Libertarian InsaniTEA

 Posted by at 12:20 am  Politics
Dec 272013

It is popular among the young today to say they are Libertarian, because Libertarians are typically anti-war and pro-marijuana legalization.  Sadly, most who identify with libertarianism do not realize that it is usually just a front for Republican InsaniTEA.  Here is an article that projects some key Libertarian assumptions forward, so you can see the dystopias that would result.

1227LibertarianThese four libertarian/conservative dystopias are offered, as Rod Serling used to say in "The Twilight Zone," "for your consideration."…

1. What if you cut all benefits?

You’ve heard it from Sen. Rand Paul and other conservatives this winter: unemployment benefits increase unemployment. It’s an enormously destructive idea, though absurd on its face. It’s like the argument that hospitals create sick people; after all, there are so many of them there.

We usually consider such thinking "primitive" in modern societies.

Yet that’s exactly what libertarian/conservatives are arguing when they say that unemployment benefits increased or extend unemployment. There is no credible evidence to suggest that this is true. There is overwhelming evidence suggesting that unemployment is caused by other factors, including poor consumer demand and lack of business confidence.

Right now there are nearly three job seekers for every job opening. That means there are no jobs available for two out of the three. They will not “go out and find work” once their unemployment benefits stop. They will simply plunge into deeper economic misery. They will become like accident victims who are denied hospital care because it would “foster an attitude of dependency.”

But, as absurd and unkind as this thinking is, there’s something even more frightening about it: This kind of thinking never ends. If you believe that unemployment benefits cause unemployment, you’ll cut those benefits off. That could throw millions of people onto the welfare rolls. But if you believe that welfare causes dependency, you’ll cut those benefits off, too. That will leave people utterly dependent on programs like heating oil subsidies, food assistance, and even homeless shelters.

But if you believe that those programs create dependency, too….

It never stops: Close down the homeless shelters. Shut down the Salvation Army. Make it illegal to throw a starving person a coin or toss a blanket over them as they lay on the sidewalk. This logic only ends one way: in a hellish dystopia where the underclass is starving, homeless and dying in droves.

If that seems melodramatic, ask a libertarian/conservative this question: When will you know that your theory is wrong?…

Inserted from <Alternet>

I have given you just one of the four scenarios that the article presents, so I urge you to click through for the other three.  While Libertarianism talks of individual rights above all, they ignore the consequences of situations in which the rights of one person or group impinge on the rights of others.  When they do, Republicans call it freedom.  I call it InsaniTEA.


Poll Results–12/27/2013

 Posted by at 12:19 am  Blog News, Politics
Dec 272013

Here are the results of our Naughty or Nice Poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are often both accurate and indicative of the nation’s view.


And here are your comments.

Showing comments 19 of 9.

Posted by SoINeedAName  December 20, 2013 at 2:57 pm.  


I’m not getting ANY presents!

Almost two decades ago our family decided to forgo gift exchanges at Christmas. All it was, was an exchange of shopping lists for things none of really needed.

We each select a charity to give to instead.

So now Christmas is just like Thanksgiving (family – food – friends) – but with better decorations … and a better feeling in our hearts.


Posted by Angelica in reply to SoINeedAName  December 22, 2013 at 3:15 am.  


That is simply beautiful.




Posted by Joanne D  December 17, 2013 at 8:09 am.  


Nothing fits. I’ve been nice but I won’t get presents. I won’t get a lump of coal because the 1% has the market cornered and would certainly not let me have anything I might use to keep warm. And I assume the third answer is for Republican politicians only.


BTW I have a pattern to knit a "lump of coal" but it has to be felted to be finished and I am allergic to wool. Anyone interested let me know.


Posted by Patty  December 15, 2013 at 2:41 am.  



Even though I’ve been nice to most, I was naughty toward the 1%. I don’t give them my money or my time.

I won’t even get coal.


Posted by Edie  December 13, 2013 at 6:02 pm.  


Sorry, can’t help myself. I try to be naughty, but all that repression I was taught as a child keeps popping up.




Posted by Rixar13  December 13, 2013 at 1:30 pm.  


Lump of coal from the 1% just as Marva pointed out…




Posted by Marva  December 13, 2013 at 11:47 am.  


