Jan 312014

I’m writing for tomorrow and feeling poorly.  Please pardon my brevity.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:10 (average 4:55).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Loony toon Congressman Tim Huelskamp appeared with Rachel Maddow after the SOTU speech to address a series of sick disgusting tweets he posted in the House chamber as the President spoke.

There’s no other way to say it: Obama Derangement Syndrome.  For some people seeing a black man address the nation on national tee vee causes them to lose their shit…

…See, they no longer say "YOU LIE" out loud while the President speaks, instead they tweet it out to their hate mob while he’s speaking.

Embarrassed that Rachel was exposing his hate speech on live tee vee, he vainly tried to divert attention away by… you guessed it… a "WHAT ABOUT BENGAAAAAAAAAAHZIII!11!!" rant.

For International readers, I found the same video on YouTube.

I thought it hilarious that every time Rachel asked this Republican liar to validate what he had just said, he changed the subject. In fact, Obama has issued the fewest executive orders per year os any President in the last 117 years.

From Upworthy: If You Needed A Better Reason To Start Cooking More Meals At Home, Here’s One For You

Riddle me this: What is cheap, addictive, and leads to poor nutrition? Exactly what you should be avoiding. Cue the video, my friends!


Thanks to Store to Door, I can now eat more fresh fruits and veggies. If you have a similar service in your community, I strongly recommend using and supporting it.

From Think Progress: On CNN Wednesday, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) told host Wolf Blitzer that she supports equal pay for women despite voting against a measure that would help women achieve that goal…

…But McMorris Rodgers actually voted against laws meant to address the pay disparity between men and women four times. She voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act twice, which lengthened the time for victims of pay discrimination to file a complaint. She also voted twice against the Paycheck Fairness Act, a measure aimed at closing the gender wage gap by ending the practice of salary secrecy, thus giving women and others a better chance of rooting out discrimination, narrowing the guidelines for what pay disparities are justified, and strengthening penalties for discrimination as a way to deter it, among other things.

Republicans may say they support equal pay, but they voted unanimously against the Paycheck Fairness Act in the Senate 2010 and just 10 voted for it in the House. Senate Republicans blocked it again in 2012 with a filibuster.


There is a reason that virtually every Republican politician lies about almost all issues. The only way they can get votes is to keep voters ignorant about what they plan and who they represent. Most broadcast media do not challenge their lies.




State of the Union: 2014

 Posted by at 12:25 am  Editorial, Politics
Jan 302014


Barack Obama entered the rotunda an embattled President, beset by few real issues but by a wide variety of Republican lies and media distortions.  Frankly, I hoped he would come out swinging.  He exceeded my expectations, albeit in a completely different way than I had envisioned.  Most of his proposals should be pleasing to the left, but he made them in terms that should appeal to the middle, whose support he must win back to help Democrats hold the Senate, improve their standing in the House, and retake many State governments.  I think that his speech was a huge success.  You decide for yourselves.  I have the speech in it’s entirety for you.  I also have four misrepresentations Republicans call responses.

Here is a transcript of Obama’s address, as planned.

Obama’s SOTU Address:

I have seldom seen better oratory.

The Cathy McMorris-Rogers Response:

Toxic Sugar Alert!

Too much sugar will rot your teeth, but this sugar will rot your brain. It has nothing to do with Obama’s speech. Isn’t it ironic that, to counter the many valid assertions that Republican’s waging their War on Women, she sold herself out to that war, in addition to standard Republican lies.

The Mike Lee Response:

Barf Bag Alert!

This speech is a combination of class warfare, revisionist history, factual distortion and projection. You can fertilize your lawn with this one.

The Ted Cruz Response:

Double Barf Bag Alert!!

The background noise, the most relevant portion of the speech, is dubbed in to support the lie that Cruz is responding to the speech from the chamber right after the speech. However, the fool released it before Obama’s speech.  Like Keystone XL, he should never have been allowed to cross the border.

The Idiot Response:

Triple Barf Bag, Trashcan, Shoe and Pocket Alert!!!

This "response" was recorded two days before Obama’s SOTU speech. Idiot, Son of Idiot, Named after Idiot performed a major feat by setting the record for number of lies told in 10 minutes or less.

