Jan 252014

I’ve returned from Salem, and am completely exhausted, because I hardly slept, while I was gone.  The Motel 6 was a disaster.  The heat had two levels, full blast and off.  Even when the room was sweltering, the bathroom was frigid.  The bed was uncomfortable.  The shower had less pressure than I could produce with a six pack.  My upstairs neighbor stomped all night.  Strangers knocked on the door in the middle of the night.  Never again.  My guys, on the other hand, were amazing, and we had very productive planning sessions.  I have done no research and had no time to make a cartoon, so today’s contribution is only this and the puzzle.  Tomorrow, I should have at least an Open Thread.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:43 (average 4:25).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Jan 242014

I’m writing this article in my motel room, for tomorrow, before leaving for today’s meetings.  I’m thoroughly disappointed with Motel 6, and will tell more of that when I return home.  Yesterday, we had an outside board meeting here, in which we discussed problems and goals.  This afternoon the outside board will meet with the inside executive committee inside the prison.  This evening we’ll have our normal meeting with around 100 of my guys.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:37 (average 5:01).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew warned Congress on Wednesday that the government would most likely exhaust its ability to borrow in late February, setting up yet another fiscal showdown with Republicans, and this time earlier than congressional leaders had anticipated.

In a letter to Speaker John A. Boehner and the other top three congressional leaders, Mr. Lew said a surge of February spending, mainly tax refunds for 2013, would leave the Treasury with little room to maneuver after the official debt limit is reached on Feb. 7.

The letter amounts to an early alarm bell, coming just weeks after Congress passed its first bipartisan budget and comprehensive spending bill in years. Those bills were supposed to serve as a cease-fire in the budget wars that have rattled the country and the economy since Republicans took control of the House in 2011.

No matter what Republicans threaten, there can be no compromise on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, ObamaCare, or any other part of the safety net, already stretched far too thin by Republican class warfare.

From Upworthy: Here Are Just 3 Of The *Smaller* Lies SeaWorld Makes Its Employees Tell Its Guests


I hope that, if more people learn about these lies, they will stop supporting this criminal abuse with their patronage.

From Daily Kos: Virginia has only just switched from extremist Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli to Democrat Mark Herring, and already we’re seeing big changes:

Herring said his office will no longer defend the state’s ban on same-sex marriages.

"As attorney general, I cannot and will not defend laws that violate Virginians’ rights," Herring said. "The commonwealth will be siding with the plaintiffs in this case and with every other Virginia couple whose right to marry is being denied."

A win for justice!



Jan 232014

If you’re wondering how I put up such a normal Open Thread on a travel day, I admit to a bit to trickery.  I am writing this article, in its entirety, on Wednesday morning, before leaving on my volunteer trip.  I will upload it to the blog as a draft, so the only things I have to do in Salem are do the puzzle and update the time taken to do it.  Slick, huh?

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:32 (average 5:22).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From TPM: Earlier this month, Bob McDonnell became former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell. On Tuesday, he became indicted former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell.

Just days after he left office, the Republican and and his wife, Maureen McDonnell, were charged in federal court with more than a dozen counts related to the tens of thousands of dollars in gifts and loans they accepted from a wealthy Virginia businessman. (The ex-governor maintained on Tuesday that he had done nothing illegal.)

The fact that the McDonnells were under scrutiny from prosecutors was no secret. Stories about the investigation, and the relationship between the McDonnells and the businessman, Jonnie Williams, had been appearing in the press for months. We knew (thanks in large part to stellar reporting from The Washington Post) about the Rolex, and the Oscar de la Renta dress, and the Ferrari joyride, and the golf outings. But the 43-page indictment filed on Tuesday did reveal numerous new details about the scandal, and confirmed several other points which had been fuzzy or in dispute.

Click through for the details of Gov. Ultrasound's indictment. It is a shocking revelation of standard operating procedure for Republican politicians, and it may even be a window to what's ahead for PIGnocchio.

From Think Progress: It seemed like all anyone in Washington could talk about on Tuesday was Ezra Klein’s departure from the Washington Post. But another journalist’s new job caught my eye: Stephen Moore, the Wall Street Journal’s notorious economics columnist, joined the Heritage Foundation as its “chief economist. [InsaniTEA delinked]”

Moore’s hiring cements the emerging case that the Heritage Foundation, far from being a traditional think tank, has become a Tea Party lobby with a big research budget. It also tells us a lot about the real role that economic thought plays in a movement obsessed with its opponents’ supposed economic ignorance [Faux Noise delinked].