You’re missing the most common answer for much of the world:


You’ve been nice, but the 1% is going to clout you with a lump of coal anyway.


Posted by Miss Kitty  December 13, 2013 at 11:24 am.  





Posted by Yvonne White  December 13, 2013 at 9:15 am.  


I lied..oh, I’ve been very naughty, but the expensive presents were just fantasy!;


I found out on Fox News that Santa is a nit-picking white dude, so I’m screwed..


I voted ‘Naughty’.  While I haven’t actually done anything naughty, I would have, if only I could remember how!!  Besides, TomCats are naughty by definition.  I need to have a long talk with the ladies who voted ‘So very, very naughty’. 😀

Vote in the new poll quickly.  It will last less than a week.

Dec 272013

I’m writing for tomorrow and recovering from an excellent Christmas day, in which I worked my butt off cooking.  This was my first time roasting in my convection microwave oven, and it works like a charm.  We also took a plate to the person working the security desk at my building, so he would not have to go without Christmas dinner, and he was very appreciative.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:47 (average 6:23).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: The contraception mandate in the new health care reform law accommodates religious beliefs. It exempts houses of worship from having to provide contraceptive coverage without a co-pay. Church-affiliated organizations like schools and hospitals need only send a short form to their insurance administrator, which takes care of the coverage.

There is no breach of religious freedom, nor any undue burden involved. But that was not enough for a judge of the Federal District Court in Brooklyn, Brian Cogan, who decided that even filing a form is too much to ask. He ruled in favor of two high schools and two health care systems affiliated with the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act…

…This case is among dozens challenging the birth control mandate. The Supreme Court agreed to hear two cases involving secular for-profit companies. What Judge Cogan missed, and the justices need to recognize, is the threat to religious liberty comes from employers trying to impose their religious views on workers.

I’m not surprised that a Republican GW Bush appointee would rule that violating the religious freedom of women is the right of a high school that provides education in secular, as well as religious subjects.

From Think Progress: BP has sought to cut down on payments for the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster by asking that local businesses prove the link between their economic losses and the oil spill. A federal judge halted BP’s effort to skip payments on Tuesday, ruling that BP cannot reverse its interpretation of the settlement simply because the cost is higher than what the oil giant once estimated.

BP wanted the rules of a class action settlement to be rewritten to require “proof of causation” or to throw out the entire multi-billion dollar agreement. U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier disagreed, writing that BP’s argument is “not only clearly inconsistent with its previous position, it directly contradicts what it has told this court.” In an earlier decision, Barbier also blasted the company for “attempting to rewrite or disregard the unambiguous terms of the settlement agreement.” BP had once called the class action settlement “more than fair.” BP plans to appeal.

Unlike the judge in the last item, Barbier is a Clinton appointee. This case underscores the need to keep Republicans out of the Presidency, where they would appoint corrupt judges, as a GOBP judge would not have ruled fairly.

From Raw Story: The GOP’s corporate allies have set a New Year’s resolution they hope will lead to electoral victory in the 2014 midterms: “No fools on our ticket.”

Republican House leaders are planning to impose discipline on unruly members to help avert the party squabbles that badly damaged the GOP brand, and major donors and advocacy groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and American Crossroads intend to develop and fund more centrist candidates.

“Our No. 1 focus is to make sure, when it comes to the Senate, that we have no loser candidates,” said Scott Reed, the top political strategist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, told the Wall Street Journal [Murdoch delinked]. “That will be our mantra: No fools on our ticket.”

In other words, the Republicans are intent on fielding candidates adept at hiding their true policies from American voters, like they did in 2010, when all those "jobs, jobs, jobs" gave way to TEAbuggery as soon as they assumed office. We must remain ever vigilant to expose them for what they are.



Dec 262013

I’m writing for tomorrow, early on Christmas morning, because there will be no time later in the day, if I don’t get it done now. No matter what your faith, I hope your Christmas has been everything you hoped it would be.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:42 (average 5:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Bill Moyers:’s Most Popular Segments of 2013

Click through for an incredibly good collection of video clips.

From Crooks and Liars: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) spent the Senate’s last day in session in 2013 in the hospital due to what doctors diagnosed as exhaustion.

Reid is a hard worker, but how ironic is it that he was fatigued by presiding over half of what has been the least productive year of Congress in history?