In summary, I find it easy to see why Obama did not go out of his way to slam Republicans.  The Republicans did it for him.

Jan 302014

I’m writing for tomorrow, and I’m feeling pretty tired from staying up late to watch the SOTU speech and the assorted responses for tomorrow’s piece on that sublet.  Unfortunately I have to stay up now for my first Store to Door delivery.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:45 (average 5:25).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

My oxygen:

About my Oxygen, I have two different rigs. The first is my concentrator, which I use at home, primarily when I’m sleeping. I don’t need oxygen when at rest, except for sleeping. It concentrates Oxygen already in the room. The other is a portable, which I use when away from home. It feeds my oxygen from a small tank in metered puffs. I turn it on when walking, climbing stairs and catching my breath. My provider, which I have to use because of my Medicare plan, delivers six full tanks at a time and picks up the empties. If I get a dud, they do not charge for it, but the two times it has happened, it was the last tank, and it was a prison volunteer day. If I had plugged it in last Thursday, when I returned from prison, I could have gotten a replacement on Monday. I did not, because I was tired. So I really have nobody to blame but myself.

Short Takes:

From Common Dreams: Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY) is making national headlines on Wednesday after he physically threatened a television reporter from NY1 News, telling journalist Michael Scotto that he would "break him in half" and "throw [him] of this fucking balcony" after getting angry when asked a question he said was not up for discussion.


To threaten violence, when called to account for criminal behavior, is a thoroughly Republican reaction!

From Daily Kos: Rebranding be damned. Nothing is going to stop the Republicans from continuing their War on Women and their obsession with abortion. Add their obsession with Obamacare, and you have today’s massive waste of time and taxpayer dollars: the "No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Act." It passed today, 227-188…

…And no, there is no taxpayer funding for abortion coverage in Obamacare. House Blue Dogs and Senate ConservaDems made sure of that back in 2010.

The bill, just like 99 percent of the bills the House passes—mostly focused on Obamacare repeal or abortion—won’t even make it to the Senate floor.

It’s just a big lie to pass a bill to solve a problem that does not exist.  When Republicans say government is the problem, sometimes they are right, but only because of the way they govern.

From The New Yorker: President Obama’s call during his State of the Union address to “stop more tragedies from visiting innocent Americans” received a frosty response from the pro-tragedy wing in Congress last night.

After Mr. Obama made his controversial stopping-tragedies remark, prominent pro-tragedy members of Congress looked on in stony silence, refusing to applaud.

“I thought it was offensive and inappropriate,” said Sen. David Vitter (R-Louisiana). “If the President wants coöperation from Congress, he should refrain from his divisive and inflammatory anti-tragedy rhetoric.”

The pro-tragedy lobby is among the most powerful in Washington, spending millions annually to defeat politicians who oppose tragedies.

LOL Andy! Republicans love tragedies. First they deny aid to all but the favored few, and then, after they cave-in, they get to steal the relief funds.



Could the culprits have been Republican Supply-side pseudo-Hindus?  Seriously, there are parallels here.

Jan 292014

I’m writing for tomorrow and feeling quite disappointed that I did not get to go to the prison for volunteer work.  I had received no word from the prison, but was preparing as though I would get a last minute OK.  I plugged in my last bottle of O2, and it was empty.  That’s the second time my Oxygen provider has given me a dud.  ARGH!  Perhaps it’s for the best, as my COPD is flaring up severely, and I can use the rest.  I’m still in minimal mode, but lets see if I can be a betting man today. (Late update: Tomorrow I shall have an extensive SOTU piece.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:25 (average 4:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Rick Scott’s appointed a new finance chairman for his campaign last week: Miguel Fernandez.  Congrats, Mike! 

And Mike is feeling froggy:  He just wrote a $1 million check to Scott’s re-election committee.   And yes, that’s a preposterous amount from one person:

Before Fernandez, an individual had never given a check of $1 million or more to a candidate-aligned committee.

Now, who the hell donates that much money and doesn’t expect something in return?

