Dec 022013

In November Politics Plus declined in all categories, because I was ill and am moving.

Here is our latest summary:



In the monthly totals, a Site is any website from which someone accessed our server, a Hit is every access attempt to our server, and a File is every access attempt to our server that returned data.  The difference between Hits and Files is from access attempts that were sent in error or damaged in transit and failed attempts by hackers, spammers, phishers, and Republicans to access the back end and take control of the site.  Any questions?

Here is our latest Clustrmap:


Our map was archived in February, and what you see is still from March 1 to October 20.. as they have not updated it.

Here are the top fifteen commenters for November.  There are extras because there is a tie.  I remembered and copied them off in time.  I don’t count, as I’m the resident big mouth, and I try to reply to almost every comment, except replies directed at someone else.  Those who leave their URLs in their comments, also get linkey-love here.  If you have a blog, news page on Care2, etc, you might want to put the link in the URL field when you comment.  That way, people interested in your comments can follow you there.

Patty (110)

Rixar13 (69)

Lynn Squance (64)

Joanne D (49)

Pat A (44)

Jerry Critter (43)

SoINeedAName (30)

Edie (26)

misskitty (25)

Edith Belcher (18)

Terrie Williams (15)

Karen Chestney (13)

Yvonne White (12)

Arielle (10)

Howard Brazee (4)

John Dasef (4)

Phil Hanson (4)

Steve (4)

Normally I would have much more for you, but I am still in minimal moving mode.  Thank you all for all you do!

Dec 022013

I’m writing for tomorrow and waiting for the game to start.  Guitar man major crashed, so I slept almost around the clock.  There may be nothing at all for Tuesday, because I will be at the new place tomorrow working to prepare it.  Hugs to all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:33 (average 4:45).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Ecstasy:


Short Takes:

From TPM: Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee, said Sunday that the Iran deal throws nuclear agreements the U.S. has made with other countries "into disarray."

"Their ability to enrich really throws into disarray … all the other agreements that we’re negotiating around the world — with Vietnam, with South Korea …" Corker said on CBS’s "Face the Nation." "I think it throws the proliferation issue into disarray also."

Corker said that by allowing Iran to continue to enrich uranium while a final deal is reached, the U.S. is violating non-proliferation standards set by the UN Security Council.

Corker is misrepresenting the deal.  Anyway, how could these standards be in any more disarray than they already are from nukes in the possession of India, Israel, and Pakistan, not to mention North Korea.

From Think Progress: The White House announced on Sunday morning that it has met its “goal” of ensuring that “will work smoothly for the vast majority of users,” noting that the beleaguered site can now accommodate 50,000 concurrent users and 800,000 consumers throughout the day. As a result, close to 80 percent of users can now enroll online, which is up from 30 percent in October.

You can be sure the media will focus on the few, who the site was never designed to help, beyond referring them to humans.

From Alternet: Birther preacher Manning: Obama had mother of his lovechild killed.

Despite the Pope’s apparent sanity, there was still plenty of lunacy in the right-wing pulpit this week. Take birther preacher (yes, that’s a category) Rev. James David Manning, pastor of Atlah World Missionary Church, who leveled this bizarre accusation: Remember the apparently mentally ill woman who was shot and killed after she tried to ram her car into a barrier outside the White House in October? Her name was Miriam Carey, and that was no random, tragic incident. According to Manning, that woman was the mother of Barack Obama’s illegitimate child.

The proof, says the good reverend—who also believes Michelle Obama was born a man and that the president was born in Kenya—will come when Miriam Carey’s young child is given a paternity test. Just to make extra sure.

While the incident is being investigated, neither the family nor their attorney has suggested this conspiracy. Their denial of the conspiracy, says Manning, is just more proof that Obama had his secret baby mama killed.

That’s the wonderful thing about conspiracy theories. Everything proves them right.

This is just one of ten outrageous and crazy statements by Republicans in the last week alone. Click through for the other nine.



43 years later Republicans are still trying to stop it to enable criminal corporate polluters.

Dec 012013

I’m writing for tomorrow.  I’m groggy after sleeping 7 hours in the last 24 and feel ready to go back to bed.  Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos are worshiping in the Chiefs’ venue, and their service is televised here, so I shall be meditating.  May the Orb shed it’s holy light on your team, unless it’s KC.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:23 (average 4:13).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Common Dreams: A day of protests at well over a thousand locations nationwide saw huge numbers of pro-worker activists and Walmart [sic] employees themselves protesting against the retail giant’s notoriously low wages and flagrant disregard for their employees’ well-being.

Kudos to the demonstrators for standing up to Wal-Fart’s Republican class warfare!

From Crooks and Liars: I’m sure everyone saw this one coming a mile away as well. El Rushbo couldn’t let the talking heads on Fox be the only ones getting in on the Pope bashing after he dared to speak out against unfettered capitalism and the idolatry of money.


Since both Limbarf and the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, are bashing this Pope, he must be closer to authentic Christianity than any Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian.

From Think Progress: Ohio Congresswoman Marcia Fudge (D) has asked Attorney General Eric Holder to review two voting measures making their way through the state legislature that she claims could “suppress the voting rights of African Americans and other minorities.”

The proposed bills (S. 238 and H.B. 269) would reduce the number of absentee-voting days by six, prevent newly registered voters from voting the day they register, and require voters to present valid identification — a driver’s license, a state or military ID card, or a passport — when casting a ballot.

Election theft by disenfranchising black voters is not a Southern problem. It’s a Republican problem.


