Dec 112013

Yesterday was a mess, but almost everything I needed to accomplish is done.  I won’t even talk about how Comcast LOST tomorrow’s appointment to reconnect my cable.  I am shot.  Shortly after posting, I’ll break down the computer network.  If everything goes as planned, I’ll be back tomorrow night, just long enough to let you know.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:46 (average 4:48).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Update:

The best I can do is give you the playoff brackets for our Lefty Blog Friends league.





  11 Responses to “Open Thread–12/11/2013”

  1. 3:24 Festive looking pub. Thirsty for a Guinness anyone?

  2. Good luck with your final moving day. Sit back and bark orders at the movers. I hear they love that. LOL

    I hope all goes smoothly. Blessings on you. We look forward to your return.

  3. 4:38  Glad you are not moving on a bicycle LOL.  BTW, is Guinness still "GOOD for you"?

    Do rest as much as is possible in the eye of a storm.

  4. Oh, yes, and while you are moving (or when you finish and can get back on line), be proud, be very proud, of your Senator:  (email from Jeff Merkley)


    Joanne —

    We stood up to Wall Street. They marshaled a legion of lobbyists, but we never backed down.

    Yesterday, we won a big victory for the American people and the middle class.

    All five regulators, including the Federal Reserve, the Securities Exchange Commission, and the FDIC, approved a strong Volcker Rule firewall. Going forward, Wall Street banks will be unable to gamble like high-risk hedge funds — the same sort of "swing for the fences" bets that crashed the economy and created both the Great Depression and the Great Recession.


    • I guess I am going to have to add Merkley to my list of those I wish were my senator, instead of the two I have.

    • All of us who worked to get Senator Merkley elected are VERY proud of him, and working just as hard to make sure he gets re-elected. 

  5. You can always count on the cable company,no matter which one, to screw up.  Glad you got most of the things necessary done.  Get some rest.

  6. ~~I am shot.

    5:11 – I don't know why I have so much trouble posting lately? Hope you feel better soon TC… 😆


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