Well, as it turns out, not Mike.  Mr. Fernandez obviously expected something-and boy did he get a freaking FANTASTIC deal for his "donation". From the same article:

Two companies partly owned by the finance chairman of Gov. Rick Scott’s re-election campaign [Miguel Fernandez] have won contracts worth potentially billions to serve Medicaid patients in regions across the state.

…[emphasis original]

I’d bet a dollar against a donut that an investigation into Fernandez’ Medicaid activities would reveal copious fraud? Why? It’s because that’s the Republican thing to do!

From The New Yorker:

As President Obama prepares to deliver his State of the Union address tonight, congressional Republicans are promising to respond with what they call their grumpiest faces ever.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) confirmed that the G.O.P. have been practicing in front of mirrors for weeks in the hopes of creating just the right grouchy-face look for the TV cameras.

“Tonight, President Obama is going to lay out his vision for this country,” he said. “We owe it to the American people to look like someone just pissed in our cornflakes.”

For some, the task of looking crabby “is just another day at the office,” said Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), widely viewed by his fellow-Republicans as the reigning sourpuss in Congress.

I’d bet a dollar against a donut that Andy is spot-on!

From TPM: Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) on Tuesday admitted to reporters that Republicans’ options for winning concessions on the debt ceiling are limited due to President Barack Obama’s insistence on raising it without strings attached.

"I don’t think Republicans want to default on our debt. Secondly, the president’s made clear he doesn’t want to negotiate," he said, going on to lament that Obama won’t agree to further spending cuts without new taxes in the mix.

I’d bet a dollar against a donut that Agent Orange will take heat from the Bagger Brigade that want to shut down the government. There is no question that Republicans will cave-in. The question is, how much damage will they do to our economy first?



Which one?  take your pick!

Jan 282014

I’m writing for tomorrow and getting as much rest as I can for tomorrow’s prison volunteer trip.  However, I may not get to go, because the group that has that time on the Activities Floor has exceeded the maximum number of visitors allowed on the floor.  When that happens, we get bumped.  That rarely happens, and I’ve requested a waiver.  I feel frustrated not knowing.  I am not at all pleased with the new format for the Pro Bowl.  They have made it a show for individual aggrandizement instead of a competition between the conferences.  DANG!  They TEAbuggered the holy Ellipsoid Orb!! :-(  On the other hand, they had to do something for the NFC players. 😉

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:49 (average 5:49).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Dr. Stephen Hawking’s recent statement that the black holes he famously described do not actually exist underscores “the danger inherent in listening to scientists,” Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) said today.

Rep. Bachmann unleashed a blistering attack on Dr. Hawking, who earlier referred to his mistake on black holes as his “biggest blunder.”

“Actually, Dr. Hawking, our biggest blunder as a society was ever listening to people like you,” said Rep. Bachmann. “If black holes don’t exist, then other things you scientists have been trying to foist on us probably don’t either, like climate change and evolution.”

Rep. Bachmann added that all the students who were forced to learn about black holes in college should now sue Dr. Hawking for a full refund. “Fortunately for me, I did not take any science classes in college,” she said.

Andy has given us a tough one, because Hawking must be wrong in saying black holes do not exist. If the space between Batshit Bachmann’s ears, from which no light has ever escaped, isn’t a black hole, what is?

From Upworthy: Oil spills often bring to mind images of oil-drenched birds and blackened coastlines, but this incredible time-lapse video presents the human and financial cost of every oil spill since 1986. Politics aside, these stats are downright disturbing.


Does that boggle your mind, or what? States where Big Oil hasn’t gotten their blood money by killing someone (the red dots) are few and far between.

From NY Times: Rising inequality has obvious economic costs: stagnant wages despite rising productivity, rising debt that makes us more vulnerable to financial crisis. It also has big social and human costs. There is, for example, strong evidence that high inequality leads to worse health and higher mortality.

But there’s more. Extreme inequality, it turns out, creates a class of people who are alarmingly detached from reality — and simultaneously gives these people great power.

The example many are buzzing about right now is the billionaire investor Tom Perkins, a founding member of the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. In a letter to the editor [Murdoch delinked] of The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Perkins lamented public criticism of the “one percent” — and compared such criticism to Nazi attacks on the Jews, suggesting that we are on the road to another Kristallnacht.

