I’m back from my errand, and the apartment is beginning to heat up. I’m worn out from the heat, so I am limiting myself to this Open Thread.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:04 (average 4:37). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From Upworthy (H/T Pat from Care2 and the UK):
I’m not at all surprised that this generated hate mail from Republicans, Banksters and vulture capitalists. That is how they normally respond to the truth. It’s interesting that highly inequitable distribution of wealth actually contributes to the drive for Republicans to make it even more inequitable.
From NY Times: Individuals buying health insurance on their own will see their premiums tumble next year in New York State as changes under the federal health care law take effect, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced on Wednesday.
State insurance regulators say they have approved rates for 2014 that are at least 50 percent lower on average than those currently available in New York. Beginning in October, individuals in New York City who now pay $1,000 a month or more for coverage will be able to shop for health insurance for as little as $308 monthly. With federal subsidies, the cost will be even lower.
What they won’t get is the RepubliCare Death Benefit or the free coat hanger for women.
From Right Wing Watch: Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies is warning House Republicans that a third party may emerge if they don’t block immigration reform. While speaking to Sandy Rios of the American Family Association yesterday, Krikorian maintained that while it is right for Republicans to “fear” that “amnesty and increased immigration will import lots of Democratic voters,” the more immediate problem for the GOP is a third party.
Republicans, please pay attention to this wise man. A third party is clearly the path for Republicans to follow… in my wildest wet dream!
24 Responses to “Open Thread–7/18/2013”
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As most of you have heard, Liz Cheney (Dick's daughter) has decided to run for the Senate seat as an interloping carpetbagger in Wyoming. This confirms two of my long-held beliefs:
[1] Sociopathic character is an inherited trait
… And its corollary:
[2] The turd doesn't fall from the a$$hole
WRT the cartoon, there was a powerful Photoshopped picture depicting the impact if the races of Trayvon and Zimmerman were reversed.
Amen to 1 and 2.
That would have also reversed the verdict.
3:20 The dragon must have gotten me.
3:17 As a dragon on the Chinese zodiac, you'd think I could get a little closer!
2:57 I think I am dragon all of you along behind me.
Dang! Crunched by a Critter in drag(on). 😉
Hey! I resemble that comment.
Cartoon ~ I don't doubt it.
It wild be almost impossible for the Republican base to vote against someone who has actually murdered one.
Puzzle — 3:17 As a dragon on the Chinese zodiac, you'd think I could get a little closer!
Upworthy — Very, very interesting! Thanks Pat for bringing this to our attention. When I would drive to work, I noticed that often BMWs, Lexus', and Mercedes' would whizz by me, cut me off, and generally not think the rules of the road were made for them. And of course, I'd cuss them out from the safety of my car. Now I know there is science behind this behaviour. But I will still cuss them out!
"It’s interesting that highly inequitable distribution of wealth actually contributes to the drive for Republicans to make it even more inequitable." The insatiable thirst for more!
NY Times — Good on New York! I wonder how long it will take Republicanus/Teabaggers to try and counter that?!
Right Wing Watch — Do it right, split the right!
Cartoon — I had to snicker a bit because I read that Zimmerman wants to go to law school so he can help others that are in his shoes. The legal profession will certainly take a hit if that happens!
Don't dragons have big wings and small feet? 😉
Way back when I used to have a lot of money, I used to feeu uncomfortable over the added deference I got due to it. I used to lie and say I was a worker, not the boss.
Amen. The way they always counter such things is with lies.
If he really wants to help people like him, h should pursue a doctorate pyschiarty.
Well I have big feet . . . so there is an exception to every rule!
A pyschiatrist? Hmmm . . . then his first patient could be himself! Perish the thought that he might be called on as an expert, but in such a world, that might just happen.
Two BIG exceptions! 😉
On Faux Noise, he gets to be an expert at whatever he wants to be. He's now the head of the lynch mob.
Cartoon: Are you sure that this infommercial is correct? Shouldn't it be an informmercial or an advertisment for this man as a lurker behind you, waiting for the right moment to latch onto you… Red Flag! Red Flag!
Isn't that what Republican Congressmen do?
The study did not surprise me. The few friends I have who inherited money all seem to feel more deserving than those who have worked for what they have, are more apt to be Republicans, and more apt to hate Obama.
My rfesponse to wealth was the exact opposite.
I hope you get your new apartment soon!
Thanks Edie. I should know within a couple weeks.
They feel entitled but the truth is they put they're pants on one leg at a time just like I… 🙂
Unless your Gov Scott is wearing a dress. 😉
I don't think Z. will be the next congressman. He'll remain largely in hiding for the rest of his life just like Terri Schiavo's homicidal husband. I think he'll become a part-time talking head on Fox, specializing in gun rights and Stand Your Ground murders of minorities. He'll whine frequently about his own experience. That is, of course, if his cousin does not file molestation charges against him. I sure hope she does. Supposedly, his parents watched while he molested her in the living room in front of the TV. Nice people (ugh!).
I don't really think he will either. While I doubt that it is truly necessary, I agree that he'll stay in hiding due to his own cowardice. If it's true, I hope she does too.