This isn’t Moore’s first dance at Heritage — he was a fellow there during the heyday of the Reagan Revolution. But as chief economist, Moore will wield far more influence over the direction of Heritage’s economic research than he did thirty years ago.

My bold prediction: this will end in terrible embarrassment. Moore is much more conservative activist than journalist. In 1999, he founded the Club for Growth, one of the hardest of hard-line conservative PACs, and served as its President until 1999. Moore, who had described [Propagandist delinked] his goal in founding the Club to be creating “the tax cut enforcer of the party,” called [InsaniTEA delinked] the Club’s birth “the defining moment of his career.”

That's a trip from Murdoch's Faux Print to DeMint. It will mean even more TEAbuggery from Heritage Foundation, and Murdoch will surely find an equally deranged 1% class warrior for his propaganda rag.

From Salon.com: The NOAA’s annual State of the Climate report is in, and it confirmed what anyone who’s been paying attention probably noticed: 2013 was one for the record books.

We ended the year with a globally averaged combined land and ocean surface temperature .62 degrees Celsius (1.12 degrees Fahrenheit) above the 20th century average, tying with 2003 as the fourth warmest year since record keeping began in 1880. This means that global temperature was above the 20th century average for the 37th year running, and that all 13 years of the 21st century officially rank among the 15 warmest in recorded history.

That's no surprise to me, because I have noticed a distinct change in Portland, Oregon, since I first moved here over 30 years ago. Summers are hotter, and winters are colder than they were then. There are more frequent extremes in both directions.



And the Rockefeller Group and other vulture capitalists sure are paying for it!!

Jan 222014

I’m writing for tomorrow very early in the morning, because I have more work to do, and because I want to rest as much as I can before tomorrow’s trip for volunteer work.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:06 (average 4:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From We Are Ultraviolet: If this isn’t bullying, I don’t know what is

It’s impossible to ignore–Chris Christie is dominating our news feeds, Facebook posts, and political conversations. But what people aren’t talking about is the fact that he’s been a bully to women for a long time.


PIGnocchio is a misogynist, in addition to being a misanthrope!! Click through, please.

From Crooks and Liars: At least they’ve taken a break from bloviating about their phony "war on Christmas" for a while. Bill O’Reilly’s favorite wingnut pastor, Robert Jeffress was back, attacking President Obama and I think someone forgot to tell him to take his meds this Monday.


This is the norm for what we can expect from O’Lielly, The Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda (Faux Noise), and the Republican Party. The Antichrist for for Republican Supply-side pseudo Christians is the REAL Jesus!

From Globe and Mail: Outspoken real estate billionaire Donald Trump said on Tuesday he may seek the Republican presidential nomination for 2016, claiming he wants to undo President Barack Obama’s legacy.

If he goes through with it, the 2016 primary season could become a real hair ball.



Jan 212014

I’m writing for tomorrow and am running way late, because I overslept.  That’s a good thing, in light of the week ahead.  On Wednesday, I leave for Salem for organizational meetings with prisoners, outside board members and officers of my volunteer organization.  I will be returning Friday.  Getting ready has involved a pants-load of paperwork and updating my notebook computer, which I had not turned-on since I was in the hospital last spring.  I hope to post at least personal updates from there.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:05 (average 5:16).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: A support group for mayors bullied by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie held its first meeting today at the Prudential Center arena, in Newark.

Organizers of the gathering pronounced themselves pleased with the turnout, as bullied officeholders from all over the state filled the eighteen-thousand-seat venue.

The support group was the brainchild of Carol Foyler, the bullied mayor of Sea Ridge, New Jersey.

“All of these mayors have their own painful stories to share,” Mayor Foyler said. “We wanted to give them a safe space to do that.”

The event was interrupted fifteen minutes in, however, when power to the Prudential Center was abruptly cut off, plunging the arena into darkness…

LOL Andy!! I would not be surprised!

From NY Times: The reality of rising American inequality is stark. Since the late 1970s real wages for the bottom half of the work force have stagnated or fallen, while the incomes of the top 1 percent have nearly quadrupled (and the incomes of the top 0.1 percent have risen even more). While we can and should have a serious debate about what to do about this situation, the simple fact — American capitalism as currently constituted is undermining the foundations of middle-class society — shouldn’t be up for argument.

