Dec 102013

I’m writing for tomorrow and am feeling quite exhausted.  I spent the day in the new place unpacking and putting away deliveries from yesterday, and waiting for today’s deliveries.  They arrived just as I was leaving to return here,  so I just shoved them in.  I had to leave before the snow hit.  ARGH!  Tomorrow I’ll be working here on my final move prep.  On Wednesday at 9:00 AM the movers arrive.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 6:33 (average 6:39).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From Daily Kos: NBC’s Meet the Press was very adoring to Nelson Mandela today. In their adoration they were attempting to discount the fact that America was complicit in apartheid survival as long as it did.

President Obama’s remarks glossed over how vehemently the government of the United States, specifically Republicans, for a long time was against Nelson Mandela and the ANC. They never accepted that the African National Congress (ANC) was no different than our founding fathers, who picked up arms for freedom.

Al Sharpton silenced the round table as he placed into context America’s role in South Africa’s liberation. The USA was not a supporter of Nelson Mandela. Conservatives are attempting to rewrite history. Al Sharpton ensured that all around that table were forced to accept that fact. He ensured that all of those listening were well aware that Conservative stalwarts like Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher did not embrace freedom. They uttered the words but it was just for a select few.


At times, our President tries too hard to be non-confrontational. Kudos to Al Sharpton for accurately pointing out the shameful history of Republican Party support for apartheid. They have not changed. Consider that today’s Republicans are doing their best to establish apartheid in America’s voting booths.



Dec 092013

Yesterday I spent the day working at the new place and had no time to write earlier.  I am pooped.  I’ll be back at the new place working today, working here tomorrow, moving Wednesday, and waking up in the new digs for the first time Thursday. 

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:42 (average 4:55).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Ecstasy:


Short Take:

From The New Yorker: At his live show in New York this week, Andy Borowitz revealed that several foreign media outlets this year mistook his fake news stories for reality.





Good night!

Dec 082013

I’m working my butt off preparing to move.  Now cones the task of sorting through everything here into keep and take, give away and throw away.  I don’t know what, if anything, I’ll have for the next couple days, because I will be going to the new place to unpack and stow the things I’ve purchased online.  I can’t wait to be done!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 7:02 (average 7:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Hugs to all.



Had Lincoln and his 10% Plan survived, Andrew Johnson’s far more punitive plan, designed to allow corrupt Northerners to profit off the South, would not have been imposed.  Johnson’s vulture capitalist policies, which often employed freed blacks as a front for the carpetbaggers,  alienated Southern whites to such a degree that their racism became far more hateful and longer lasting than what might have been.

Dec 072013

I’m writing for tomorrow.  Leave it to me to schedule my moving week to coincide with an official Winter Storm Warning with high temperatures in the mid to high 20° range (very rare here), wind at 20 – 30 MPH with gusts up to 50 MPH, and snow.  It’s cold enough to freeze the ObamaBalls off a brass Nevada Leg Hound!  I had planned to go do some work at the new place, but see today’s cartoon.  Worse than the weather, the Guitar Freak woke up. 

Late Update:  Guitar Man terrorized the building all day.  No sleep.  Argh!

Later Update: Guitar Man just went to jail.  :-D  Good night!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:42 (average 4:44).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: …FLOWOOD, MS, 11/24/13: Churchgoers got quite a scare at Pinelake Church in Rankin County Sunday morning. Flowood Police say a man’s gun accidentally discharged as he was sitting down. Officers took Joseph Edgar Ray into custody. He was in possession of a 9mm handgun. According to police, Ray’s gun was in his front right pocket and went off as he sat down. He’s been charged with Discharging a Firearm in the City. Ray will appear in Flowood Municipal Court Jan. 9. MORE: Authorities tell us Ray has an enhanced carry gun permit, which gives him the right to carry a concealed weapon in public. Pinelake has posted signs prohibiting weapons on church property. The signs are not clearly visible so Ray may not have seen them, officials say. There were no injuries. But one woman was hit on the leg by the bullet after it ricocheted off the floor. [Ed. note: What?]…

Click through for lots of other good reasons why only Democrats should be allowed to own guns. Republicans, like this one, are just too damn stupid to be trusted with a knife and fork, let alone a gun. ;-)  Seriously, I suppose a woman in MS is considered nobody.  I guess packing heat in church shows the love of Republican Supply-side Jesus (not the real Jesus).

From CREW: Map: States Where the Fracking Industry is Active

CREW’s report shows fracking industry contributions flow to congressional candidates from fracking districts. The map below compares the change in fracking industry campaign contributions between Senate election cycles in 21 states where fracking is taking place. Depending on a state’s Senate election cycle, CREW compared contributions for either the 2004 and 2010 campaign cycles or the 2006 and 2012 campaign cycles. CREW also included information about the top recipient of fracking industry campaign contributions in each state.

Click through for the report PDF and a map, of what Republican (mostly) mother frackers are doing.

From NY Times: Much of the media commentary on President Obama’s big inequality speech was cynical. You know the drill: it’s yet another “reboot” that will go nowhere; none of it will have any effect on policy, and so on. But before we talk about the speech’s possible political impact or lack thereof, shouldn’t we look at the substance? Was what the president said true? Was it new? If the answer to these questions is yes — and it is — then what he said deserves a serious hearing.

And once you realize that, you also realize that the speech may matter a lot more than the cynics imagine…

To do justice to this superior editorial by Paul Krugman, I would have to reproduce the whole thing, which would infringe on the ©. So you click through and read it, please.  Personally, I believe Obama meant what he said, which means we will have lots of opportunities to keep exposing that Republicans represent only the super-rich and corporate criminals. They do NOT represent YOU!



