Dump Clapper

 Posted by at 12:57 am  Politics
Aug 112013

I have not become very involved in writing about the surveillance issue, because I am not comfortable taking stands on issues I know very little about, and the problem is that there is so little transparency that the people who want to know more, can’t.  I do have some thoughts on the matter, and what I think will be a good starting point.

11.ClapperWith the conviction of Bradley Manning and asylum granted to Edward Snowden in Russia, it may be time to turn attention away from the controversy over their actions and toward the government—specifically, the intelligence community. Whatever ultimate judgment is leveled on Manning’s or Snowden’s actions, they have raised real questions about the ways that the United States gathers, uses and classifies information.

The first order of business is to restore a semblance of democratic order within the government itself. Somehow amid the hunt for Snowden and the trial of Manning, the misconduct of James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, has seemingly been excused. But if the actions of Manning and Snowden required prosecution, then what Clapper did deserves investigation and censure at the very least.

Testifying on surveillance by the National Security Agency last March, Clapper appeared at a Senate committee hearing where Senator Ron Wyden asked: “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?”

“No, sir,” Clapper replied. The he added:“Not wittingly.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Truthdig>

Rachel Maddow covered the surveillance in her opening segment.

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I agree with Obama concerning the Olympics, but I support moving them out of Russia.   I agree with him on health care and immigration reform, except that both need to go further.

I agree with him that the unPATRIOT Act needs to be changed. I agree that the FISA court needs to be reformed. However, Congress must make those reforms, and this Republican House may not do so.

On drones, I respect that he will not answer questions about why certain terrorists were targeted.  Whatever they were doing that gave them away, it’s best that Al Qaeda not be told what is was, so they can stop doing it.

I understand that, if Obama does not use the national security tools the law has given him, a national security failure would result in Republicans taking power, and they would convert the US into a totalitarian Regime like North Carolina, aka McCrorystan.  Therefore. we must change the law.

I do want more evidence that these powers are not being abused.  Although I tend to think that Obama is not knowingly abusing them.  Some of his appointees and/or nonpartisan career employees may be, and I have no doubt that a Republican President would.  Clapper did abuse them.   He intentionally lied to the Senate of the United States, when asked for transparency. He and any other federal official found to be abusing the law should be immediately terminated, and the abuse investigated.


  10 Responses to “Dump Clapper”

  1. I agree with you TC – Mr Clapper did indeed abuse his powers – and is still abusing them as are all our security agencies if we can believe anything.  I am very glad that at long last the President has said that there should be a Special Advocate to be able to put the other side in the secret courts to rule on secret surveillance – the fact that there was never a dissenting voice is very very troubling.  Who would provide that voice … – a civil liberties organisation?  Rachel Maddow as always VERY worth watching – thanks TC!

  2. Thanks TC agree with you on everything – although i'm far more respectful and thankful for the two whistle-blowers that have benn responsible for prompting discussion and urgency on the matters of domestic surveillance and war attrocities comitted in my name – it's a first step very late in coming! As for congress – is there a congress? Clapper – is an ugh as well!

    gotta love RM!

    • Thanks Lee.  I'm respectful and thankful to Manning, but not to Snowden.  Manning leaked out of concern for the nation and took responsibility for his actions.  Snowden sought a position from which he could leak, for self aggrandizement, sold us out to Russia, and evaded responsibility for his actions.  What Manning did was civil disobedience.  What Snowden did was sedition.  With Snowden, I do not praise wrongdoing, just because something good came as a one of the results.  Otherwise, I fully agree.

  3. A respected nonpartisan watchdog outfit, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, is urging the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation of Clapper. That isn’t a bad idea, although the Senate itself also ought to perform its own probe when a ranking official it has confirmed does what Clapper did. As for the president, he might regain some of the public confidence forfeited on this issue—as well as some of the international prestige lost in the NSA blowup—if he simply asked Clapper to resign.

    Dump Clapper in the crapper!  Has a certain ring, doesn't it!

  4. We would not have heard this from the President if Snowden had not revealed what NSA was doing.  These agencies take a life of their own, and they don't care whose rights they violate. I wish Snowden had stayed to face the music, but he didn't . Clapper lied to Congress, isn't that illegal?  Why hasn't the president all ready asked for his resignation based on that alone. 

  5. “No, sir,” Clapper replied. The he added:“Not wittingly.”… [emphasis added]

    Clapper should be entered into the Witt-less protection program… 🙂

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