I’m writing for tomorrow, day 99, and hoping for some rest today as stuck on stupid neighbor and guitar man tag teamed my sleep yesterday. The honcho from the company that owns the building and the agent from the county are meeting today, so hopefully I should know next week and may be able to move as soon as next month.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:22 (average 4:56). It reminded me of Congress :-( To do it. click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: Saying he was “sorry it had to come to this,” Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said today that he was forming an “independent search committee” to select a new Pope.
The visibly upset jurist appeared at a press conference with the sole other member of the newly formed search committee, Justice Clarence Thomas.
Justice Scalia said he had “no other alternative” but to pick a new Pope himself after reading what he called a “disturbing” interview with Pope Francis today: “The Pope said he doesn’t want to speak out against abortion and gay marriage. Well, sorry, my friend, but that’s the entire job description. You should have thought of that before you let them blow that white smoke in Rome.”
Dang! Has Andy stopped satirizing and started reporting?
From Daily Kos: MSNBC host Chuck Todd said Wednesday that when it comes to misinformation about the new federal health care law, don’t expect members of the media to correct the record.
During a segment on "Morning Joe," former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell (D) speculated that most opponents of the Affordable Care Act have been fed erroneous information about the law. Todd said that Republicans "have successfully messaged against it" but he disagrees with those who argue that the media should educate the public on the law. According to Todd, that’s President Barack Obama’s job.
This is a host on the channel Republicans say is 100% librul. Since when is informing the public, as to what is true and what isn’t, not the job of the fourth estate? Hat-Tip to Patty for Credo’s petition to NBC about Todd.
From MSNBC: Ed Schultz reveals the Republican heart.
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I’m pleased to report that not one single Democrat goose-stepped with the Republican Party’s War on the Poor. Every penny Democrats spend on hungry children is a penny Republicans can’t give to a billionaire. As for the Republican heart, there is none. In effect they are saying that to take away poor people’s subsistence will lead them to economic success, in the same way they seem to think that taking away their health care will lead them to good health. The bill passed the House.
17 Responses to “Open Thread–9/21/2013”
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Loved the New Yorker article – as you say TC – satire at risk of becoming fact! Have already signed the Daily Kos petition – hooray for Patty! The media should find out facts – they should not report gossip and rumour as fact and should be prosecuted if they do!
Thanks Pat. I thinl parroting lise should cost them their licenses.
3:57 I think I am going to the dogs today.
3:07 Well Congress may be a lame duck, but I think I was going along quite well! So who will make me look more like a Congressional duck?
Bigfooted or Mashed?
3:44 Big-footed, Mashed & then Crunched!
This duck reminded me of an evil clown (RepubliCon).
Me too, Patty!
Puzzle — 3:07 Well Congress may be a lame duck, but I think I was going along quite well! So who will make me look more like a Congressional duck?
The New Yorker — Why doesn't Scalia just apply for the position of Pope himself? He could
screwer . . . influence more people that way instead of just the US. Love AB!The Daily Kos — In Canada, news journalists by law are required to print the truth if they are certain of the facts, and at least do their best to uncover the truth. News is not opinion. That's why Fox News is not allowed in Canada — their "news" is at best opinion, and often outright lies. Here is an interesting piece from 2011 by Robert F Kennedy, Jr http://mwcnews.net/focus/politics/9037-fox-news-lies-keep-them-out-of-canada.html Also, The Young Turks had a short piece on whether the Canada Radio Act was appropriate for the US. I tend to disagree for the most part with Cenk on this one.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKINJokd9lg
"But, hey, that's not Chuck's fault. It's not his job to, you know, report on things and explain them and clear up misinformation. Because that means research, sifting through facts, figuring out which ones are real and which ones are made up. You know, work."
Maybe Chuck Todd should be replaced by Rachel Maddow! BTW, Rachel should also keep her own programme as her clarity is deeply needed in the sea of, at best, mediocrity that passes for US news.
Petition signed yesterday.
MSNBC — I swear Ed was positively apoplectic! Eeee-haw!!!!!
Bill O'Lielly: "He's encouraging parasites." (in reference to Mr Obama)
Eric Cantor: "I understand people's frustration . . . " (No he doesn't!!) Then later on the House floor "There is dignity in work, and I'm supporting this bill today because I want to see, as I know all of us do, more success stories like Sherry's. And the reforms made in this bill will put people on the path to self-sufficiency and independence."
In response to Cantor, there is dignity in work. But how many of those on food stamps recipients are elderly, disabled and unable to work, children whose 'work' is going to school to get an education, people that are working 2 jobs and still can't earn enough to be above the poverty line? Cutting food stamps to society's most vulnerable will not put them on the path to self-sufficiency and independence. What it will do is put the vulnerable into the RepubliCare line!
I applaud the Democrat who made mention of the cuts and then referenced the farm subsidies to wealthy farmers. One of those is a Republicanus/Teabagger. He, his father and brother have all received millions in crop subsidies, yet he would vote against SNAP and for continued subsidies to wealthy farmers.
So the House approved the bill, but now for the senate where I trust it will be stomped on.
Cartoon — I wonder if J R R Tolkien envisioned the success of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings would enjoy, particularly in its cinematic form. I wonder what he would say if he were to sit down and watch his stories come to life on the big screen?
Don't quack-up nos!
Once upon a time, the US was the same way as Canada, but the regulated learned that they could become the regulators too, shange the rules, and safely say whatever will nit offend their corporate sponsors. Sadly Chuck Todd and Dick Gregory have become the norm, while Rachel, Chris, Ed, and Lawrence are the exceptions. We need media to become the fourth estate again.
I trust it will.
He lives until 1973, and was forwards thinking enough that he couls probably imaging the technologt to become, but I still think the qualitgy of the Trilogy would amaze him.
How did you do? 4:58
A Catholic myself, I kinda like this pope… What is this religion demanded to tow the party line?
Within 40 seconds of me.
I ;ike this Pope MUCH better than the last.
Chucky Effing Todd was channeling his fellow NBC RepubliKKKan sycophant, Dancing Dave Raps-with-Rove Gregory who infamously opined:
If great minds fall in the came ditch, it follows that small minds fall in the same sewer, which you demonstrated quite well.
Bevor es zu spät ist – Glücklich Oktoberfest.!
Es beginnt heute.
I know it seems odd to us, but Oktoberfest basically runs from late September through the first weekend in October. Today it began!
The New Yorker, I know this is satire, but he has the hubris to try anything.
I signed credo's petition and shared it on FB. If journalists are not to report facts, then they, in fact are not journalists.
Cantor cannot possibly understand people's frustration. Daily Kos has another petition to shame the REpublicans who are taking food out of childrens mouths.
The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings are my favorite books.
Bingo, Edie!
Thanks! Amen!
I've signed it.
L loved them, nut loved Asimov's two Fooudation Trilogies more.