In the first of its two years the 113th Congress passed fewer than 60 bills, far less than the 395 passed by what President Harry Truman called the “Do Nothing Congress” of 1947.

It’s less than the 90 bills passed in 2011, when a Republican takeover of the House [Faux Noise delinked] left a divided Congress that set the previous mark for dysfunction.

Poor Harry! Having to swing those ObamaBalls is really hard! 😉

From Raw Story: It was a big year for bigots of all stripes, but particularly for anti-LGBT bigots. The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to strike down 1996′s federal anti-LGBT statute — the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) — and declare California’s Proposition 8 unconstitutional inspired America’s anti-LGBT jerkwads to a whole new level of hateful excellence.

This year, they proclaimed that “traditional marriage” is in danger and that the LGBT shock troops are going to force everyone to get same sex married. They declared that Christians are going to be rounded up and put into camps (if only!) and that the future will be nothing more than a fabulous Gucci jackboot stamping on a human face…forever.

Here are Raw Story’s nominees for the Top Five anti-LGBT assholes of the year, as well as some mitigating factors about each one and our proposed punishments for each offender.

Click through for a thoroughly disgusting collection of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian hate mongers.




Merry Christmas to All

 Posted by at 1:17 am  Politics
Dec 252013


This year, once again, I wish you a very Merry Christmas, or whatever holiday is appropriate to your beliefs.  I have collected a few Christmas Songs for your enjoyment.



Performed by Olivia Newton John


Performed by the Harry Simeone Choir


Performed by Martina McBride


Performed by Celtic Woman

And finally, Happy Holidays to our Republican visitors.  Here’s what you want most. 😉


Performed by Bing Crosby

Dec 252013

I’m writing for tomorrow, since tomorrow I need to be rested to cook.  If you are traveling, please take extra care.  Expect only an Open Thread at best on Thursday.  May this day bring each of you all the joy you so richly deserve.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:09 (average 5:26).  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Update:

Here’s the latest playoff bracket from our fantasy football league, Lefty Blog Friends.


Congrats to the winners, and enjoy the last week of the fantasy season.

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: ‘Ugh, Food Stamps Are For Lazy Freeloaders!’ Well, Let’s Look At The Facts.


These are things Republicans do not want you to know.

From Daily Kos: There are a lot of things not to like from a progressive perspective about the so-called Ryan-Murray compromise budget approved this past Wednesday by the Senate and on its way to President Obama’s desk. Perhaps the biggest is the expiration of long-term unemployment insurance benefits. These cuts will provide a very inopportune lump of coal in the stockings of the least fortunate right at the time that they need these benefits the most. And with Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives, the probability of these benefits being restored once they expire seems barely a stitch above zero.

Thankfully, as Greg Sargent writes, Democrats in the Senate and progressive institutions are refusing to concede the point. And whether they actually hope to embarrass Republicans into passing a new extension of benefits, or whether the only expectation is to use the issue to turn public opinion even further against a heartless Republican Party, the efforts involved look like they will be extensive. [emphasis added]

Click through for more about what Democrats will be doing to restore unemployment benefits.

From Common Dreams: Alberta, home to massive tar sands reserves, has a new environmental regulator in town.

Only this one is funded entirely by the fossil fuel industry, the Edmonton Journal reports Monday.

Roughly 150 publicly funded environment department staff including fish and wildlife officers, forestry officers, biologists, rangers and others who watch over the oil industry’s activities in the province are expected to move over to the new, industry-funded, Alberta Energy Regulator—a shift initiated by the government’s environmental department as it shuts down its Energy Resources Conservation Board.

Having regulators dependent on corporate criminals for their paychecks is a wide open door for corruption and abuse.



Dec 242013

If you are a member of one of over a million American families, you may awaken tomorrow morning to discover that Republicans have stolen the presents from under your tree.  That is because Republicans have a Christmas present for America in keeping with the false gospel of Republican Supply-side Jesus.


Three days after Christmas, unemployment benefits end for 1.3 million people who have exhausted their state unemployment benefits, but still can’t find a job.

To be eligible for unemployment benefits, you have to be actively looking for a job. Virtually all of these people would rather work, but can’t find a job in today’s economy where there are three applicants for every job available.

