Sep 292013

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 107.  Yesterday’s meeting was a good one, and I have enough Chinese food leftovers to feed me all day.  We have a heavy wind and rain alert for today and tomorrow.  I may just go out and bask in it.  It’s a slow news day, as the stories dominating the news are ones I’ve already been hitting hard.  How do you like today’s cartoon?

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:22 (average 6:17).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: The Simplest Explanation Of Obamacare. Ever.


Overall, this is a good explanation that covers both ObamaCare’s strengths and weaknesses, which the strengths outweigh by a huge margin. I’m glad they are taxing tanning services. Not only does their UV radiation increase the risk of cancer, but also, at last Speaker John "Agent Orange" Boehner (R-OH) will finally pay a few pennies for his health care.

From The New Yorker: In a blockbuster documentary to be broadcast tonight, the Fox News Channel alleges that Obamacare is “little more than a thinly veiled scheme to force Americans to live longer.”

The documentary, called “The Ugly Truth About Obamacare,” claims that President Obama “is cynically using the health-care law to achieve his true objective: raising the life expectancy of Americans without their consent.”

“In America, how long you live has always been your own business,” says the documentary’s narrator, Sean Hannity. “Under Obamacare, though, it’s the government’s business—a government that wants you to live as long as humanly possible.”

The documentary lays out a nightmare scenario of Americans being saddled with sky-high life expectancies for years to come…

I bet it’s a dirty Socialist Kenyan Muslim conspiracy to delay our angelic Banksters from getting eternal dividends from Republican Supply-side Jesus!! EEK!!!! 😉 (Republican Supply-side Jesus is the polar opposite of the real one.)

From NY Times: The Senate on Friday approved stopgap spending legislation to keep the federal government open without gutting President Obama’s health care law, putting new pressure on Speaker John A. Boehner to find a way out of an impasse that had the government on a steady course to a shutdown at midnight Monday.

This is proceeding exactly as I said it would. I think Boehner will puff-up, posture, threaten, bluster, maybe even allow a very short shutdown, spelunk, and go have a another drink. He knows a longer shutdown will hurt his party, and he still has the Debt Ceiling Limit as a fallback position for Republican terrorism and sedition.




  28 Responses to “Open Thread–9/29/2013”

  1. Love the cartoon – yesterday I was watching a repeat of the BBC's satirical news programme 'Have I Got News For You' – and it was from the American Election – and they showed that gorgeous photo of a huge poster of Rmoney's face – and a large black and white dog relieving himself on it – I howled with laughter! 

  2. 4:29 Take 1 day off from the puzzles and I get caught up in the railings.

  3. Upworthy ~ Your new news source is a very worthy one. Agent Orange probably has his own tanning bed at home.

    New Yorker ~ Andy, You forgot about the "Death Panels".

    NY Times ~ It's business as usual in the House with Agent Orange in charge.

    Cartoon ~ Love it!



  4. ~ 6:28

    The time has come for insurance to pay for health care or, work for a living… 💡

  5. Ummm….It has occurred to me on more than one occasion that the when the republicans say they want to expand insurance exchanges for all states to participate they are doing nothing more than usurping the idea from Obama care.  Cut the horse feathers and long winded rhetoric and Republican or Democrat the goals are similar ideas.  If this were McCain care or Romney care, there would would still be crazy talk from the tea bags, but the Republicans would put on their Big Boy pants and shut it down.

    This will happen and it will happen because this country needs for it to happen.  Nether the citizens nor the government can afford to continue the way things have been.  In time I have no doubt, Republicans will call this the ACA, and the term Obama care will fade from their collective memory. Will simply be a brilliant idea stolen from the Republicans and if that makes the warm at night, who cares.

    • Kitty, what they are after is considerably different from that.  Virtually all the regulations on healkh insurance companies has been at the state level.  Some stated have strong regulations to protect the insured.  Some have virtually none.  Allowing insurance companies to sell across state lines lets them operate from that states with virtually no regulations into the states woth good regulations and evade those regulations.

  6. 5:16, only possible for me because of all the circles.

