The Hunger Cliff

 Posted by at 12:38 am  Politics
Nov 012013

Do you remember the fiscal cliff?  It certainly had its share of media attention.  Since then, we’ve been preoccupied with the Republican Sequester, the Republican Shutdown, the Republican Hostage Crisis over the Debt Limit, and thank goodness, the Republican Cave-in.  There is another cliff that we hit today, and our failure to address it will cause millions of Americans to suffer needlessly, thanks to the Republican War on the Poor.

1101hungerAs Karoli noted in her rant this week, we’ve got the corporate media for the most part out there breathlessly reporting on the failures of the web site for the rollout of "Obamacare" and Congress wasting our time with more witch hunts, and what are they ignoring? Devastating cuts to the food stamp (otherwise known as SNAP) program.

Media Matters did a report on the lack of media coverage on those cuts which are about to take place Nov. 1st, and the damage and negative impact they’re going to have on our economy: REPORT: The Food Stamp Cuts The Media Won’t Tell You About.

As they’ve discussed in other reporting as well, what coverage we have had from the likes of Fox and their ilk has been dishonest B.S. like this, and this doesn’t even begin to nibble at the sheer volume of attacks on the working poor that are leveled on that network, week after week, month after month on their so-called "business block" every Saturday morning. It’s a literal cesspool of this type of garbage and worse: Fox’s Shameless Misrepresentation Of SNAP Recipients.

Chris Hayes and his guests gave us what we rarely see in the media these days, an honest look at and discussion on the devastating impact these cuts are going to have on real people’s lives who are hanging on by a thread and cannot afford to have their services cut any more…

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

The rest is worth the read.  Click through.

Here’s the included video in two clips.

America is the richest nation in the world, but the way our so-called "free", but really captive market distributes wealth is the most inequitable in our nation’s history. Just think how many people we could feed if we could just cut welfare for the 0.1%! How sad it is that Republicans left the war on hunger to wage war on the hungry.  They are simply without shame!

While I support calls for a hunger commission, I see no solution coming from such a body if Republicans are included in equal numbers.


Poll Results–11/1/2013

 Posted by at 12:38 am  Blog News, Politics
Nov 012013

Here are the results of our Will They, or Wont They? Poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are often accurate.


And here are your comments.

Showing comments 19 of 9.

Posted by Edith Belcher  October 27, 2013 at 4:52 pm.  


I think some will try, but I hope there will be enough concerned about keeping their jobs to stop it.


Posted by Fred Lemon  October 21, 2013 at 4:49 am.  


Teddie and his sock puppets will try but the ones who have not yet drank the tea will stop them.


Posted by Rixar13  October 20, 2013 at 9:03 am.  


Sadly some will try I believe…




Posted by John Dasef  October 19, 2013 at 4:18 pm.  


I hope they do try. The closer to the mid-term they try, the better our short-attention-span voters will remember it.


Posted by mamabear  October 19, 2013 at 8:56 am.  


Some will try but will not succeed. Rand Paul is the same as is Father(just keeps talking air) Rubio needs another glass of water. Ted Cruz is not even a US citizen


so he do anything. He has nothing to lose but himself.


Posted by Yvonne White  October 18, 2013 at 10:21 am.  


I said Yes because they Never Learn!:(


Posted by Lynn Squance in reply to Yvonne White  October 18, 2013 at 10:44 am.  


Agree Yvonne! It didn't work in the 90's; it didn't work in 2011; and it didn't work in 2013, the outcome for them being even worse.


Posted by Patty  October 18, 2013 at 5:56 am.  


Some will try. Cruz, Paul, and Rubio in particular want to make names for themselves in anticipation of the 2016 Presidential race. They will probably all pull some stunt to try to default on the National Debt in February.


Posted by Lynn Squance  October 17, 2013 at 9:50 pm.  


I vacillated between 'yes' and 'some will try' finally settling on 'yes'. Reasons:

1) Teabaggers are alive and well still living in the Congress;

2) Republican/Teabaggers have tried to repeal Obamacare 42 times proving that they are as persistent as mold blight;

3) I think some Republican/Teabaggers think they won this past little set to.


I can also say that I don't think the Republican/Teabaggers will negotiate in good faith. They are ideologues that can only see their own view. They care nothing for the national interests.

I voted Some will try.  The regulars like Batshit and Go-G0 Goose-step will be calling for it, but their last seditious fiasco, clobbered the Republican brand to a major extent.  I don’t think the leadership will be so willing to follow the crazies over the same cliff so soon.  Only time will tell, of course.

There is a new poll, so please vote.

Nov 012013

I’m writing for tomorrow, the beginning of the new month.  Since this building is all adults, I hopefully will have spent my Halloween as Rip van Winkle.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:06 (average 5:16).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: On Tuesday, Congressman Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) excoriated Congressman Tim Griffin (R-AR) and Republicans over their intransigence on Obamacare.  He reminded them that they did not like President Bush’s new drug program. They had valid objections. The donut hole and lack of negotiating on drug prices were serious flaws. Democrats in the end helped make the program work.

The following exchange was beautiful to watch.


Kudos to Bill Pascrell! That's telling the difference between governing and sedition like it is!!

From NY Times: State officials in Alabama have agreed to throw out major provisions of that state’s unjust immigration law. The agreement, which was announced Tuesday and awaits a federal judge’s approval, resolves lawsuits brought by civil-rights groups, churches and the Justice Department against the statute, H.B. 56, the most extreme attempt by any state to harass and expel immigrants.

Under the proposed settlement, the state acknowledges, among other things, that requiring public schools to determine students’ immigration status violates equal protection and that criminalizing efforts by day laborers to look for work violates the First Amendment. It further states that making it a crime for immigrants to fail to carry their papers, making it illegal for anyone to “conceal, harbor or shield” unauthorized immigrants, and invalidating any contracts that these immigrants sign are all unlawful intrusions into federal authority over immigration.

The settlement also includes an important check on racial profiling: an acknowledgment that state and local police cannot detain anyone merely on suspicion of being in the country illegally.

A win for the good guys over Republican racism!

From YouTube: Rachel Interviewed Leg Hound Harry

I disagree with him on two points. He said Cruz represents everything America is against. While that is true, I would extend that thought to the Republican Party politicians, propagandists and pundits as a whole.  Also, he let Coburn off far too easy.


