Nov 242013

Writing for tomorrow, a Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, I don’t even know when or with who my Broncos are worshiping.  I have to go back to bed, while continuing to duck short takers, comments, and messages.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:31 (average 4:46).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


To all.



Nov 232013

I’m actually writing for today.  Yesterday was a mess.  When I got to the move-in interview, they had the paperwork wrong,m and when I showed them their mistake, they told me that I do not qualify for the unit after all.  After arguing for half an hour trying to explain why I do qualify, they finally put me with the Financial Services Director, who at least knew enough to realize that I am right, but needed more documentation to prove it.  I ended up having to take two more trips between their office and where I live now and their office for additional documentation.  Finally the move-in meeting was concluded, and I got the keys late in the afternoon.  From there I went to the building and measured.  All in all, I walked about two miles, had to climb this building’s horrid stairs three times, and and took four cab rides.  If the woman who helps me clean had not been with me all day to help, I would not have made it.  I returned home exhausted, but only slept a couple hours because Guitar Man went on a binge.

I have not even looked at comments, let alone answered them, so thank you to all who commented.  Today, there are no short takes.  For the next few days, we’ll just see what the days bring.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:00 (average 4:51).  To do it click here.  How did you do?





Sorry this is a day late.


Harry DID Use His ObamaBalls!!!

 Posted by at 12:08 am  Politics
Nov 222013


According to common wisdom,  both sides have abused the filibuster, and to a small extent it’s true, but Democrats only filibustered extremists, and the equity Republicans are now claiming is a complete lie.  One glance at the above chart proves that.  So, although it does not go far enough, Harry finally did use his ObamaBalls!

ReidsBallsThe US Senate voted on Thursday to change the rules that have enabled Republicans to block Barack Obama’s nominees for top administration posts.

By 52 votes to 48, senators approved along partisan lines a measure that would ban the use of the filibuster to prevent nominees from being confirmed. In a speech in support of the measure, majority leader Harry Reid accused Republicans of  blocking nominees in the pursuit of unrelated legislative goals.

"For the first time in the history of our republic, Republicans have routinely used the filibuster to prevent President Obama from appointing an executive team and from appointing judges," Reid said. "The need for change is so, so very obvious. It’s clearly visible. It’s manifest we have to do something to change things."

Until now, 60 votes have been required to lift or avoid a filibuster. Under the new rules, a simple majority of 51 would suffice. The new measure would not apply to supreme court nominees. "It’s an undeniable fact that the obstruction we’ve seen in recent years is altogether new," Reid said after the vote… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Alternet>

The ban needs to be extended to Supreme Court Justices and other bills, but at least this is a start.

The three cowards who betrayed America and goose-stepped with the Republican seditionists are Carl Levin (MI), Mark Pryor (AR) and Joe Manchin (WV).

In February, Jeff Merkley (D-OR), who has championed filibuster reform, explained the history of the filibuster

That is how the Republican Party became the Filibastards.

President Obama approved the use of his ObamaBalls.

He told it like it is, except he soft-pedaled the extent to which Republicans have used the filibuster to sabotage the majority.

Now that it this has happened, it will be easier to nuke Republican Filibastards on other Republican sabotage and sedition.

Also, it is especially important that Obama can now fill vacancies without having to bend over backward in his choices hoping to avoid a filibuster.

Here is a summary of the Republican response.


Nov 222013

I’m writing for tomorrow, and this was to be tomorrow’s only article, but today’s news is too big not to cover, so today I’m working harder than a hooker at a Republican family values convention.  Tomorrow is take legal possession and start planning the specifics day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:29 (average 5:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: On today’s show Rush Limbaugh got in [Limbarf delinked] a couple of digs at the embattled mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford.

Apparently completely deaf to irony in his own words, Limbaugh made a snide reference to Ford’s drug problem before taking aim at his obesity:

Now, this is the guy who admitted he got drunk and, what, he smoked crack?

Yeah, he smoked it in a "drunken stupor," and he refuses to resign, and they’re trying to strip his powers as mayor away. His brother’s backing him up, but he won’t quit.  He’s a big, obese guy. He looks like Goldfinger with about, oh, 50 or 60 extra pounds, maybe a hundred extra pounds or whatever.


Talk about the pot and the kettle! That’s sooooooo Republican!

From NY Times: In an alarming 5-to-4 ruling, the Supreme Court turned away an emergency application to block a new Texas law that is impeding access to safe and legal abortion care in the state. The ruling leaves in place an order by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit that allowed the law go into effect while it considers an appeal.

This is is a complete sham from the Fascist Five Republican Injustices of SCROTUS, the source of Constitutional VD! Once the clinics are closed, and the employees gone, it will be to late, and all the other services, let alone abortion,  those clinics have provided to women will also be gone.

From MSNBC: Two of my favorite ladies discuss what Democrats want.

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For far too long Democrats have been on the defensive from Republican assaults on earned entitlements. Every compromise has moved the center further to the right, so today the center is way to the right of where the left was fifty years ago. It’s time to start going on offense and move the center back toward where it used to be. For those of you who think there is no difference between the parties. This is why you are mistaken.