    Cartoon – yes indeed.  I hear it's better to be pissed off than pissed on – but having to be both can't be good.

  7. The problem our country faces from the extortionists Teahadist can be summed up:

    Taking one person hostage is kidnapping.

    Taking one hundred people hostage is terrorism.

    Taking an entire country hostage is just day-to-day right-wing Republican politics.

    And even Pres. Abraham Lincoln would call out his own Party on it, as he did in his Cooper Union speech:

    LINCOLN: "Your purpose, then, plainly stated, is that you will destroy the Government, unless you be allowed to construe and enforce the Constitution as you please, on all points in dispute between you and us. You will rule or ruin in all events."


    On a lighter note, WRT the Cartoon, I just so happen to have a GIF of a much younger Ted Cruz spending some quality time with his dog …

  8. TC, bet cartoon ever!

    Upworthy;;;; I posted this to Facebook, it clearly explains what we can expect.

    New Yorker, Andy is a hoot.

    I hope enough people are all ready paying attention to the destruction these idiots are causing.  The government shutdown will harm a lot of people, but not nearly as many as a refusal to raise the debt ceiling

  9. Puzzle — 4:25 That pussy cat eluded me!  What will Jerry do now?  Will we be sent to the deep end of the cat box or be crunched?

    Upworthy — Not bad at all!  Something else that should be mandatory viewing (with attendance taken) for Republicanus/Teabagger politicians to view, followed by a test.  Although my comment implies that The Republicanus/Teabaggers don't know or understand Obamacare, I think they understand it just fine.  They don't want the people to understand it so that they can wreck havoc on the country and blame Obama.  There's that "blacktracking" again!

    The New Yorker — Andy is so spot on!  Obamacare versus Republicare.  Longer healthier life versus the Republicare death benefit.

    NY Times — I think it will take Boehner falling off his bar stool to get people to realise just what the Republicanus/Teabaggers are up to.  The Republicanus/Teabagger shenanigans over a possible government shutdown and the debt ceiling is something that the country should not have to endure.  The Republicanus/Teabaggers are proving that they don't give a rat's ass about anything other than their own political careers.  Can you imagine what this situation would look like if the big money was taken out of politics?  The people's business would be in the forefront where it should be!

    Cartoon — The elephant is mainly red, which only goes to show that the dog has absolutely no taste! Having said that, I hope the dog doesn't get any social diseases from the splash back!

  10. Well I rushed home to finish the articles.  I was at my mother's tonight instead of Saturday night because today is her birthday.  She turned 85 today so I took a cake, what we call a Chinese cake, up to her place.  It is a very light 2 layer white cake with whip cream and fruit between the layers, iced in whipped cream and then decorated with fruit on top.  We lit 2 candles on top but I had to blow them out before the cake became a roman candle.  Mother no longer understands the concept of blowing out the candles.  So her table mates and the staff had some birthday cake.  I also took a fruit platter up for the staff because they work so hard and are so good to mum and all the residents.  Mum was very teary eyed today.  I think she was having some moments of greater clarity when she doesn't like the situation she is in.  But it is so hard to tell because she cannot express herself.  But she was also a bit agitated.  My brother sent her some beautiful yellow cut flowers which I continually pointed out to her.  After dinner, we listened to some music and the dancing started.  She and the others enjoyed that.  Perhaps her dampened spirits are from the weather, even though she doesn't realise what is happening.  We've had big Pacific storms with 100 km/hour winds, 8 cm  (3 inches) of rain, and flooding. Barametric pressure changes can create havoc with people's health.  Even all the evening ferries were cancelled.

    I hope some of you will have a glass of wine for my mother since she can no longer have wine, even though I think she might still enjoy the taste.

    Happy Birthday momma!

    • Happy borthday Momma indeed!  I'd be bledded to make it to 85.  Kudos again.  Your mpm, the other residentrs, and the staff are damn fortunate to have you around.

      As for the storm we are sharing here, I'm loving it!

    • Lynn, if I had read this earlier, I would have had the glass of wine for your Mum. Bless you for all your care of her. 

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