But it is, of course. Partly this reflects Upton Sinclair’s famous dictum: It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it. But it also, I think, reflects distaste for the implications of the numbers, which seem almost like an open invitation to class warfare — or, if you prefer, a demonstration that class warfare is already underway, with the plutocrats on offense.

The result has been a determined campaign of statistical obfuscation. At its cruder end this campaign comes close to outright falsification; at its more sophisticated end it involves using fancy footwork to propagate what I think of as the myth of the deserving rich.

For an example of de facto falsification, one need look no further than a recent column [Murdoch delinked] by Bret Stephens of The Wall Street Journal, which first accused President Obama (wrongly) of making a factual error, then proceeded to assert that rising inequality was no big deal, because everyone has been making big gains. Why, incomes for the bottom fifth of the U.S. population have risen 186 percent since 1979!

If this sounds wrong to you, it should: that’s a nominal number, not corrected for inflation. You can find the inflation-corrected number in the same Census Bureau table; it shows incomes for the bottom fifth actually falling. Oh, and for the record, at the time of writing this elementary error had not been corrected on The Journal’s website…

Click through for the rest of this fine Paul Krugman editorial. The WSJ, aka Faux Print, gets their talking points the same way as the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise.

From Daily Kos: The first numbers on the body count from the Republican sabotage of the Affordable Care Act are just now coming in. Last week, an analysis from Harvard’s Theda Skocpol revealed that states that both set up their own health care exchanges and embraced the ACA’s expansion of Medicaid are racing toward their enrollment goals, while the reddest of red states which refused to do either are barely moving the needle for their uninsured populations. Now, a George Washington University study shows that states that also passed laws limiting the ability of health care "navigators" to advise customers have severely compromised their residents’ ability to gain access to health care.


I find it despicable that so many Republicans are working so hard to prevent their constituents from obtaining health care.



I had mixed feelings at the time, because I had opted to go to jail, if drafted.  Therefore, my actions could only be seen as protest, and not dismissed as cowardice. I bore some resentment towards those who ran. It was my good fortune that the call never came. Since then, I’ve moderated that view and come to be thankful that they were not destroyed by that war, like so many others were.

Jan 202014

I’m writing for tomorrow, preparing for my two day trip for prison volunteer work this week, and getting ready to meditate upon the Ellipsoid Orb.  By this time this is posted I will be either a Fantabulous Feline or a Pissed Pussycat.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:14 (average 4:41).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious High Ecstasy:


Short Takes:

From CREW: Campaign contributions follow power, and special interests aren’t subtle about currying favor with the powerful.

New research by CREW shows after control of the House flipped in 2010 Democratic committee chairmen demoted to ranking members saw campaign contributions plummet from industries their committees oversee. Conversely, Republican ranking members who assumed House committee chairmanships in the wake of the shift saw a corresponding increase in contributions.

CREW’s analysis also found 80% of the chairs and ranking members included in our study reported receiving a growing share of their campaign contributions from industries overseen by their committees. This trend raises questions about whether committee leaders are overly dependent on the campaign contributions of those over which they have regulatory authority.

In 2011, CREW released its first Funds for Favors report, which analyzed campaign contributions to the chairmen and ranking members of ten House committees. Our analysis, which included data from the 1998 through the 2010 election cycles, revealed that as members’ power and seniority increased, the industries they were responsible for regulating steered more and more money into their campaign coffers. This new edition of the report compares campaign finance data from the 2010 election cycle to the 2012 election cycle, and shows industries are continuing to shower campaign cash on lawmakers who oversee them. Both editions of the report rely on federal campaign contribution data provided by MapLight.

Under no circumstances should members of committees, let alone the Chairmen and Ranking Members, be permitted to receive campaign contributions from the companies they oversee and/or lobbyists for those companies. This must be true for both parties despite the fact that Republicans are more inclined to offer quid pro quo.

From Daily Kos: On Wednesday this week, Robert Reich — labor secretary under President Clinton — was a guest on CNN’s "Crossfire" for a segment that asked the question "who’s blocking good-paying jobs?"

Again, S.E. Cupp was nothing but a huge example of why we can’t have nice things.


Once again, Robert Reich owned the Republican Reich.

From Alternet: Nancy Grace: People on pot shoot, stab and strangle each other.