Dec 062013

I’m writing for tomorrow, and it’s 27° here in temperate Portland, and it won’t likely get above 32° before next Tuesday.  I’m not going anywhere today, so I figured I’d get you a real Open Thread, before I run out of gas.  I found a few items I think you’ll like, but please bear in mind that I’m les out of the loop than a Faux Noise sheeple, only because nobody is packing my head with lies.

Late Update: It has come to my attention that Nelson Mandela has died, and I mourn the loss of a great hero.  I remember when most of the world united in protest against the inhuman cruelty of apartheid.  Few opposed the sanctions, but Ronald Reagan, patron saint of today’s Republican Party vetoed the Bill calling for US sanctions against South Africa.  Fortunately, Democrats in the House and Senate, with the help of a few moderate Republicans (They really did exist.), overrode St. Ronnie’s shameful veto.  I wish comfort to Mandela’s family and to all who loved him.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:57 (average 4:35).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Update (belated):

Here’s the latest from our fantasy football league, Lefty Blog Friends.



After several discouraging weeks, I benched Erik Decker.  ARGH!!  I was very fortunate to win.



This week’s games are the last of the regular season, and playoffs begin the following week.  The two low teams (still undetermined) will play a consolation game.  The other eight will be in the playoffs.  Good luck to all!!

Short Takes:

From PR Watch: Internal documents from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) published by The Guardian provide stunning insight into the inner workings of the "corporate bill mill" — and offer new evidence about how the group has continually misled reporters, the public, and even its own members.

The notoriously secretive ALEC has been thrust into the sunlight in the two years since the Center for Media and Democracy launched, analyzed over 800 of ALEC’s previously-secret model bills, and documented the corporations and legislators pushing ALEC’s legislative agenda. It now appears that ALEC has been scorched by the sunshine.

According to the new Guardian documents , which were apparently prepared for ALEC’s board in August, over the past two years ALEC has been losing corporate members, suffering from major funding shortfalls, and anticipates legal trouble with ethics rules and its charitable tax status. 

ALEC is still supported by tobacco, oil, and pharmaceutical interests, but has lost around 60 corporate members in the fallout over ALEC’s role in promoting Stand Your Ground legislation, voter ID, climate change denial, and an array of other controversial, corporate-friendly bills, the documents show.

Click through for more.  I love to see Koch suckers with their indecency exposed.

From Daily Kos: A bishop in a Mormon church outside Salt Lake City has shined a light on the hypocrisy and selfishness of members of his church by dressing as a homeless man and gauging their reactions to him.

David Musselman had a makeup artist transform his face and donned an unkempt wig, fake beard, and glasses.  He then entered the church last Sunday and approached churchgoers to see what they would do.  He found many of them did not practice what he preached…

…Most of Musselman’s church members ignored him, although five of them actually asked him to leave.

At one time there was a video associated with this story, but someone terminated the account of the person who posted it. Kudos to the Bishop. This hypocrisy is not only true of many Mormon congregations, but also of most Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian churches.  Were Jesus to enter their congregations with the attitudes and associations He practiced, at best, they would shun Him. At worst, they would crucify Him again.

From Upworthy: The One Where A Walmart-Friendly PR Firm Creates An Ad So Full Of Propaganda It’s Actually Hilarious

Now comes this interesting "ad" that hides behind the group name "Worker Center Watch." And, according to The Nation, the website in the ad … wait for it … is owned by the former head lobbyist for Walmart [sic] itself, Joseph Kefauver. So, like the ad says, don’t worry about people trying to improve their lot in life. Just go buy stuff to feel better.


Dang! You could fertilize Wall-fart’s veggies with that one!!



I bet Mooseolini, aka Drill Baby Dingbat, aka Bloody Bullseye Barbie likes it too!

Dec 052013

I am feeling a tiny bit better, thanks to the good Lord and lots of Immodium AD.  I am, however, completely exhausted, after working all day preparing to move.  All furniture is in and assembled, except the bed, which moves with me on Wednesday.  The rest of the small appliances are now ordered.  Sick as I was, I did more work yesterday than any Republican in Congress did all year.  For me, to bed!

For my fellow addicts…

Today’s took me 5:14 (average 5:10).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy football players, these will be are the last games before playoffs start.

Dec 042013

I have no idea how I will get today’s moving deliveries and set up done.  I will, because I have to.  I am not sick as a dawg.  I’m sick as a low down dirty Republican dawg.

Out of love for my fellow addicts….

Today’s took me 6:57 (average 4:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?  Better than me!


Dec 032013

I’m writing for tomorrow, and doing so very early, because I doubt there will be enough left of me to do so, when I return from the new place.  I’m in moving mayhem minimal mode, but I do have one Short Take.  Hugs to all.

Update:  This is so late, because last night I came down with the galloping grunge that has been making the rounds here.  I feel like crap… literally.  I may disappear for a day or two.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:39 (average 5:08).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From The New Yorker: Republican critics of Obamacare rose up in anger today, claiming that, after two months of fixes, the Web site is now “unacceptably fast.”

Leading the howls of protest was the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who accused President Obama of designing a Web site that operates at a “blistering, breakneck speed.”

“With pages loading in milliseconds, this Web site is insuring people before they know what hit them,” Rep. Issa charged. “Clearly, this is what the President and his team had in mind.”

Additionally, Rep. Issa said, at such high speeds “it is questionable whether this Web site is even safe for consumers to use, particularly the elderly.”

LOL Andy! I wouldn't put it past them!



Note how Republicans strive to block regulations to protect the health and safety of both workers and communities.