You may say that this is just one crazy guy and wonder why The Journal would publish such a thing. But Mr. Perkins isn’t that much of an outlier. He isn’t even the first finance titan to compare advocates of progressive taxation to Nazis. Back in 2010 Stephen Schwarzman, the chairman and chief executive of the Blackstone Group, declared that proposals to eliminate tax loopholes for hedge fund and private-equity managers were “like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.”

Click through for the rest of another excellent Paul Krugman editorial, in which he makes several valid observations. However, he missed one key point that needs making. Perkins and other vulture capitalists are engaging in projection. They are accusing the left of the very thing that they are trying to accomplish. They would establish a fascist Republican plutocracy: of, by, and for the 0.1%. Their Reich would be secure, because elections would exist for show only. Only “approved” voters could vote.  There may be a Kristallnacht in America’s future, but if there is, they will be the perpetrators, not the victims.




Koch Sucking ObamaCare

 Posted by at 1:26 am  Politics
Jan 272014

Thanks to the Citizens United decision by the Fascist Five Injustices of SCROTUS (Republican Constitutional VD), the Koch Brothers are already hard at work trying to buy as many seats as they can in the 2014 election for their 1% Teabagger lackeys.  How?  They are Koch Sucking ObamaCare!

0127kochsuckersOnly a few weeks into this midterm election year, the right-wing political zeppelin is fully inflated with secret cash and is firing malicious falsehoods at supporters of health care reform.

As Carl Hulse of The Times reported recently, Democrats have been staggered by a $20 million advertising blitz produced by Americans for Prosperity, the conservative advocacy group organized and financed by the Koch brothers, billionaire industrialists. The ads take aim at House and Senate candidates for re-election who have supported the health law, and blame them for the hyped-up problems with the law’s rollout that now seem to be the sole plank in this year’s Republican platform.

In one typical example, the group’s ad against Representative Gary Peters of Michigan, a Democrat who is running for an open Senate seat, is full of distortions and lies. It accuses Mr. Peters of lying when he said the law bars cancellations of insurance policies. Mr. Peters happened to be right, as millions of people who once faced losing all insurance after they got sick now appreciate. The 225,000 Michigan residents who the ad said received “cancellation notices” were actually told that they could change to a better policy; they were not told they could no longer have insurance, as the ad implies. And though the ad said health care costs are “skyrocketing,” national spending on health care is now growing at the slowest pace ever recorded, in part because of the reform law.

Democrats intend to counter this campaign with the facts, but few of the candidates have the money to do so now. As a result, the campaign is taking a serious political toll, increasing the chances that Republicans who support a repeal of the law will win back the Senate majority this fall… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Here’s that Republican ad. BARF BAG ALERT!!

Let’s not forget that the policies that were cancelled fell into two categories. The first is a Big Insurance scam to move people to more expensive policies, while falsely blaming ObamaCare. The second is policies that are illegal under ObamaCare, because they were already a Big Insurance scam.

This ad blitz makes it that much more important that all of us vote and campaign to get our non-Republican friends and family to vote, without helping the Kochs by wasting those votes on candidates who cannot win.

Jan 272014

I’m writing for tomorrow, and I’m still quite worn out.  Nevertheless, I have an additional article to post, although I shall remain in minimal mode, otherwise.  I plan to return to Salem for prison volunteer work on Tuesday, so I’ll need maximum rest until then.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:00 (average 4:50).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The Daily Mail (H/T Daily Kos): Governor Chris Christie has been accused of exacting still more political revenge after his administration shut down the DMV office in a large New Jersey city three years ago – and Democratic politicians say it was because they opposed his tax policies and worked for his Election Day opponent.

‘He shut it down, plain and simple, and of course this was political,’ New Jersey state Assemblyman Joe Cryan told MailOnline of the Motor Vehicle Commission office in Elizabeth, the fourth-largest city in New Jersey. ‘This was complete retribution. … There was no other possible explanation for it.’

Cryan’s district includes Elizabeth. He was former Gov. John Corzine’s state Democratic chairman when he ran for re-election in 2009, unsuccessfully, against Christie.

Ray Lesniak, Cryan’s state Senate counterpart representing the city, had been a top Corzine strategist since the future Democratic governor was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2000.