Nancy Grace made it extremely clear, in case anyone did not know, that she has never smoked, or known anyone who smoked marijuana this week. How did she do this? By hysterically claiming without a scintilla of evidence that marijuana is highly addictive, and that it causes people to go on bloody killing sprees.

Her guest, Mason Tvert of the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), tried to inject some reason into the conversation, by pointing out that “marijuana’s addictive properties have been found to be actually pretty mild compared to alcohol and tobacco, and even caffeine.”

Grace interrupted him to say: “So you — you are admitting it is addictive.”

Oohhhhh, madame prosecutor! Gotcha!

When Tvert again tried to reason with her by saying that potsmokers are not so unlike people who might have a cocktail at the end of the day to unwind, she could not resist interrupting again. (Where are your manners, Nancy Grace? Honestly.)

“The reason I’m against legalization is that I’ve seen too many felonies — felonies,” she said. “I mean people on pot that shoot each other, that stab each other, that strangle each other, that kill whole families — wipe out a whole family.”

So, we’ve established that Nancy Grace views "Reefer Madness" as a Ken Burns documentary.

Never has there been a greater gulf between the character of a person and the meaning of their last name. She should change her name to Nancy Mercylessness. This is just one of ten nutty, nasty Republican statements from last week alone. Click through for the other nine.



Jan 192014

I’m writing for tomorrow, and feeling quite exhausted after being up all night recovering my computer.  The file that trashed it got through my firewall, while I was on Care2.  The management of Care2 is in no way at fault.  Nobody can maintain a site of that size and complexity without an occasional security glitch, and for the volume of traffic they have, they do an excellent job.  So fell victim to either a random hacker or a Republican hacker.  Given the pain I cause them, I suspect latter, but have no evidence to prove it.  Tomorrow is a High Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, and my Broncos will worship with the Patriots for the AFC Championship and a trip to the Super Bowl.  You can guess what I shall be doing.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:00 (average 5:06).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From TPM: On MSNBC’s “Up with Steve Kornacki” this morning, Hoboken, N.J. mayor Dawn Zimmer offered an extraordinary account of her dealings with the administration of Governor Chris Christie concerning federal Hurricane Sandy relief aid. She described an effort by top state officials – the lieutenant governor and a cabinet member – to coerce Hoboken’s city government into fast-tracking approval of a proposed redevelopment project by withholding Sandy aid from the government and residents of her city. That project, she says she was told, was “very important to the governor.” And if she worked to get it approved, “the money would start flowing to you.”

It just so happens that the proposed project in question is situated on three blocks of land owned by the Rockefeller Group, a client of the law firm of Wolff & Samson. That firm was founded by Christie confidante David Samson, a former state attorney general who Christie tapped to head his transition team in 2009. In 2011 the governor appointed Samson to become the chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, where he remains today.

Here are two of the videos from Steve’s show

There can be no excuse here. PIGnocchio is using Sandy relief funds to blackmail Mayors to favor billionaires. This is a crime.

From Raw Story: A federal judicial panel revealed on Friday that a former federal judge’s email suggesting President Barack Obama’s mother had sex with a dog was one of hundreds showing “disdain for African Americans and Hispanics,” the Billings Gazette reported.

The March 2013 report from the Judicial Council of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals traced Richard Cebull’s proclivity for sending racist and sexist material back to 2008. Cebull, a former U.S. District Court Judge, was appointed by former President George W. Bush.

The probe discovered that Cebull violated the second and fifth canons of the judicial code of conduct barring judges from political activity, as he sent several emails “related to pending legislation or an issue that could come before the courts, such as immigration, gun control, civil rights, health care or environmental matters.” Other messages contained “inappropriate jokes relating to sexual orientation,” particular “disdain” for undocumented Latino immigrants, “certain faiths,” and “liberal political leaders.” Other emails focused on “sexual topics and were disparaging of women.”

This is what we get when we do not exercise our right to vote or waste our votes on third party Presidential candidates.

From Alternet: Food stamp recipients will have their grocery store humiliation compounded by having to  show a photo ID in order to buy food if Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) gets his way.

Under a bill Vitter introduced Wednesday , beneficiaries of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) would be denied their food if they are unable to show a photographic identification card at the register. For millions of low-income Americans who don’t have an official photo ID and can’t necessarily afford to buy one, Vitter’s bill would mean being cut off from their primary food source.

Diaper Dave strikes again.


