Dec 092013

Yesterday I spent the day working at the new place and had no time to write earlier.  I am pooped.  I’ll be back at the new place working today, working here tomorrow, moving Wednesday, and waking up in the new digs for the first time Thursday. 

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:42 (average 4:55).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Ecstasy:


Short Take:

From The New Yorker: At his live show in New York this week, Andy Borowitz revealed that several foreign media outlets this year mistook his fake news stories for reality.





Good night!


  9 Responses to “Open Thread–12/9/2013”

  1. 3:49 I just got rid of my well-worn red neakers this year. so sad to see them go after all these years. I flew in those red PF Flyers.

  2. You'll be in your new TopCat Pad before you know it. And to top it all off you got  a needed break from Insane Guitar Man when you most needed the rest. Don't worry about writing for us. We'll manage as long as we know you're maintaining your health (and you post the Jig Zone puzzle for us addicts).

    How is your smoking cessation going with all the new stress?

    New Yorker ~ Hilarious but not too hard to believe. Look at how many people here in the USA think Andy Borowitz and "The Onion" are real.

    Cartoon ~ They are already working on stealing the Unemployment Insurance extension for millions of Americans. That would be "really good" for the economy.

  3. 5:28, but I do know the difference between shoes and laces.

    Andy's material is so nutty to begin with that it is hard to satirize without being mistaken for reality.  Only a genius could do it.  Probably only a genius would even try.

  4. I'm getting vicariously excited for you WRT the move!  It will be a great new place and experience – I'm happy for you!

  5. ~~At his live show in New York this week, Andy Borowitz revealed that several foreign media outlets this year mistook his fake news stories for reality.

    Faux Snooze must get all their news from Andy Borowitz…. πŸ™„

    4:49 –

  6. Love the cartoon, it is so true. Rand Paul explained why he is against extending Unemployment Benfits yesterday. Guess that is because he has worked sooo hard, so many days in Congress.

    Moving is stressful enough, quit worrying about us we will wait for you to come back.

  7. I've been having computer problems….it keeps turning itself off then freezes ! Maybe it's trying to tell me something. By now TC, you should be all moved. …….Andy B. ….funny stuff… some of it awhile back, always makes me laugh.( If I disappear in the middle of something…it's my computer having Hic-ups again.). Didn't know you were trying to quit smoking…me too…I've gone to E-cigs. so far it's working.!  Good luck to you.!!!

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