And Elizabeth’s longtime mayor, Chris Bollwage, got under Christie’s skin soon after he took Corzine’s job, joining Cryan and Lesniak to publicly oppose what they called a ‘flawed’ plan to cap the rate of annual property tax increases in New Jersey.

The three Democrats now say closing the motor vehicle bureau in Elizabeth was a way for Christie to crush three political adversaries with a single stroke of his pen.

Drip! Drip!! Drip!!! The saga of PIGnocchio keeps getting better and better!

From NY Times: The libertarian faithful — antitax activists and war protesters, John Birch Society members and a smattering of “truthers” who suspect the government’s hand in the 2001 terrorist attacks — gathered last September, eager to see the rising star of their movement.

With top billing on the opening night of the Liberty Political Action Conference, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky told the audience at a Marriott in Virginia that a viable Republican Party must reach out to young people and minorities.

But not long after the applause died down, Mr. Paul was out the door. He skipped an address by his father, former Representative Ron Paul, as well as closing remarks by his own former Senate aide, an ex-radio host who had once celebrated Abraham Lincoln’s assassination and extolled white pride.

The senator was off to an exclusive resort on Mackinac Island, Mich., where he again talked about the future of the party. But this time he was in the company of Karl Rove and other power brokers, and his audience was of Republican stalwarts who were sizing up possible presidential candidates.

Wasn’t it P.T. Barnum that said, "There’s a Republican voter born every minute"? 😉

From Think Progress: Despite agreeing to a budget this month, it seems Congressional Republicans are not yet done holding the economic fate of the country hostage in order to pass aspects of its agenda. In an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told host Chris Wallace that it would be “irresponsible” for Republicans not to try to add amendments to a bill raising the debt ceiling, which they may need to pass as early late February. Failure to pass a debt ceiling increase would be catastrophic for the economy, forcing the country to default on its obligations:


Bought Bitch Mitch is lying, as always. Keystone XL would create only 35 permanent jobs. If Senate Republicans continue to make these unreasonable demands in return for paying for what CONGRESS HAS ALREADY SPENT, my response is the same as always:




Republican Saint Ronnie Ray Gun violated that treaty with Star Wars.

Jan 262014

I’m writing for tomorrow, and I hurt all over from the exertions if my trip.  I still feel quite worn out.  I will be in minimal mode for at least a few more days, because I have another prison volunteer day on Tuesday, facilitating a CoDA group there.  Tomorrow is a minor holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  The Pro Bowl should be moved to after the Super Bowl again to allow worship by the league’s two holiest teams.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:12 (average 5:18).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:
From NY Times:
…“If the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it. Let us take that discussion all across America.”

Say what? Basically, Huckabee seems to be telling us that the Republican Party will not insult women by suggesting the federal government should require health insurance policies to include birth control pills in the prescription drug coverage.

He appears confident that women will find that an attractive proposition.

Huckabee was at a meeting of the Republican National Committee that was supposed to be pondering ways to close the gender gap…

We owe a big THANK YOU to Upchuck Huck for demonstrating exactly how Republicans would close the gender gap occasioned by their pseudo-Christian War on Women.

From The New Yorker: Russian President Vladimir Putin said today that gay spectators should feel welcome at the upcoming Winter Olympics but warned them against “any flamboyant displays that draw unnecessary attention to themselves.”

“The Olympics have always been, and should always be, about the athletes,” President Putin said. “Any attempt by homosexuals to flaunt their bodies in a way that is distracting, provocative, or arousing will be frowned upon.”

“Specifically, gay spectators should remain fully clothed at all times, and resist the temptation to unveil their chiseled biceps or shredded abdominals,” he said.


Andy has shown that GOP Pootie (R-RU) is the consummate Republican hypocrite.

From Daily Kos: Four big reasons financial reform isn’t finished

…WSJ Can’t Figure Out Why Hiring Lags When Factories Are Not Humming

…Dean Baker calls out the Wall Street Journal for a recent piece that

questions why manufacturing isn’t hiring when the industry is doing better. Data shows that factories are still functioning far below their capacity in the U.S., so Baker wonders why the Journal is asking that question.

The author actually provided more than four reasons. There is one. Click through for the rest.