Nov 212013

I’m writing for tomorrow and hurrying to get this, tomorrow’s only article, done before going for my eligibility interview for point-to-point disability transit.  Unless things change, moving day is 12/11, and the movers I’m hiring will do most of the work.  Financially I won’t be hit overly hard by this, because I have been delaying gratification on things I wanted, and at times needed, for a couple of years to bury money in my kitty box to make this happen.  Fantasy football players, don’t forget to be set for the Thursday night game.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:53 (average 4:58).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From UpworthyWhat’s It Really Like To Be Transgender? Raw Answers To The Questions You’ve Been Too Nervous To Ask


Kudos to Johnnyboyxo. Sie has a more authentic sense of self than any Republican hatemonger.

From MSNBC: Republicans abandon the facts to bash Obama.

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Rachel can call it Obama Derangement Syndrome, but I’ll call it the hypocrisy of TEAbuggery. Obama may have omitted God, but it must have been edited into the Gettysburg address, because the earliest versions also omit it.  Republicans, however, omit God from Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity.

From NY Times: Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader, is prepared to move forward with a vote that could severely limit the minority party’s ability to filibuster presidential nominees, possibly as early as this week, Democrats said Tuesday.

Exasperated with the refusal of Senate Republicans to confirm many of President Obama’s nominees, Mr. Reid has been speaking individually with members of his caucus to gauge whether there is enough support to change filibuster rules.

On at least three previous occasions the Senate votes to Nuke the Republican Filibastards have been there. The last time Republicans withdrew the filibuster on several nominees, including the head of the CFPB. The two times before that, Leg Hound Harry made a gentlemen’s agreement with Republicans that lasted less than a month, before Republicans broke their promise.  Senate Republicans are happy to promise on their honor, because most have none.



Nov 202013

I’m writing for tomorrow, and as I trust you gathered from the lead article, it finally came together on my new place.  As a result, my schedule will be quite erratic over the next month, and I may or may not be blogging on any given day, with or without notice.  Tomorrow I will be going for my disabled transit interview. Friday I will be getting the key and undergoing the whole rental process at the building owner’s office.  From there I will go to the building, measure, and check out a few more details.  Saturday and Sunday I will be planning what to buy and what will go where.  Next week I will be making like a Republican: spend, spend, spend! For the next two weeks, I shall be there during the day on and off to get deliveries and arrange things.  Shortly after the 1st, I’ll be moving the most difficult thing: me and my kitty box.  Then I will have a load of things to do like get new checks change my ID, update my voter registration, and change my address with a boatload of people with whom I do business.  then there are the hundreds of things I haven’t thought of yet.  If I got this busy digging in my kitty box, I’d hit China!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:07 (average 4:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the latest from our own fantast football league, Lefty Blog Friends.



Denver played a very conservative offensive game to protect Manning from the Chiefs’ powerful defense.  Winning the game and keeping him healthy was worth the fantasy loss.



I’m two games out again.

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: A Famous Columnist Has Trouble Defining Racism. Colbert Eats Him For Dinner.

The Colbert Report
Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Video Archive

Richard Cohen is not a GOP racist, the Pope is not Catholic, and bears never, ever shit in the woods!

From YouTube: Sarah Silverman To Chris Hayes: I Think Vaginas Really, Really Scare People.


I’ll say one thing for certain! The one on Wendy Davis sure scares the Republican Party!!

From MSNBC: TEAbuggering ObamaCare at the state level

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Don’t be a vicious Koch Sucker Support ObamaCare, dump Republicans, and then, support Medicare for all.



Version 2 is long past due!!

Nov 192013

Lets make one thing clear.  Republicans do not object to government spending. If fact, they love to spend YOUR money on such things as financing the cost of moving YOUR jobs to third world countries where Vulture Capitalists can exploit workers to rake in more profit, which they then keep offshore so YOU get to pay their share  of taxes too.  To increase welfare for the rich, Republicans are about to impoverish 1.3 million Americans right away and up to 4.8 Million next year.

1119WelfareRecipientsUnless Congress acts, during the last week of December an estimated 1.3 million people will lose access to an emergency program providing them with additional weeks of jobless benefits. A further 850,000 will be denied benefits in the first quarter of 2014.

Congressional Democrats and the White House, pointing to the sluggish recovery and the still-high jobless rate, are pushing once again to extend the period covered by the unemployment insurance program. But with Congress still far from a budget deal and still struggling to find alternatives to the $1 trillion in long-term cuts known as sequestration, lawmakers say the chances of an extension before Congress adjourns in two weeks are slim.

As a result, one of the largest stimulus measures passed during the recession is likely to come to an end, and jobless workers in many states are likely to receive considerably fewer weeks of benefits.

In all, as many as 4.8 million people could be affected by expiring unemployment benefits through 2014, estimated Gene Sperling, President Obama’s top economic adviser… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Photo credit: Washington Liberals

While millionaires, billionaires, and corporate criminals have more than enough wealth snake-holed away in offshore tax havens to more than pay the entire national debt.  Yet those same people $2 billion on government welfare for every $1 billion to help ALL poor people, not just the unemployed.  So why are they doing this?

Republicans represent millionaires, billionaires and corporate criminals.

They do NOT represent YOU!!