But when the budget deal was negotiated in Congress over the last several weeks, Republican negotiators refused to agree to continue those unemployment benefits. And at the same time, they demanded the continuation of tax breaks for big oil companies and loopholes for Wall Street billionaires who get their income from hedge funds.

Merry Christmas from the GOP.

Of course this kind of Christmas cheer comes from the same gang that routinely drags out the well-worn charge that progressives and Democrats are engaging in a "war on Christmas". Maybe someone should force Republican Members of Congress to sit through a showing of "A Christmas Carol" and then explain why they think Ebenezer Scrooge is the hero.

Over the last decade the far right, that now dominates the GOP, has conducted a real war on the values that we celebrate at Christmas… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

Photo credit: Left in Alabama

Whether or not you choose to believe this, Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ and should focus us on the values he taught.  He reiterated over and over again that the highest level of care for those in need is integral to authentic faith.  Sadly, this example is all too typical of how Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians do the exact opposite.  While they accuse us of a war on Christmas, we fight only against the false Republican gospel of greed, which has absolutely nothing in common with authentic Christianity.

I am a poor man, but tomorrow I will share my table with people less fortunate than I, because that is following Jesus’ example.  It’s a very small thing, but enough small things can make a difference.  Another way to make a difference is to remove Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians from office.  No matter what you believe, authentic faith means we take care of each other, not just billionaires.

Dec 242013

I’m writing for tomorrow, so I can be awake tomorrow to cook Christmas dinner.  I may also need to warn SantaCat of the locations or Republican dawgs that are trying to shoot him down.  I actually have two articles for you today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:21 (average 4:27).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From AMERICAblog: The nation’s leading closeted self-loathing gay Republican organization is throwing a hissy fit over “Get Enrolled,” an adorable new Obamacare-related Christmas-themed video aimed at getting gays to sign up for health insurance.

The Log Cabin Republicans are particularly incensed that the video, produced by a group called Out2Enroll, contains shots of some rather hot elves, which bring to mind the Kmart Jingle Bell boys we wrote about earlier.  According to Log Cabin, hot elves are as bad as Uganda. Or something.

Here’s the video. You decide.

Once again, we see Log Cabin Republicans, selling out the LGBT community in an attempt to he acceptable to Republican hate mongers. They are fools, because the only way they can become acceptable to the GOP base is to relocate to a Vladimir Putin (R-RU) gulag.

From Alternet: Militant anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd on Monday dismissed as a "sham" Australian government plans to track Japan’s annual whale hunt by air instead of by sea, saying it was a toothless and "cowardly" response.

Australia on Sunday announced an aerial Customs and Border Protection mission to the Southern Ocean as a showdown looms between Japan’s whaling fleet and Sea Shepherd activists, saying it would send a message to both sides that the world was watching.

Environment Minister Greg Hunt had first promised to send a government ship to tail the warring groups but said the Airbus A319 would increase the surveillance mission’s reach and effectiveness.

The Japanese whaling fleet makes $millions from commercial whaling, killing intelligent mammals, under the guise of research. While the Sea Shepherds use aggressive tactics against them, they make no attempt to do physical harm to the whalers. In fact, they spare no effort to avoid doing so.  Conversely, I have seen several films of whalers attempting to kill Sea Shepherds for interfering with their bloody profit. The Sea Shepherds should be put out of business by banning commercial whaling. In the meantime Australia should do more to police the whalers’ criminal behavior toward them.

From Daily Kos: …Republicans balk when one speaks about the Republican war on women, war on the poor, war on the environment, war on gays, war on minorities, and many other select micro wars. They don’t want these wars called out. And the reality is these should not be called wars at all. It is much too simplistic.

It is a war on democracy. How do you win a war on democracy when there are many more subjects than you? You fight many battles. So the battle against the poor, the battle against women, the battle against gays, the battle against minorities, the battle against education, and any other micro battle to keep the subjects occupied is the modus operandi. It does not matter if in the process a few of the battles are lost. After all their eyes are on the ball, the destruction of a functional democracy…

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it hundreds of times. Everything Republicans do, without exception has one of two purposes. One is to transfer wealth from the poor and middle classes to millionaires, billionaires and corporate criminals. The other is to establish a permanent, one party, totalitarian Republican Reich, in which elections exist for show only.


