, and college. Even as families have cut back on expenses for things like food, clothing, furniture, and appliances, it hasn’t always been enough; many have been forced to take on more and more debt just to pay for necessities.

One major consequence of these increasing pressures on working people is that the dream of a secure retirement is slowly slipping away. Families haven’t been able to save as much as they used to, and only 18 percent of private-sector workers have defined benefit pensions today compared with 35 percent two decades ago. Forty-four million workers have no workplace retirement savings plan…

…Social Security isn’t the answer to all of our retirement problems. We need to find ways to tackle the financial squeeze that is crushing our families. We need to help families start saving again. We need to make sure that more workers have access to better pensions. But in the meantime, so long as these problems continue to exist and so long as we are in the midst of a real and growing retirement crisis — a crisis that is shaking the foundations of what was once a vibrant and secure middle class — the absolute last thing we should be doing is talking about cutting back on Social Security. The absolute last thing we should do in 2013 – at the very moment that Social Security has become the principal lifeline for millions of our seniors — is allow the program to begin to be dismantled inch by inch.

The decisions we make about Social Security benefits are not just about math. At their core, these decisions are about our values. I believe we must honor our promises, make good on a system that millions of people paid into faithfully throughout their working years, and support the right of every person to retire with dignity and that means protecting and expanding Social Security.

Inserted from <Alternet>

I can assure you that my Social Security benefits have not kept pace with what it costs me to live, so I fully agree with this author.  And who is it with such expertise?  She’s also an expert on Bought Bitch Mitch!!



Poll Results–1/1/2014

 Posted by at 12:32 am  Blog News, Politics
Jan 012014

Here are the results of our Christmas Dinner Poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are often both accurate and indicative of the nation’s view.


And here are your comments.

Showing comments 17 of 7.

Posted by Jerry Critter  December 28, 2013 at 8:16 pm.  


We served turkey and ham to the family, but I am a vegan so only veggies for me.


Posted by Joanne D  December 28, 2013 at 4:07 am.  


I’m not fond of either ham or turkey, and that’s a good thing. because I was just cooking for myself.


Posted by Patty  December 28, 2013 at 1:12 am.  


It was the first year I didn’t cook. We went to friends’ house and they made prime rib, twice baked potatoes, green beans and Brussels sprouts. Yummy! I made Raspberry Lime Trifle for dessert and of course took a large tray of Christmas cookies to share with all.




Posted by Marva  December 27, 2013 at 5:52 am.  


We didn’t have a Christmas Dinner on Christmas day. We were still on left-overs from two days before which was the only day we could get some part of the family together in one house. We did have turkey and ham on the 23rd. Next year, I think I’ll just tell everyone to come over on the 21st and we’ll have a Happy Solstice dinner.


Posted by John Dasef  December 27, 2013 at 4:50 am.  


Turkey and ham, but you didn’t give that option.




Posted by gene jacobson  December 27, 2013 at 4:48 am.  


I went to the Mandarin Buffet, it isn’t their holiday, and I enjoy the opposite of what most are doing. Though, there are quite a few people who feel as I do, considering the number of people there!




Posted by Lynn Squance  December 26, 2013 at 11:11 pm.  


I cooked a "turkey breast in a bag" on Catmas eve because I knew I wouldn’t have time for Catmas dinner on Catmas day . . . I went to see my mother. Scalloped potatoes, veggies and 3 cats ready to eat turkey rounded out the fare. On Catmas day, quinoa salad for dinner after returning from mother’s.

I voted for Turkey bird!!  It’s a cat thing.

The new poll is up.  Enjoy!!

Jan 012014

I’m writing for tomorrow, the first day of the new year and planning a big roast beef dinner to celebrate the occasion.  Please stay safe.  There are drunks, maniacs and Re3publicans on the road.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:44 (average 4:50).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Right Wing Watch: Ending Aid To Jobless Americans

The perception, revealed in polling, that the GOP does not care about people is doing great harm to the Party…. To people who are flat on their back, unemployed or disabled and in need of help, they do not care if the help comes from the private sector or the government — they just want help.

Republicans in Congress rejected an extension of unemployment benefits, which will not only hurt approximately 1.3 million Americans during a period when long-term joblessness is still high, but will also result in serious harm to economic growth. If Republicans do not waver from their position, up to 5 million people could be affected by the cuts. The party also passed enormous cuts to the food stamp program under the auspices of preventing the tremendously low rate of fraud in an effort to kick 5 million people off of food assistance.

But the GOP continues to give special benefits to millionaires, as earlier this year Republicans once again rebuffed the “Buffet Rule,” which would have ensured that millionaires don’t end up having a lower tax rate than average Americans.

This is just one of five ways that, according to the author, the Republican Party got even worse in 2013. Click through for the other four.

From Robert Reich: Despite do-nothing congressional Republicans, we ARE making progress around the country because Americans are organizing and mobilizing. Together we can make 2014 the year we turn the tide on economic inequality.


Spot-on! If you don’t vote in 2014, you are the problem, not the solution!

From Upworthy: A Little Taste Of What Capitalism Is Like When It Has No Limits.


This is the kind of vulture capitalism the Republican Party seeks, not just for third world nations, but here in the US as well.


